
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · Fantasy
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445 Chs


I couldn't think straight throughout all of yesterday. The thought of Kaede being here was all that was on my mind. After telling Alice and Nick about my past, I asked to know where Kaede was, but they had no answer, saying that she ran away somewhere; but they did say that the last place she was spotted was Maemont. The idea of Kaede being there, a place where I was not too long ago frustrated me. "What if we passed each other?" So many thoughts filled my mind as my heart felt like it would burst at any moment. I wanted to find her, but I have to stay here at the academy. The weekend was coming up tomorrow so maybe I could ask to leave for a day, to see what I could find in Maemont.

Luna: "Are you sure you're okay?"

Ellen: "I'm fine"

I felt bad for Luna. We weren't dating yet, but it wasn't fair to her. When we first heard of Kaede's name, I could see the look in her face; she was shocked, but I also saw her eyes watering up; her heart was probably wanting to burst just like mine. I held hands with her whist we sat at our desks, her hand squeezing mine tightly.

We were currently in the later portion of today's class, but neither of us were concentrating as the sound of Kendal talking was just white noise, with the sound of the bell finally breaking me out from my thoughts as I immediately shot up my hand.

Kendal: "What is it Ellen?"

Ellen: "I'd like permission to leave the academy tomorrow for the weekend."

Kendal: "If it's to do some shopping then that will be fine. But you have to be back before the 10pm curfew. Otherwise you'll be locked out from the academy."

Ellen: "Understood, thank you!"

I look to Luna as her face looked as if she would cry any second, as if she knew what my intention was.

Back in our rooms after finishing class, we toss our bags to the side before collapsing onto our beds.

Luna: "Your going to Maemont right?"

Ellen: "Yes. I need to know"

Luna: "..."

I could see a single tear drip off from her cheek as her head hung down. Seeing her like this brings me more pain on top of the pain I'm already feeling. I promised I would keep her happy, and not have her cry, but here I am, doing just that.

Ellen: "T-this hurts me just as much you know-"

Luna: "I know..."

More tears started to fall from her cheeks. I couldn't stand to see her like this any longer, as I get up from my bed to immediately join her, pushing her onto her back with me above her. Her face looking up at me in shock with her watery eyes.

Ellen: "I know this sucks. And a part of me wishes that I didn't hear that from Alice and Nick, but-"

Luna: "...If only I didn't ask for her name-"

She broke eye sight, turning her head to the side ass she spoke. It was true that she asked for her name, but how could we have known it would turn out like this. I felt a tear of my own dripping down, hitting her cheek as she turn to look at me once more.

Luna: "Y-you really do care for me-"

Ellen: "Of course I do!"

What kind of stupid question was that. Luna has been my friend, my first friend since I was 5, and now I even started to see her more than just a friend. How am I not meant to care about her.

Ellen: "I've liked you for the longest time... But I was too scared to make a move, thinking that you were only interested in guys. So it made me ecstatic when you expressed your feelings to me."

Her face remained still, as my tears continued to drip down onto her cheeks and shirt, listening to everything I had to say.

Ellen: "Which is why it hurts so much. I was just beginning to think I could get serious with you. I felt ready to leave my past behind, but it all changed yesterday after hearing her name..."

Luna: "...Ellen-"

My arms were getting weak before I eventually collapse on top of her, hiding my face to the side of hers.

Ellen: "...I'm praying that it isn't true. That its all just a coincidence. But I need to make sure, so I need to go."

Luna: "I'm coming with you then-"

Ellen: "No, you can't. I'm not even sure if I can make it back in time-"

Her hands wrapped around me, holding me in place on top of her. Her hands clenching onto my uniform, not wanting me to go.

Luna: "Remember what I said before we left for Maemont the first time? You're stuck with me. So I'm coming whether you like it or not"

Ellen: "...Okay-"

I wanted her to come with me, but I didn't want to be selfish and potentially ruin her chances at the academy. So hearing her say she'd come with me genuinely made me glad as I let out a deep exhale. I cling to the bed sheets as she continued to embrace me, releasing some of her grip but still keeping hold of my shirt. I'm not sure how long we remained like that, but I didn't want to say goodbye to this warmth.

Ellen: "Let's sleep on your bed this time"

Luna: "Mmm~"

The sun was still up, so we still had plenty of time before we needed to sleep, but laying like this on top of Luna felt too comfortable. I could sleep like this right now if I liked, but we do need to get changed and have dinner. So eventually, I got up from her. Her teary eyed face had all dried up as she gave me her famous smile like usual, alleviating some of the pain in my heart.

After we had dinner and took our showers, I decided to have another bath since tomorrow I most likely won't be able to find the time since Luna and I plan to leave early to Maemont. Soaking in the warmth, bubbly bath, my mind wanders, thinking of my past. I didn't want to believe that Kaede was actually here. If so then how? Did I not manage to kill that person? Did he also kill Kaede? I'm pretty sure he wasn't moving but my mind was hazy back then; there could be a chance he surprised her.

There is also the possibility that my attacker was also reborn in this world if Kaede also came here. My mind was filled with questions as a knock on the bathroom door broke me out from my thoughts.

Luna: "Can I use the bath after you?"

Ellen: "Ah, sure! I'll be out in just a moment~"

Honestly, the thought of asking Luna to join me in the bath did cross my mind, and maybe if I wasn't hung up on the fact that Kaede could actually be here, I probably would of asked her.

We finished our baths as we got ourselves ready for bed. This time, I was laying in Luna's bed with her. It felt less embarrassing than before as we smiled dearly at each other, with the only light in the bedroom now being the lamp, dimly lighting up the room.

Luna: "How early did we want to leave?"

Ellen: "Maybe whoever wakes up first can wake up the other? We can leave shortly after then"

Luna: "Mmm, sounds good~"

She looked genuinely happy; totally different to how we were earlier as seeing her like this only loosens the pain around my heart more.

Luna: "You look better"

Ellen: "It's because you're here"

I wrap my arms around her instinctively as we smile in each other's arms.

Luna: "Mmm~ I feel the same"

Slowly we fall asleep just like that. The sun had only just set so this was quite early for us to be sleeping, but the exhaustion from our hearts probably tired us out, especially with how much tears were shed. Now we were gently falling asleep, both of us looking forward for the next day as we bask in each other's warmth.