
A Once in a Lifetime Silent Love

Sometimes silence is golden but what if all you know is to be silent? If someone could change it, would you take that chance? Would you risk everything for love? Looks can be deceiving be careful who you trust and who you let get close. Will you choose yourself and what you want or continue to live the same way forever? Can you find your voice and fight for what you want?

Paula_Parker · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Things get worse

Wednesday (September 8th)

I was walking towards school from the parking lot when I saw Shay get out of a truck then he walked towards the table Ryder was sitting at. I saw his dad was dressed like I've seen some detectives dress. I was a little shocked to see his dad might be a cop.

"Ok loser, we are apparently stuck together for the history assignment." Julia said stopping at the table and looking at Shay.

"Ok." Shay said before drinking some of the water he had in his right hand.

"So what's your address because you aren't coming to my house?" Julia asked.

Shay shook his head.

"Why afraid I might punch your brother or something?" Shay asked.

"You just won't fit in there." Julia said.

"And you will fit in at my place?" Shay asked looking her up and down.

She rolled her eyes.

"Just give me your address." She said before sliding her phone across the table and towards him.

"I don't want a zero." She said as Shay picked up her phone.

"And who says I do?" Shay asked as he started typing something in her phone.

I stopped on Julia's right side and she looked to see me before hugging me.

"Hey girl, sorry I missed church yesterday." She said then Shay looked up to see me.

I signed its fine; I survived somehow.

She laughed.

"Yeah you survived hanging out with Eric without me around." She said and I rolled my eyes at her.

I signed I consider him a friend.

"Yeah a friend you can only take in small doses sometimes." She said and I nodded my head then she smiled at me.

I held out a cup of coffee towards her and she took it.

I signed he tell you we got partnered up for history.

"Yeah he told me." She said.

"So Eric and you are partners for this history assignment." Shay said as he pushed Julia's phone back across the table and towards her.

I nodded my head before drinking some of my coffee.

"Hey baby." Eric said from behind me then he put his arms around my waist.

I knew he was doing it because Shay was around and so did Julia because she rolled her eyes.

"Eric, what are you doing?" She asked.

"Saying hi to Marie." He said then I felt him kiss the left side of my neck.

"She doesn't even like you." Shay said then I felt Eric look at Shay.

"You mind your own business." Eric said at him then I felt him kiss the right side of my neck.

Shay shook his head and got a mad look on his face.

"Come on baby, let's go." Eric said removing his arms from around me then grabbing my right hand.

I let him pull me away but when we got out of their eyesight I took my hand away from Eric's and signed don't do that again and don't kiss me. He just rolled his eyes at me then I walked away.

When 4th period came around, Shay knocked on my desk as he walked past it and I looked at him then he smiled at me. At lunch, I saw Shay and them sit down at a table where Shay could see me. When I got done eating, I got up and threw away my trash before walking out of the cafeteria and towards the bathrooms. When I walked back towards the cafeteria after using the bathroom, I heard a lot of yelling and commotion. I picked up my pace and I got to the cafeteria right as Mr. Hart and Mr. Davidson was pulling apart Shay and Eric. Both of their shirts were ripped and both had a bloody nose. I shook my head as I watched Mr. Hart and Mr. Davidson pull them towards the other cafeteria exit. When Julia saw me, she walked towards me then pulled me out into the hall.

I signed what happened?

"The usual back and forth between them after Eric blocked Shay's way when he was going to leave the cafeteria after you left." She said and I shook my head.

"Shay told him once again that you gave Eric a pity kiss because you didn't want Shay to kick his butt. Eric lashed out before any of us could pull him away from Shay." She said and I shook my head again.

"I have to say I think they are evenly matched I couldn't tell who was going to win." She said.

I signed that doesn't matter; they are doing nothing but acting like kids who if they don't get what they want they lash out.

She nodded her head.

The bell rung for 5th period so I walked away towards my 5th period class.

I was walking towards my 6th period class when I saw Shay and Eric still sitting outside the principal's office probably waiting on their parents to get here. Mr. Tony, our security guard, was leaning against the opposite wall and watching both of them to make sure they didn't start fighting again. Both of their noses had stopped bleeding but I could already tell both of them would probably have black eyes. When Eric saw me, he stood up from his chair which got Shay's attention. Mr. Tony stood up straight as a warning to them to behave.

"Marie." Eric said as I got to where they were at.

I shook my head and didn't even look at him as I walked past him.

"Baby." Eric said.

I stopped and turned around to see Eric was looking at me. I saw Shay had his balled into fists which made Mr. Tony take a step towards both Eric and Shay.

I signed don't call me that we are not together.

Shay laughed then Eric shot him a look.

"I did this for you so maybe he would learn to stay away from you." Eric said looking at me.

I shook my head before turning back around and walking away. I made it to class right on time and by the time school was out pretty much everyone knew Eric and Shay got a two day suspension and Eric wouldn't be allowed to play in the football game this Friday.

I tried my best to avoid Shay and Eric as much as possible because I didn't want either of them to get suspended again. I did much of the history project myself with only a little help from Eric and I made sure Julia was around when we did that. Before I knew it, it was already October and time for the homecoming dance.