
A place where we belong

A story about a boy who has no reason to live.

Decoded_Talker · Realistic
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10 Chs

The boy and the abandoned house

As the boy wake up everyday he always thinks of the reasons why his still alive. The boy doesn't have any connection to the world since his family always fight and lie to one another, as he gets bullied in school he said "just an ordinary boring day". The boy started to wonder is his life has any meaning as he always walk home he always sees the city where no one knows him, his house where no one cared for him, and his family with no love for a failure. One faithful night the boy couldn't sleep from the noise of his parents quarrels. So the boy secretly run away from the house. The boy ran as far as his little feets can take him as he ran he suddenly stopped and starred at an unfinished abandoned house. As the boy took a closer look. As he went inside the abandoned house. He said "don't worry house we are alike broken to bits and pieces but don't worry ill make use of our existence" as the boy said that he thought "guess ill die in this place" as that thought flowed he started his new goal in life to suicide and die in that abandoned house. "With no reason to live what's the point of living?" as he walked home laughing with empty meaning. he started to get ready for his goal he packed the rope and grabbed a plastic chair. For the boy thought that the abandoned house represents the people who are abandoned and broken.