
a perfect story

Is there a perfect story? One that can leave you fulfilled. One where everything works with or without tropes?

David_Frederickson · Fantasy
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25 Chs

God's Gift

God looked at me and for such a perfect being he really talked alot. And he pretty much told me the one thing I want I can't have. My life isn't bad it's not great but I usually just read all the time anyway so I'm not too worried about things. The reason I asked for a perfect story is because there wasn't anything else I could think of. I didn't need to go to another world or even superpowers in my world. I just wanted a story that was great and that I could pass the time with. God looked at me and said this. Since I can't give you what you want I'll give you something else instead. Something that might help you see the perfect story. I blacked out after that.

I woke up in my room. despite being a 20 guy with little prospects last night that dream felt weird.I couldn't tell if it was real or not. It felt real but it was just too weird.I started dressing myself for work when all of a sudden an earthquake happened. All of my stuff ended up on the floor as I ducked underneath my desk for cover. As it died down I walked out to see my street a complete mess. cars flipped over holes in buildings and houses crushed. While it felt like a little shaking to me. It had obviously been worse, but could an earthquake really do the much damage and some of the damage doesn't makes sense.

I heard a sound. I looked behind me to see an Asian guy walking behind me in what looked like ancient Chinese clothing I would see in movies. He had a sword in hand and he was walking towards me. Your name he asks me. I look at him and tell him my name David Walker. I ask him why he wants to know. As he keeps getting closer I take more steps back. He looks at me and says, My name is Lin and I asked for the name of the one that I'll fight as respect for I can see you're quite strong. I didn't get it as I tried to make sense of his words He rushed at me. His sword came in at a perfect arc towards my head. Before I could comprehend what was happening my body moved on its own. My right hand shot out and grabbed the sword and crushed it. I didn't know what was happening However that didn't stop him his left hand came out with lightning surrounding it. I felt insane pressure, but for some reason I remained calm as my left hand matched his. He looked surprised. Probably more than me as he kept raining blows down on me, but the couldn't reach. My body knew what to do. I blocked each blow one after another and then my left fist threw a counterattack. he took the blow straight to the face and flew back about 30 ft. He got back up again and glared at me. I guess my martial arts aren't enough. I'm going to have to unleash everything to defeat you it seems. I looked at him and asked him. "Why are you trying to fight me?" Lin takes a stance towards me and says. I have to get stronger and only by fighting strong opponents can I really learn and master my arts so that one day I might be able to return the favor to an old foe. He rips ris robe off and a see the most muscled body I've seen in my life. I was a little jealous until I saw his leg. He had 1 leg and it was disgusting. normally 1 leg is bad enough but what he had was a mutilated version of a leg I was in shock. Despite its looks that leg must've been extremely powerful as it launched him forward towards me. He was trying to take advantage of my confusion and end the fight in one blow. He was flying at me faster than his lightning as it was trailing him. But I was faster. I realized my gift from God was in play, but I didn't understand how it worked. And as the fight went on I realized I never felt any danger. I calmly pushed his fist to the side as it sent a Shockwave to my right. I told him thus fight is over. As soon as I said that he fell flat on the ground as if his body couldn't move any more. I don't know how but I defeated him.