
a perfect story

Is there a perfect story? One that can leave you fulfilled. One where everything works with or without tropes?

David_Frederickson · Fantasy
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25 Chs

God's announcement

As I was processing all that happened a voice rang in my head. Hello number of sentient beings that's so long it would take me a year to say but how about almost infinite. It was God's voice but did he really need to say that? As you all have gotten personalized messages. I wish you the best of luck I'll probably change the world into separate parts in several hundred million years, but foe now enjoy and in case you're wondering why you didn't get a wish some of you were rude assholes so I was petty to you and didn't give you a wish. Anyways as the perfect being that I am good luck and enjoy your new world.

I think I liked it better when I didn't know for sure if God existed, for he sure likes to describe himself as perfect he seems like a pretty big narcissist.

As I was wondering what to do Lin started to wake up. He looked and me and asked why I didn't finish him off. Do I need to I ask. anyway did you meet God I ask him and he gives me a weird look. Are you talking about an old creep who brought me in a weird room against my will promising me a wish that I never asked for while he's wearing nothing but a white robe. Yeah I met that guy and as soon as I called him a pervert he shot me out of the room. I was about to say something about that but then I realized no no he's got a point. Besides when God describes himself as perfect I think he's practicing a little too much self love.

So I ask Lin what is he going to do from now on and he just answers back that he'll probably keep traveling and fighting strong opponents. He gets up to leave but as soon as he starts to go the world starts shaking again. All of a sudden the earth around us starts splitting and rearranging Its a surreal sight. The piece if land I'm on doesn't move but everything else does. Lin looks at me and asks " How are you doing that?" Doing what I ask back. "Keep the land from moving" he answers me. I don't know it just doesn't move around me but I'm not gonna complain. I tell him as I watch him do gymnastics around the shattered peices of earth. He seems to have something in place of his missing leg as he jumps from piece of land to land trying to get a stable holding.

Eventually pieces of earth fly away 1 with him holding on for dear life while some stay and more pieces from somewhere else coming to replace what was taken. I say somewhere else cause the pieces of land that were given to replace what was taken came through some weird portals and didn't look like land. what came was giant rocks that were purple to replace the gaps that were missing. What was more interesting was that some of these rocks had people on them.

As the earth settled into place a girl approached me. Hello my name is #%@@^. I had no clue what she said her name was but I knew I wasn't going to be able to repeat it. So I just said hi and asked her what I could do for her. Can you be my slave? she asks. Huh? I respond.