

" Please, May I know what the name is? you look 'stressed and pale'... and I would like to get you something to eat. " No! I objected to his request... &quot, oh really....no one ever rejected my offer...and what did they call you?.... I mean , your name ? " I am Rosemary but you can call me 'Rosie'... i said flatly Rosie is the third born of her mother. she got three elderly ones and three younger ones. she from a polygamous home. her mother was so loved by her father before death took her father. Her eldest siblings marriages is not a place called home because their homes is full of acrimony and that made her so scared of marriage. she has seen and heard of broken homes and even witnessed some occurrences. with the death of her father and acrimonious home of her eldest siblings with the biggest mistake made by her eldest brother made her to be pressured by her mum to get married to a wealthy man so that the standard of living in the home would be elevated. Rosie is a virgin that has never been touched by any man. she is so scared of marriage and even delving into relationships. but with the happenings at her family home, made her to disguised herself at school and don't even look like a virgin even if you are told. she is one of the most beautiful young lady in her family. she have a brief bow legs and some distinct features about her that made guys to approach her. people thought she was philandry because of different guys tripping into her school hostel to get to know her but with this act, she was in search of a heart called home while keeping her virtue. sex before marriage is out of her style. until she met this young charming looking dark guy named JERRY! who won her heart with just a helping heart and who was also in search of a peaceful home to build up with the right woman. follow me and see how destiny brought them together!

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I was in a deep thoughts of my new self am happy but at the same time thinking of what my mum and family will say. I have introduced Jerry to her but never disclose my pregnancy to her knowing that she told Jerry to go and come back next year due to the way the country is right now.

Jerry kept insisting to get the list from her, but my mum refused because she didn't accept him to be my husband. She wanted this huge and rich man to come for me. I have chosen Jerry and that is all that matters to me. I have seen a place called home in his heart and I have lived with him for some months now, that peace, love and honesty is still there. I want a beautiful and a glorious life and I have seen one in Jerry's.

While still working carefully at my office, I had a call on my cellphone ..


I picked my phone up to see who's it. Oh! It's a call from my eldest sister;

How are you little sister! I am doing great! Miguor ma...as I greeted in our dialect. Ok then, how is Jerry? Is he still around? Hope you are still a virgin.....? 

He's the one!  big sister as I averted her curiosity. What if he gets you pregnant and runs away?

What? Why would you think of that. After all this years of schooling and serving my country, do you think I would want to end up and having a child out of wedlock?.

I don't mean that little sister...I am just saying...what if he runs away! Come to think of it, big sister as I stand defensively! Jerry! Is not like such men. I have found a home in his heart. I felt comfy with him. It's alright little sister…..just be careful ok .

The call ended and I was reminiscing, I have to be strong for myself, Jerry and our baby...incase of a family talk show. I am going to defend my home now … I thought with joy as I smiled out and placed my hands in my tummy to talk to my little one growing inside of me.


I have tried to talk to Rosie's mum, but she's not giving me attention. I think it's time to let her know of my baby inside her daughter's womb. Maybe this will  let her know how serious I am with Rosie.

Rosie! I will be leaving soon. This interstate lockdown will soon be over and I have to resume my work at the office and as well put things together so that I can come for you and the baby. That is the reason why I have to act fast and put things together before leaving. I want to open up to your mum about the pregnancy so that I can make all necessary preparations for your introduction, traditional marriage and our wedding. We don't have time anymore because our baby in your womb is growing faster.

It's Ok! Whatever the challenge is from my family, we have to face it together. My family is a little bit hard, especially on me. It's ok! Rosie...then as for your work.. please and please don't overwork yourself in-fact, I have to let your MD know about your recency. I don't want any stress on you. For the short time I have been with you  here, I have seen how tedious the work is. What if I have left for Lagos, who will help you out? No one.  That means it's time to inform him as well so that he can get someone else to manage this farm...but you have to bring that person up in the way of the job because after our wedding, I am taking you out of this place.