
a perfect story

Is there a perfect story? One that can leave you fulfilled. One where everything works with or without tropes?

David_Frederickson · Fantasy
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25 Chs

God's plan

back in the heavens an angel starts to approach God. The angels name is Gabriel the seraph. Why did you give him it asks Gabriel. The whole universe could be destroyed thanks to what you did Gabriel says. he stares at God trying to gauge the God's reaction. God stands up and starts laughing. He finishes laughing as quickly as he started. He looks at Gabreil and says. You didn't want to know why I gave him it, but Your asking why I would leave my self defenseless, especially when I should already know that you are an enemy. Gabriel looks at God and no longer is God an old man. What Gabriel sees is a perfect body one with muscles that could put a bodybuilders to shame. The skin glowed as if light could not be contained in the being in front of him. God's face was still that of an old man's, but it showed the depth and experience of a person that went beyond a sage. God cracked his knuckles as the air around him started heating up. Let's get started said God. Gabriel materializes his sword and 30 angels appear behind him. Gabriel could tell that despite this being only chance to take down God he would have to risk his life. Despite the fact that God is supposed to be weaker. Gabriel felt more pressured by the God now then any other time. God took one step forward and the angels and Gabriel charged at him. Gabriel's sword shone with the light of the sun and skewered God or his afterimage since God appeared to Gabriel's left and immediately Gabriel was met by a fist that literally blew his body apart. As Gabriel's head was sent from his body he could see in an instant that every other angel was destroyed. In the second before God had defeated Gabriel, God had decimated every other angel before Gabriel even realized. Gabriel looked at God In fear as he shuddered at the thought that God is supposed to be stronger than this. As Gabriel is dying God explains what Gabriel got wrong. You think I'm defenseless since I gave that man the key and that I would be left with nothing, but a silver of my power. That's where you got it wrong God says. I'm not a perfect being since I got the key but I got the key since I was a perfect being. My power hasn't decreased in the slightest. Right now I only gave the possibility of me being defeated in the future a possible reality. God looks down on Gabriel's head realized that he had already died. Oh well God says. Maybe I'll walk around on the new world for a bit. God resumes his previous old man look and starts to make way to his new world.