
A perfect world: BREAK

A teenager who just turned 18 and just days ago got his diploma is signing up for the hero program known as Hero Society. The Hero Society is the most famous hero institution in the world, having thousands of people try to sign up and join. This teenager (named Daniel) passes all exams with flying colors and manages to join as one of the most skilled in his class. Daniel trains with his class and the teachers for weeks. After these weeks of training, Daniel finally gets to go out on the field. While scouting, Daniel notices someone getting robbed. Daniel hurried to help make it just in time. He fights the villain, but having a lack of control over his abilities kills the man. Daniel goes to court. He gets released after many eyewitnesses and cameras back him up. about three weeks after court, Daniel gets captured by a villain who claims to be the brother of the person he killed. After Weeks of the worst torturing known to man whipping, cutting, beating, tearing out finger and toe nails, pouring exetremly hot water on him, taking a spoon to his eye and pulling it out, and much more, finally someone finds him and helps him escape. while in the hospital, Daniel gets a vision about a world without heroes or villains. This world was so perfect, but the one thing that he noticed the most about the vision was that he was the one leading this perfect world. Daniel made up his mind that day since heroes couldn't save anyone, and villains kept hurting people he decided. "it's time for a change." ******************************************** I will be uploading a chapter 6 times a week. Also, the book cover is not of my making. If you are the maker and do not want it on there, do tell. ******************************************** Sorry for the lack of updates. Recently, I have lacked the interest to update the book. It's not because of people reading. Actually, this book has grown so much that it's incredible. I just have lost interest in making the book because it takes up two-three hours of my day. Currently, I'm a sophomore in high school, and I just lack time to make the book. I will continue to make the book, but it won't be as much as before.

FG_Frost · Action
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25 Chs


I explored the laboratory for quite a while until I found a room that appeared to belong to the boss.

Looking around, it has nice plants sitting in pots, and about ten feet away from the door stands a work table, with a laptop lying on top of it. Behind the desk is a nice-looking office chair.

I go around the desk and take my spot on the chair.

"Comfy." I say, surpirsed.

I roll the chair closer to the desk and open the laptop. Immediately, I see two faces on the screen, with a lot of notes taken on both of them. The face on the left shows a crack head, incredibly skinny, with barely any hair on his head. The notes say he's in his mid-20s. The man's name is Walter Young. His ability is to be completely immune to other abilities.

"No way." I say in astonishment.

Looking at the other guy, he has a face every woman would love. The man has dirty blond, curly hair that reaches his eyes, his eyes are deep blue. The notes say he is 19. This persons name is Zack Tumble. His ability is to mimic someone else's body and ability, but he has to know their looks and their abilities.

I begin to read the notes more.

"Subject Walter is non responsive, and it appears he declines our advances. Subject Zack appears responsive, but we lack the power to convert him to our beliefs."

I continue to read, excitement radiating from my mask.

"Subject Walter appears to have a strong will. We might have to kill him. Subject Zack, on the other hand, is ready to convert. We will see to it that on the 28th, he's converted."

I look down at the date. It's the 25th. Thank goodness.

I slowly close the laptop. Idea's bouncing in my head. After a minute of staring at the closed laptop, thinking, I came to the conclusion that I must use this project they were performing to convert them to my idea's. They both are incredible and would both be exetremly valuable members of the group.

I grab the laptop and jog to Reckonings lab, I still feel dizzy from the blood loss, but this is necessary.

Walking into her room, I see she has finally finished running tests on Katelyn. She looks up at me, in confusion on why I'm here.

"What are you-" She begins to say, but I cut her off mid sentence.

"Take this and look through it." I say. Handing over the laptop.

Reckoning hesitates at first, and then she quickly grabs it. opening it up, I watch her eyes fly through the notes, astonishment flies through her eyes.

When she gets done, she turns her head towards me.

"And you're expecting us to finish where they left off?" Reckoning asks.

"Yes, though we may come across some problems with the Walter guy." I answer.

"Well, I have something that will fix that."

Reckoning reaches into her purse, pulling out some type of glock.

"It's a glock 19. Use it on Walter if he decides not to cooperate." Reckoning says.

"And this thing will work on him?" I ask. grabbing the gun out of her hand.

"It says here he is immune to other abilities, not guns or anything else that ain't an ability."

I put the gun in my pants, covering it with my cloak.

"Let's go then." I tell Reckoning.

Room 205

This is it. Walking into the room, there is a massive window that shows the inside of another room. Under the window is a control board, buttons sprayed across the whole thing.

Taking a look inside the room, I see two people, who I recognize as Walter and Zack. They both lay on separate tables. I look closer, seeing an I.V. on each of their arms, pumping some sorta liquid in them. I'm assuming that's the reason why they are lying there, completely still.

Looking on the roof, I see a huge setup of cables and a robot hand that holds some sorta mask that can fit over someone's head.

"Okay. I want you to go to the next room and wait, I found the notes that explain how to use this machine." Reckoning demands.

Walking out of the room, I started to reconsider nominating myself for this mission.

I stand at the door, holding the metal handle. This might be the dumbest mistake of my life or the best decision ever. I push down on the handle, walking into the room.

I stand next to the door, holding onto the grip of the gun but not pulling it out of my pants.

I hear the machine start up, then slowly reach for Walter's face. It latches onto his face and stays there.

I noticed the liquid stopped pouring into his arm.

After about five minutes, the mask detaches itself and moves onto Zack.

After about two minutes, Walter jerks up. He looks around the room.

Walter locks eyes with me, looking me up and down. He suddenly jerks off the table and runs towards me. Quickly, I pull out the glock, aiming it at his head.


My ears are ringing like no other. Quickly, I focus back on the situation at hand. I watch blood drip from the forehead of Walter, a tiny hole laying there.

I walk out of the room and into the control room. Reckoning sits there, staring at me.

"Are you okay, boss?" She Asks.

"Of course." I answer.

"Why did you come back in here then?"

"Zack will change."

"Is that really why you have come back in here?"

"No. I've never shot anyone before. It felt different than how I usually take them out."

"Fun right."

"You're insane."

Reckoning smiles.

I hear the machine start to move again. Immediately, Reckoning turns around watching as Zack raises up from the table. He stairs at me, through the glass.

He points at me with his index finger.

"Akuji will make a perfect world... and I'll be there to help him."