
A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

**This is a translation** Name: Jon Joestar Stand - "Door" Ability: Control all things related to the concept of "door" within a radius of one hundred meters, and can also open invisible doors at any location and enter the "other world" [Destructive power: E] [Speed: C] [Range: B] [Sustainability: E] [Precision: A] [Growthability: A] ... In short, this is the story of Jon Joestar, the youngest son of Joseph Joestar, went to Egypt with Jotaro and others to kill DIO, but accidentally allowed his stand to evolve and gain the ability to open the 'Gate to All Realms'. Current World : One Piece, Jojo, One Punch Man, Demon Slayer etc.................. ----- Read +30 advanced chapters on my patreon patreon.com/GustinaKamiya  ---

Gustina_Kamiya · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 67: Door of the Subconscious.

Yo, yo, yo, isn't this the shame of 5A, 'Red Hot Chili Pepper'? Haven't seen you for a few days, you've become so weak.

Jon wasn't scared, he just waved his hand casually.

"Cut the crap, I'm busy right now, I don't have time to deal with you. If you know what's good for you, just scram."

The smile on 'Red Hot Chili Pepper's' face froze instantly.

Jotaro and Josuke were on high alert, fearing that the strange Stand wrapped in electricity would suddenly go berserk.

But, to their surprise, 'Red Hot Chili Pepper' actually crawled back through the socket, without leaving a single harsh word.

The uncle and nephew looked at each other.

What's going on?

"The essence of Stand battles is information warfare. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. Unless it's absolutely necessary, never fight with an enemy whose background you don't know,"

Jon raised a finger, casually giving an example, "Just like the whole world knows Jotaro can stop time..."

Wait a minute, how does the whole world know I can stop time!

Hearing Jon's words, Jotaro's face turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

On the other hand, Josuke showed a look of sudden realization, "Jon, you mean, that guy just now backed down because he didn't understand our Stand abilities!"

"Correct." Jon nodded.

After a pause, he said solemnly, "The power of a Stand is limited, but the power of unity is infinite. When it comes to fighting, unless you are 100% sure you won't lose.

Otherwise, you'd better be with your teammates."

In the world of JOJO, individual heroism in single combat is the least desirable.

"Then... what if there are no teammates, and you have to face an unknown enemy?" Josuke asked curiously.

Jon pondered for a moment, and said calmly, "In this case, I suggest adopting our Joestar family's trump card strategy."

"Trump card strategy?!"

Josuke couldn't help but swallow.

Such a strategy cannot be taught casually!

Jotaro's eyes narrowed, and he interrupted, "Enough chit-chat, we still have things to do."


Josuke dragged out his tone with regret.

Bullshit head secretly thought, I must ask Jon for advice when I have the chance.



When Nijimura Keicho slowly woke up, it was already late.

"What... where am I..." He shook his groggy head, somewhat disoriented.

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in his ear.

"Big brother! Great, you're finally awake!"

This voice is...


He quickly looked towards the sound, and Nijimura Keicho just met his younger brother's worried eyes.

"Big brother! Quickly think of a way with your invincible 'Bad Company'!"

Nijimura Okuyasu, who was tightly locked by iron chains, yelled, "I can't even lift my arm, I can't use my stand!"

Hearing this, many fragments of memory suddenly flooded into his mind, and Nijimura Keicho suddenly remembered that relaxed black-haired youth.

He gritted his teeth and said, "That damn kid!"

At this moment, Jon walked in from outside the door with a tray, and laughed lightly, "Keicho, it's not a good habit to curse people behind their backs."

Nijimura Keicho had a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat.

Who are you, are we very familiar?

"Let me go." He stared at Jon, "Otherwise, I will make sure you die miserably!"

"You have a mental problem, I won't stoop to your level."

Jon's expression didn't change, he brought over two bowls of pork chop rice on his own.

He put a bowl in front of Okuyasu, and a bowl in front of Nijimura Keicho, and said, "Normally, for a criminal like you who shoots whoever you see, disrupting social order and corrupting public morals, I usually just kill them, once and for all.

However, seeing how naive and innocent your little brother is, I decided to spare your life and give you a chance to surrender."

"Hehehe." Hearing others praise him, Nijimura Okuyasu was delighted.

Nijimura Keicho was so angry inside, he couldn't help but curse, "Okuyasu, shut up!"

Nijimura Okuyasu, who was most afraid of his big brother glaring, obediently lowered his head like a frost-beaten eggplant.

Jon tugged at the corner of his mouth, recalling the words Nijimura Keicho had said in another world.

'Anyway, first raise this little fool to adulthood'

Hmm, you did indeed do it, Killer Queen gives you a thumbs up.

"Let me go!" Nijimura Keicho was secretly anxious.

Jon seemed to guess what the other was thinking and comforted, "If you're worried about the... uh, that person in the attic, I've already fed him."

He paused, then smiled, "Of course, if you want to let him go, I can help too."

Nijimura Keicho was directly stunned.

Even Nijimura Okuyasu, who was always a few beats slower than others, was full of surprise.

Jon seemed to have anticipated the brothers' reactions, and calmly said, "First of all, let me introduce myself, I am Jon, Jon Joestar..."

Stand, time travel, parallel world.

The more Nijimura Okuyasu listened, the more confused he became.

Nijimura Keicho was different, he listened carefully to every word Jon said.

The more he listened, the worse his face looked.

Finally, Nijimura Keicho spoke with a complicated tone, "So, the me in that world, accepted the deal, and didn't..."

"Didn't randomly kill people with the arrow anymore." Jon nodded.

At this point, his expression darkened.

"The boy you shot this morning almost died, do you know that?"

Nijimura Keicho didn't speak.

Get the 'Arrow's' approval, get the Stand.

Don't get the 'Arrow's' approval, die directly.

He was very clear about what he had done.

"Keicho, considering our past dealings, I give you two choices. First, I help you fulfill your wish, you go to the police station to surrender, and honestly go to jail.

The second, I kill you directly, to seek justice for those you killed."

Nijimura Keicho sneered disdainfully, "After all this, it turns out you're not a passing Stand User, but a boring warrior who upholds justice in a special effects drama."

"No, no, no, everything I do is for myself." Jon denied categorically.

Afraid that Nijimura Keicho wouldn't believe him, he scratched his eyebrows and added, "When you get a new ability, you have to practice it."

Nijimura Keicho: ???

Real world, abandoned house.

[Ding ding, thought imprint implantation failed, however you think about it, it's your fault!]

"Shut up"

[My ability has evolved again, I can open the 'Door' of the subconscious, and as a result, you use it to persuade people to surrender?]


[We can do something more exciting.]


[Let Jotaro fall in love with marine life in his heart, and marry a dolphin or something...]

"Tsk, really boring."

Jon helplessly pinched his brow.

My Stand keeps urging me to do some dangerous things. What should I do?


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