
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · Fantasy
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445 Chs


-----Yui's POV

Olivia: "Thank you for having us~"

Collin: "Mm! We'll bring over some food next time."

Violet nods along with her brother's words as they all begin to leave Luna's place.

Elira: "You don't have to."

William: "Yes! You're all are welcome anytime."

Olivia: "Gabriella?~"

But the same can't be said for one particular person.

Gabriella: "One more bite~"

She still seems to be eating what Elira had cooked for us, eating the leftovers that Violet didn't get to finish. Luna's mom doesn't seem that stressed about it, and in fact she looks pleased that Gabriella is enjoying her cooking this much, but Olivia looks to be quite embarrassed with Gabriella actions as she immediately went in to grab hold of her arm.

Olivia: "Come on~"

Gabriella: "Okay okay~"

She says while taking a chicken drumstick along with her. I can't help but laugh at the sight of those two. Before when we first met Gabriella, she was so hostile towards Olivia, but now look at them.

Luna: "They're like sisters, hehe."

Yui: "Haha. Would that make Olivia the older one then?"

Luna: "I think Olivia is actually younger? But yeah, she is looking like the older sister here."

It might be due to the fact that Gabriella has been staying with Olivia's family ever since we arrived in Yarene. So I can see how Olivia has taken up that role, although it is quite funny considering their past relationship.

Yui: "Hah~ But yeah. I'll head off now as well then."

Luna: "...Why don't you stay the night?"

Yui: "Hmm?"

Elira: "We have a spare bed for you."

I have to admit, it's a tempting offer. I was actually dreading going back to the mansion, sleeping away alone in my room, knowing that Kaede is now gone. But I still need to check up on Mell as well, so-

Luna: "You don't want to be alone, right?"

Yui: "Hah. I'm still easy to read."

Luna: "It's obvious."

Natalie: "I can let your mother know if you like."

Yui: "Thanks... But I'd like to make sure Mell is doing okay, so I'd like to go as well."

Luna: "But you'll be back, right?"

Yui: "Mm. I'll try to."

We share a smile before Natalie and I head over to the door.

Yui: "I'll be back soon."

Elira: "Take care~"

We take our leave as we close the door behind us. I can't help but heave a heavy sight now that I'm out here alone. It was so nice having everyone inside, talking about random stuff. It really helped to distract my brain. But now that I'm out here, my mind just immediately reverts back to thinking about Kaede and what she must be doing at this moment.

Natalie: "I can head to the mansion first while you see Mell?"

Yui: "Mm. Lets go with that."

And so, we walked together before eventually splitting up before the hill after 15 or so minutes of walking, with Natalie continuing uphill towards the mansion and me knocking on Kaede's door. It didn't take too long for the door to open as Sicily greeted me.

Sicily: "Oh? Yui?"

Yui: "Yes. I just came to stop on by to check on Mell. How's she holding up?"

Sicily: "Ah... Yeah, she's... Not doing so well."

She didn't even need to tell me that since I had already gathered as much just from her dreary expression. I end up coming inside, closing the door as I look over in the lounge room where I noticed Mell cuddled up next to Lillian. But almost as if sensing my presence, Mell shoots her head up before locking eyes directly with me. Her tear stained face almost brought me to tears right then and there, but I honestly don't think I have any more in me. Plus, now is not the time for that. I need to comfort Mell, although looking at her, it seems like Lillian already has it covered.

Mell: "Yui-"

In a blink of an eye, almost as if she teleported, she flung herself into me, burying her face into my chest. It's still shocking to see Mell this tall when she acts like this, but that doesn't matter. I immediately begin to pat her head, trying to soothe her in anyway that I can.

Yui: "It's okay."

Mell: "You have mom's smell."

Yui: "Huh?"

Mell: "Mmm."

I have, Kaede's smell? I mean, we have slept together numerous times, and we did hug earlier when she left. I guess she's still smelling her mom's lingering scent on me. But wait. Wouldn't Lillian also have Kaede's scent? I wasn't the only one she hugged.

Mell: "It's not as strong, but It's still comforting..."

Could she be smelling Kaede's blood that's inside me? But Kaede didn't take notice of that before. But I guess she didn't really have a taste for her own blood anyways, so maybe she's unaware of it? I feel like I'm right in thinking so as it does explain why she just immediately rushed up to me like this before burying her face in me.

Yui: "I'll try my best."

I continue to stroke my fingers through her hair as she slowly soften her grasp around me. But now I'm left in a little predicament... I just said that I'd return to Luna, but now I also don't want to part with Mell, especially after seeing her like this. I can even feel some of her tears leaking out onto my shirt despite her not making any sounds of crying.

Yui: "...You think I can take Mell with me to Luna's place for the night?"

Sicily: "Huh?!"

Lillian: "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Fleur: "Being surrounded by humans is quite difficult. I've gotten better, but I'm not sure about Mell."

Yui: "Hmm. I think we'll be okay."

I gently pat Mell on her head as I say that. If what I'm thinking is true, then maybe Mell will be too distracted from Kaede's smell on me to even bother noticing Luna and the others' smell.

Fleur: "You sure?"

Yui: "Mm! So? What do you say, Mell? Want to come with me for the night?"

Mell: "Yes..."

I feel her tighten her grip on my clothes as I end up smiling from her cuteness.

Faye: "Mmm. What's happening?"

Suddenly, Faye trotted around the corner, now joining the conversation. Fleur then fills Faye on what's happening and at first she was shocked, but I reassured her that everything'll be okay.

Yui: "I made a promise to Kaede to keep Mell safe."

Faye: "Hah~ Okay. But just for the night, okay?"

Yui: "Thank you."

I take a moment to grab Kaede's blanket from her room, hoping that this'll comfort Mell even more, before leaving the house with Mell. I notice that Natalie has also come back at the perfect time as we soon meet back up.

Natalie: "Your mother said it's okay. But, is Mell also coming?"

Yui: "Yes. Don't worry. It'll be fine."

Natalie: "Alright, hehe."

Mell has continued to cling onto me as we walk, getting a couple chuckles out of Natalie in the process.

We slowly make our way back to Luna's place as Luna immediately opened the door the instant after I knocked, almost as if she'd been waiting at the door for me to come back.

Luna: "Welcome back~ Oh? Mell?"

Yui: "Is it okay for her to stay the night? She can sleep with me."

Luna: "Oh, yeah. Of course! Come on in."

Once we walked inside, Luna went to fill her parents in with the situation with Mell while Mell and I take a seat in the living room. I take out Kaede's blanket from the bag before wrapping it around the both of us as Mell quickly relaxes next to me. It's still too early for me to sleep, but I can feel my eyes grow heavy just seeing Mell like this. She's so relaxed as if she can just sleep right now. Wait, maybe she's already asleep? Her eyes are already closed...

Elira: "Aw~ So is this, Mell?"

She spoke in a hushed voice after noticing us on the living room. I guess this would be the first time they met so I give her a small head nod in response.

Yui: "Mm. Kaede's daughter."

Elira: "Is she also..."

Yui: "Yeah. She's a vampire too. But don't worry. It should be okay."

It was a bit of a gamble on my end, but seeing Mell still relaxed up against me like this, breathing softly, it makes me relived knowing that this didn't turn into a house of horrors.

Elira: "I wasn't all too worried since I trust your judgement, Ellen. But oh my~ She's quite adorable isn't she?"

Yui: "She is."

Elira: "Want me to make you something hot to drink?"

Yui: "If it's not too troublesome."

Elira: "Of course not. I'll be right back."

She leaves us as I gently brush away some of Mell's hair that have slipped over her face. And as if tag teaming with her mom, Luna comes into the living room before sitting down next to me, opposite of Mell.

Luna: "She's really grown."

Yui: "Ah right. You've met Mell before, right?"

Luna: "Briefly, yeah. It was when you reunited with Kaede."

Yui: "But didn't you see her at that dinner party as well? And also at the beach that time?"

Luna: "Ah, yeah I suppose you're right, hehe. I've just recently been remembering that night is all..."

I'll never forget that night. Seeing Kaede for the first time in all those years, after thinking that I'd never see her again. And despite all that, she's now gone out to fight in that war. Of course I'd be thinking about that night as well.

Luna: "I was thinking maybe we could sleep together, but I guess that'd be hard with Mell now in the picture."

Yui: "We could think of something. I was honestly thinking of sharing a room with you as well."

Luna: "R-really?"

Yui: "Mm. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Luna: "Mhmm... I'll arrange something later then. But I shouldn't disturb Mell any longer."

Yui: "You're fine~ See? She's already sound asleep."

I take a moment to gently move a part of the blanket to expose Mell's face to Luna. Her eyes softly closed as the only sounds that could be heard now are her soft breathing sounds along with minor clatter coming from the kitchen.

Luna: "Pretty."

Yui: "Yeah."

I wonder if vampires have just a certain "charm" to them. Like even I'm appreciating Mell's beauty like this. She might not be doing it intentionally, but it seems like she's already captivated both Luna and her mother soon after arriving here. I wonder how this night will play out?