
Doll house


I am Henry. The girl who always love gift a lot to loved ones.

I Was nine when i first started gifting something. My Gift was to my childhood friend ewa she and I spent hours playing together. I Have a beautiful doll house gifted by my grandmom leila the emotion and intention behind gift this doll house to me is she always used to think and tell people that her only granddaughter (thats me ) looked like the doll she used to like in her childhood but couldn't get beacuse her mother refuses her to play with dolls irrespective of dolls she always used to buy her puzzles that my grandmom used to hate a lot. So when she got me as her granddaughter she love spending time with me, playing with me make her feel like she at last got the doll which she always wanted to buy and play with. The reason she gifted me doll house was very touchy just after i heard what a perfect gift means from her.