
A Perfect Disguise

“I adore you... I mean why won't I... You are so dumb and clueless, Haha...” His hands slid down my cheeks as he pinched my cheeks. “Hmppppphh!!!” I was barely able to breathe, his glares sent shivers, and my throat hurt every time I tried to breathe “Hehe, don't worry I don't enjoy playing with tiny bugs like you~” He tucked his fingers in my mouth and pulled out the cloth he stuffed in. “What do you want...” A dangerously cold shiver ran through my spine, though his face was covered, I knew this bastard was smirking... I am fucked... “Hehe... come on now sweetie don't waste my time... You know exactly what I want.” His deadly aura made me choke, and his sharp words demolished my act of courage. “Y... You will kill me even if I tell you what you want...” I have been abducted before, that's one part of the career path I chose, but this freak is insane... “True.” He said it as simply as if he knew every single word which would slip out my lips... “Then why would I give that to you?? Am... Am not any amateur who would fall for your fake mercy!” His eyes shined as the moonlight hit him past the dusky night sky, an unwavering result backed by a soul craving for blood. “Huh... When did I ever say anything about mercy...” A loud tick broke the silence and he pulled out a revolver from his back. His expression went blank the smirk that he put on was long gone, he is the master of blank canvas... “It has been over ten minutes sweetheart... And our investigation has led us... nowhere... So we need to speed things up, 'cause... unlike someone someone rubbing his butt on my chair, I am quite busy.” He cracked his fingers and proceeded to release the tension built into his neck by slowly cracking his neck. His slow marches thickened the air surrounding us to the point I suffocated with every single breath. His hands lifted off a massive bed sheet behind him revealing any man's biggest weakness... He kissed the tip of his pistol and looked dead blank in my eyes, “Now you shall bark like a bitch... or my baby here knows how to sing a lullaby.” It is a thriller mystery novel where the protagonist is on a hunt, and his blank heart and empty soul reject normal human emotions, for everyone is a pawn, a pebble that shall be stacked to create a perfect staircase for him to concur the tower which must have been his long ago. Hello! Am restarting after almost an eternity, so I may not be too good, but will surely try to improve. So please leave your honest opinion and reviews, and also a few pointers on how shall I improvise. Enjoy the novel... And try to guess who might be the protagonist, I hope I do my best to hide him/her from your creative minds.(Also the cover is made by me, so... Bare with my bad art style~)

Baby_Shadow_5978 · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Friendly Foe

"Who was it, sir?" Arnold was standing beside his car listening to their whole conversation, wondering who was behind the phone. Due to Christopher's nature and attitude, he barely recognizes anyone's talents, and to his surprise, this person seems to be quite talented, in fact having Christopher's phone number saved on himself. He was given his phone number until recently due to his sudden rise in ranks for his achievements in the Shadow case.

"Oh, he? Just an old foe." A bitter smile appeared on his face while he slightly rubbed his chin remembering the days when he and that person used to fight until one of them would fall unconscious.

"Oh... He must be talented... To gain your praises and attention... I wonder what kind of strength he possesses." Arnold couldn't help but feel more impressed by this unknown personality. He would love to meet him personally and get a few pointers on how to impress Cristopher and reep out more brownie points for himself.

"Haha... Hold on now..." Cristopher took a deep breath and sighed on hearing Arnold praising his old foe so much that even he felt slightly jealous.

"He is still a 'Foe' we just had a settlement. And now we both don't bother each other, but since we have known each other for quite some while, we had decided to stay as friendly rivals, as we are practically nothing without each other," 

He continued, "And we promised to help each other if we are really on a tough end, and it seems the time has finally arrived for me to get his help." Cristopher tossed his phone back in his pocket before gazing at Arnold.

"I will take my leave for now, you continue to supervise the post-mortem team. I will go and get my hands on 'that' hacking prodigy." 

Arnold raised a brow recollecting his memories, how Christopher invited him over for a drink and told him about his encounter with one of the hacking prodigies he just met. And how his talents far surpass his own, which was quite a hard pill to digest for him. But it seems it is true, the uncrowned king would be dethroned soon.

"I see... It seems there are more and more people out there gaining your praises and catching your gaze." A bitter smile slipped on his face, he had been loyal to him for almost half a decade now, but he still couldn't help but feel jealous of seeing so many new faces surpassing his talents.

Cristopher realized the turmoil his heart was going through, if anyone could understand him then it was Cristopher. In his rookie days, he was replaced by his superior versions which were quite younger than him. Even in his Muay Thai career, he faced lots of favoritism. Not until he was taken in by Mr. Bailey he was finally able to shine to the full extent of his abilities.

He stretched out his hand and patted Arnold on the head with a warm smile on his head. "Don't think too much Arnold, you will always be my elite commander no matter who comes up... You are like a family after all." On seeing his warmth and affection for him, he couldn't help but smile back with tears flowing down his cheeks. "Thanks, sir... But I promise you one thing, I won't fall back to these newbies... After all, I am your Elite commander."

On hearing his words, Cristopher smiled back before turning his gaze away and driving back to detect his office and the sun was already peeking out the silhouette of clouds stretching its arms on the land of states. 

"I won't disappoint you, sir." Arnold turned back facing aty the corpse. The moment his gaze hit the corpse he couldn't help but feel disgusted almost throwing up on the spot. "He's ruthless..." He shook his head and moved back to his car waiting for the post-mortem team.


At Leo's home, he and Jenna cuddled each other under the sheets lost deep into their slumber.


The alarm began ringing almost at 6:30 as Leo slowly opened his eyes finding Jenna's beautiful face sleeping peacefully beside him. On seeing her relaxed and happy face he couldn't help but blush. "Hehe... My baby..." He bent ahead and gently pecked on her forehead caressing her fairy-like appearance.

Soon Jenna opened her eyes stretching out in Leo's arms like a small kitten who had just gotten off from her comfy bed.

"Ahmmm..." She moaned slightly while rubbing her eyes, rolling over Leo. "Hehe... Wakie wakie." Leo cupped Jenna's face in his palm and pressed his lips gently on hers while rubbing his nose on hers.

"Hehe... Morning." Jenna grabbed onto Leo's shirt and hugged him like a koala would hug an eucalyptus tree. "You are like a cute koala." Leo chuckled while pulling her closer in his embrace.

"Rawr!" She moaned while squinting her eyes and opened her mouth while placing her lips on Leo's cheeks and applying slight pressure on them. "Hehe... Dummy, koalas don't roar." He rubbed her head and hugged her tightly.

Leo poked her super fluffy cheeks and continued, "Coffee?" She nodded while still keeping her little mouth on his cheek. Seeing her act like a cute baby bear Leo couldn't help but chuckle, "Hehe, such a cutie... Should I carry you around in my arms?" 

She nodded again more vicious than before, and her saliva drolled all over Leo's cheeks, but he decided not to rub it off, as he found her actions cute.

"Alright...." On saying that Leo gently held his arms under her buttcheeks before pulling her over himself, until she tucked onto him like a literal koala.

"Hang on tight okay?" 

Leo began moving towards his kitchen while Jenna hugged him rubbing her face onto his and pecking his lips nonstop.

While supporting her with his one arm he began brewing some coffee for them, while savoring her sweet lips.

"You like my lips mhm?" Leo asked her with a red flushed face.

'Yup!" She replied with an innocent grin on her face. Leo rubbed her lips with his fingers as he gently placed his lips onto her, allowing himself to enjoy the softness and slight sweetness of her lips. "Hey, Jenn... You remember our first kiss?" Leo slowly parted his lips from her and asked in a bashful manner blushing uncontrollably.

"How can I forget?" Her fingers reached her lips as she gently embraced them giggling while remembering their first kiss.

"Hehe, you told me you would help me become an adult, and silly you were so curious about it." Jenna giggled while pulling Leo's cheeks and teasing him about their first kiss and how he was naive.

"Yup..." A gentle smile appeared on his face as he remembered their first kiss as if it was yesterday, still fresh in his memories. "And I was so happy afterward right?" Leo closed his eyes and rested his face on Jenna's chest. "Pat pat... hehe... My baby." Jenna hugged on his face pushing him in his chest. "They are soft right?" She patted his head and pecked on his head while embracing him like her baby. "Yup... They are best." He lifted his face slightly; and gave her a wink before pressing his face back into heaven.