
A Perfect Disguise

“I adore you... I mean why won't I... You are so dumb and clueless, Haha...” His hands slid down my cheeks as he pinched my cheeks. “Hmppppphh!!!” I was barely able to breathe, his glares sent shivers, and my throat hurt every time I tried to breathe “Hehe, don't worry I don't enjoy playing with tiny bugs like you~” He tucked his fingers in my mouth and pulled out the cloth he stuffed in. “What do you want...” A dangerously cold shiver ran through my spine, though his face was covered, I knew this bastard was smirking... I am fucked... “Hehe... come on now sweetie don't waste my time... You know exactly what I want.” His deadly aura made me choke, and his sharp words demolished my act of courage. “Y... You will kill me even if I tell you what you want...” I have been abducted before, that's one part of the career path I chose, but this freak is insane... “True.” He said it as simply as if he knew every single word which would slip out my lips... “Then why would I give that to you?? Am... Am not any amateur who would fall for your fake mercy!” His eyes shined as the moonlight hit him past the dusky night sky, an unwavering result backed by a soul craving for blood. “Huh... When did I ever say anything about mercy...” A loud tick broke the silence and he pulled out a revolver from his back. His expression went blank the smirk that he put on was long gone, he is the master of blank canvas... “It has been over ten minutes sweetheart... And our investigation has led us... nowhere... So we need to speed things up, 'cause... unlike someone someone rubbing his butt on my chair, I am quite busy.” He cracked his fingers and proceeded to release the tension built into his neck by slowly cracking his neck. His slow marches thickened the air surrounding us to the point I suffocated with every single breath. His hands lifted off a massive bed sheet behind him revealing any man's biggest weakness... He kissed the tip of his pistol and looked dead blank in my eyes, “Now you shall bark like a bitch... or my baby here knows how to sing a lullaby.” It is a thriller mystery novel where the protagonist is on a hunt, and his blank heart and empty soul reject normal human emotions, for everyone is a pawn, a pebble that shall be stacked to create a perfect staircase for him to concur the tower which must have been his long ago. Hello! Am restarting after almost an eternity, so I may not be too good, but will surely try to improve. So please leave your honest opinion and reviews, and also a few pointers on how shall I improvise. Enjoy the novel... And try to guess who might be the protagonist, I hope I do my best to hide him/her from your creative minds.(Also the cover is made by me, so... Bare with my bad art style~)

Baby_Shadow_5978 · Urban
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23 Chs

Wanna Go And Catch Rosters Or What

Jenna grabbed the wooden box from Andrews's hands and pushed it towards Christopher. The moment his nose picked the fragrance he raised a brow and stared at Jenna.


"Andrew and James were out on an expedition in Moonlight Casino. There they somehow managed to meet the owners and gave this thing to them... Oh yeah! They also gave them this letter... Written by one of the dying servants of theirs."


Accepting the wooden box he took the lid off revealing the blade. "Interesting..." Nodding his head slightly he kept the blade back in the box and grabbed the letter from the table.


"He killed Mrs. Elena with the dagger while slitting my throat multiple times purposely missing the nerves. He is as tall as Mrs. Creola... And he has a Sakura tattoo on his left wrist, his eyes are....."


"It seems the old guy got caught..." Christopher folded the letter carefully before placing it back in the wooden box. "And who is Creola?"


"She is the girlfriend of the casino's owner... And they said they want to collaborate with us but have some conditions..." James sighed as he began recalling everything they had discussed.


"Collaborate...? Why do they want to do that?" He was getting doubtful about these two individuals, why did they want to collaborate with the the SA and him? If they possess so much info they must already be on Shadow's target. "Most probably they want protection and maybe a hand in getting their hands over some spicy location for setting up more casinos." HE thought to himself inwardly, suddenly an image of someone came in front of him and he turned towards Leo.


"Want my opinion?" He asked in a sheepish voice before pulling his chair closer.


"Yup, after all, you are going to be the brain of our team in Shadows Hunt, consider this as your test." Christopher pushed the box and letter towards Leo, but he instantly turned his gaze away and covered his face.


"Ah... I am sorry I forgot about your homophobia." He pulled the box back and knocked on the table, "Please share your perspective."


"W... Well... If we consider the fact that this old man somehow managed to get this letter and the dagger, then Shadow cleans up either messed up or he was purposefully left behind to pull some string from his end."


He took a breath and continued, "Now about the owner and his girlfriend. I don't think there is anything suspicious about them yet."


A grin appeared on Christophers' face and he giggled. "Haha... You are wrong Leo, why are they hiding these clues from us? And why out of the blue they decide to share us with this stuff? And what conditions do they have?"


Leo smirked slightly biting onto his lips he continued, "I apologize but your speculations are fifty-fifty, mine have a better possibility. What if you had some super important clue to one of the most important cases in the history of this city, and you knew your every single move is monitored by the mafia who committed the crime? If he catches even the slightest suspicions he will kill you. You can go ahead and give the evidence to police and they will be able to catch the mafia and throw him behind the cell, but he will kill you without a doubt. What do you think what will you do?"


Christophers crossed his legs and sat in a lotus position on the chair, while his hands crossed over his chest, "Well... If I were me, I would still hand over the evidence that is because of my training and mindset, but I can guess why a civilian won't do it..."


"Quite impressive... Thank you, you cleared my suspicions."


Before he could say anything Leo tossed a pendrive in his direction.


"I received that audio more than a thousand times and this is the only clue I managed to dig out, it is footsteps. Normal people have one leg dominant while the other is weak. The rhythm is very different from the one in the audio. None of his legs are dominant. It is way easier than we thought to pin him out... And I know you have your suspicions or you are almost confirmed about one of your targets."


Christopher couldn't help but grin as he applauded him, "Haha... As expected of your keen eyes, you managed to read my mood and my thinking process in such a short time... Anyways, thank you for the audio, will memorize the rhythm and will meet you once I have confirmed my suspicions."


"Sir! Before you go... Please tell us when shall we meet the owners of the casino?"


"Oh yeah... I almost forgot about that... I am fine with five tonight."


"Five? This early?? What you wanna go and catch roasters or what??"


"Do as I say little boy, you can't comprehend my way." Sliding in his overcoat fixing his deerstalker he moved out puffing on his cigar.


Pulling out his tongue and making an ugly face James booed at the direction where he left. "Boooo!! Idiot gorilla! Hmph."


Leo and Jenna chuckled at his actions while sipping on the strawberry tea.


"And you two!" James and Andrew pointed toward Leo and Jenna with a ferocious grin on their face. "How long have you both been dating each other??? You came just a week before!"


"Yeah! And you Mr. Chick Magnet! How the fuck you always get all the beauties attracted to you??"


"C... Chick magnet?" Leo couldn't help but chuckle at his words. "Wel... I don't do anything, I just be myself... And we both know each other from the age when we didn't even wear clothes."


"Yup, we got separated long ago, but finally I met him back." Squeezing Leo in her arms she pecked his forehead while patting his cheeks.


"Eww!! Let us leave the room first! Argh! You both love birds... Disgusting... We are leaving you can continue slurping each others 'nectar'." James moved his fingers making inverted commas.


"Yeah, we are leaving bye!" They rushed out the door blabbering some stuff about Creola and Elatha while cursing Leo and Jenna.


"Haha... They never grow do they?"

