
A Piacular Girl

I have a friend her name is ' Endera'. She has brown and sticky hair. In our class time she never concentrate with her study she draw something secretly but she never show us. One day when she went to buy her tiffin from canteen , I and my other friends hit upon a idea that before she come to classroom we will see her drawing book . When we put out her drawing book from bag and started to see her drawing.

I and my other friend become so afraid because she always draw picture of vapeir. We can not imagine it in our life . After some time she enter into the classroom and she saw all , she rebuke us but we do not mind for it . Then we all ask Endera," why you draw this types of horrible picture ?"she reply," You all do not know me who am I." We laugh. From that day we started to study her mind .

One day it was raining and strong wind flow . Endera became abnormal . She started to laugh loudly . She told us that in every night she went to meet with vampeir and come back after a moment .