
A pheonixtery

Wait you are.... got you!!! Queen! Now we can be free again like before...

Beebun · Fantasy
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A Sight Never Seen

Hello! I am Rawnee....a 17 year old teenager exploring my life to the fullest.Today i am very excited to go to my school cause guess what it's arranging a short trip of 2 days in the Old Woods Jungle as a part of our Environment Project.Kia,my best friend,she is also coming as she is in the same group with me,my lover Joe (well he's my lovely dovey crush) and Elina...yahooooo!! now let's talk about all this later and i should focus on packing my backpack...

It's a fine morning of fresh mint like winter.I am all packed for the trip and now waiting for my bus to pick me up.After i hop on the ride i saw Elina and Kia giggling and Joe on the other side busy with his damn phone(one day I am gonna break this gadget into two). Hey, i went to him hugging from the front snuggling into his chest.'Hello Raw' he replied backing off a little.I took my seat beside him, pouting and acting cute.Well it didn't work i guess don't know what happened to him.I checked on Elina and Kia they are still giggling so i went to them and they said we did a prank on Joe and told him to be serious for this entire day.Oh, I made a face understanding why he didn't act well with me before and got relieved.Our journey is going well till now.I can see the welcoming dark aura of the forest. A feeling i never felt before there's a mix of excitement, independence,fear everything going inside my brain.We still have 20 mins to reach there so i decided to have a quick nap as i couldn't sleep well due to the excitement.Kia and Elina kept talking about doing another prank on other batchmates.I saw Joe still on his phone and slept while admiring his beautiful face.