
A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

**This is a translation** Name: Jon Joestar Stand - "Door" Ability: Control all things related to the concept of "door" within a radius of one hundred meters, and can also open invisible doors at any location and enter the "other world" [Destructive power: E] [Speed: C] [Range: B] [Sustainability: E] [Precision: A] [Growthability: A] ... In short, this is the story of Jon Joestar, the youngest son of Joseph Joestar, went to Egypt with Jotaro and others to kill DIO, but accidentally allowed his stand to evolve and gain the ability to open the 'Gate to All Realms'. Current World : One Piece, Jojo, One Punch Man, Demon Slayer etc.................. ----- Read +30 advanced chapters on my patreon patreon.com/GustinaKamiya  ---

Gustina_Kamiya · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Chapter 69 Father and Son (Part 1)

That night, 'Morioh Grand Hotel', Room 2203.

"Kira Yoshikage, who falls into despair at the drop of a hat, is trash."


"To prevent Kira Yoshikage from falling into despair, Jon Joestar, who sneak attacks Kira Yoshikage during time stop, is the trash of trash!"


[Jon Joestar, who eliminated Kira Yoshikage, infiltrated his villa, used Ripple Qigong to send Kira Yoshikage's soul to heaven, and unceremoniously took away the 'Arrow', is simply the king of scumbags!]


Jon was silent for a while, then said to Jotaro, "Jotaro, can I ask you a question?"

Jotaro nodded, "Go ahead."

"Well..." Jon seemed a bit embarrassed, "has 'Star Platinum' ever scolded you?"

Jotaro: ???

Jon explained, "When you were in prison, you shot yourself in the temple. Did 'Star Platinum' ever say something like your brain was hit by a frying pan?"

Hearing this, Jotaro's face turned unusually red.

He didn't answer, just adjusted his hat brim, "Yare yare, I'm going to rest."

Saying this, Jotaro got up to leave.

When he got to the door, he turned his head.

"These two days, you..."

He paused, then changed his words, "These two days, it's better for us to lay low in the hotel. Although that guy deserved to die, no matter how you look at it, it was a bit too much to start a fight at the entrance of a department store."

After a pause, Jotaro changed the subject.

"Also, as soon as I arrived in Morioh Town, I called old man Joseph and told him about you and Josuke. By my calculations, he should be arriving soon."


Jon touched his smooth chin.

If he remembered correctly, this world's Joseph Joestar, due to neglecting Ripple Qigong and being drained of blood by a golden vampire, his body and mind were no different from ordinary old people.

He was a hero who had defeated the 'Ultimate Lifeform' and saved the world, and his twilight years were indeed lamentable.

Two days passed in a flash.

The arrow he got from Kira Yoshikage had turned into waste.

However, this time he didn't gain a new ability, but amplified his previous abilities to a certain extent.

[Ding, upgrade complete!]

[Ability 1: Control all 'Door' concept-related things within a radius of 1500 meters, can also open an invisible Door at any location, and enter the 'inner world']

[Ability 2: Establish a personal space of 500 cubic meters in the 'inner world']

[Ability 3: Open two invisible 'Doors' at the same time, and connect their spaces]

[Ability 4: Open the big Door to the subconscious, and implant a thought seal]

Little D seemed to like pretending to be a system.

Jon chose to ignore this.

Seeing Jon ignoring him, little D sounded resentful.

[Indeed, for me now, ordinary 'Arrows' can no longer satisfy me.]

[Ah, I really want to taste what the soft and glutinous 'bug arrow' tastes like~]

Not mentioning this is fine, but mentioning this, Jon suddenly thought of something, and transmitted his voice, "little_D, why do other Stands evolve into 'Requiem' by being stabbed once, and then falling out, but you absorb it?"

[...I ask you, what's at the end of the universe?]

Jon looked confused, "How would I know?"

[Then how would I know why I absorb the 'bug arrow'!]

Arguing with the Stand.

Jon, defeated once again.

Current record: 4 to 396

Looking at the weather outside the window, the 'black-haired loser' was planning to go find his nephew to chat and soothe his injured heart.

Unexpectedly, before he could move, Jotaro came first.

"Kira Yoshikage's identity as a murderer has been exposed." Jotaro held a newspaper with the smell of ink in his hand, "The police found the remains of the victimized woman in his house."

"It must be in the fridge." Jon casually said.

Jotaro remained silent.

"I've said it before, that guy deserved to die." Jon, like an elder, patted Jotaro's shoulder, "I've done many unscrupulous things since I was a child, but not this one."

Jotaro tugged at the corner of his mouth.

Joseph, from another world, how did you teach your children!

He sighed imperceptibly and said, "Since the police already know that Kira Yoshikage is a murderer, the search intensity will inevitably decrease.

Joseph's boat will arrive this afternoon, let's go pick him up with Josuke."

Jon had no objections.

Let's go.

Jon and Jotaro left the 'Morioh Hotel' and took a taxi to Josuke's house.

Unexpectedly, they saw Josuke, who was full of injuries, and Hirose Koichi, who had already awakened his 'Echoes' Stand.

Seeing the two, Josuke was overjoyed, "Brother Jon, Mr. Jotaro!"

"What happened to you?"

Jon frowned, and without changing his expression, he checked Josuke's injuries with his Observation Haki.

Fortunately, they were all superficial wounds.

Josuke scratched his head, "The golden Stand in the abandoned house just appeared again, luckily Koichi helped."

"No, no, no, I was just restraining from the side, 'Red Hot Chili Pepper' was defeated by Josuke." Hirose Koichi modestly waved his hand.

Jon clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction.

Otoishi Akira, you're brave, daring to attack my half-brother when I'm not around!

He looked at Jotaro, "Jotaro, you stay here, I'll be right back."

Jotaro's eyelids jumped, and he quickly grabbed Jon.

Jon was stunned for a moment, then realized, "Don't worry, I won't go too far."

Jotaro was still not very reassured.

He had witnessed Jon beheading Kira Yoshikage with a single sword in a thrilling (cruel) scene.

"I just want to warn the other party not to abuse the Stand." Jon vowed.

There was another sentence he didn't say.

That is, by the way, implant a thought imprint in Otoishi Akira's subconscious.

Speaking of which, in the original trajectory of fate, Akira Otoishi went to jail obediently because he was afraid of Jotaro's 'Star Platinum'.

'A small tree that is not trimmed is not straight, and a person who is not disciplined is arrogant'

Jon won Jotaro's trust with sincere eyes.

Under everyone's gaze, he took a step forward, directly entered the 'inner world', and appeared a kilometer away in the blink of an eye.

Josuke felt warm in his heart.

This feeling of having an older brother was a very novel experience for him.

Jotaro helplessly pressed his hat brim, turned around, and said in a deep voice, "Josuke, Jon and I are here to take you to the pier."

He paused.

"Your father... Old man Joestar is coming."

Hearing this, Josuke's expression stiffened.

He instinctively wanted to refuse.

However, after a struggle in his heart, Josuke still nodded.

Jotaro breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the father and son can meet, his task is considered complete.


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