1 Foreword

I Dimitri Frank Mitchell will tell you today and now my story, my short story.

My life had taken an unexpected turn from one moment to the next.

Things happened that I never imagined would happen. Little by little that genuine innocent girl smile that I always had on my face disappeared.

Life gave me too many blows, and all in a very short time.

Many things happened that led me to realize about others even more shocking.

I met people who would mark my life in good and bad ways. I also got friends. Surprisingly I had a good, healthy social life for a while, until everything went to shit.

I will try to tell things about myself:

I hate couples, actually once tried to have one, but my revulsion was greater and it all went very far away.

Imagine trying to reconcile all your decisions with your partner, no. Hell, to be told that, in a way it would even be offensive ... But leaving that aside, it must be overwhelming to have a partner, I imagine them, all cloying, one after the other ... yuuu, wakatelas.

I try to be understanding with couples but ..... It is so uncomfortable to see couples making out in the street ... Or any kind of show of affection.

My first kiss was given to a girl when I was six years old, yes, to a girl. She was not a lesbian or anything like that (according to me) but ... I gave it to her, it was fine, and I kissed her. It's not like I had his mouth popped either, I just gave him a little peak, and that was my first and only kiss.

Mm ..... I'm trying to tell some things about my life, but the time frame in which everything unfolds will be confusing ...

Ah, once when I was little, with a girl we looked for worms, we killed them, and then we gave them a dignified funeral. I still don't understand why we killed them, but hey.

I'm terrified of cars.

And I like to read, no, actually, I love to read, it's like ... my way out of this stinky real world. In books I can be anything, a heroine, a little bean, and even an ugly cockroach. They were my escape from reality, from cruel and vile reality

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