
A Novel by Asangalisah A. Isaiah Title: Black Hunter

A retired Black-ops Secret agent is ordered to come back for one last Job with sinister motives. A series of unlikely events ensue and a web of secrets unfold. This is a complex but easy to read Action-thriller/Macabre genre novel which keeps it's readers on the edge of their seats and fully engrossed in reading. The main characters include, Black Hunter himself otherwise known as Jude Gershon, a retired model called Cecilia Gold, who ,otherwise, will conquer her damsel in distress tag to be a heroine of a sort; Michael Hershold; a charming Billionaire and husband to Cecilia Gold with a Mysterious air around him, a witty Detective named Charles Joyce, an assassin named Angel, and a mole in the Secret organization, called Joe Genesis. So put on your favourite reading glasses or slippers and enjoy , chapter to chapter, the contents of this lovely read entitled, Black Hunter. Shalom.

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Black Hunter


He hanged up the phone to what appeared to be a lifelong lecture from the other end, then he went down to the garage met with a hissing sound of cold wind from the opened windows. He moved to the wooden closet at the end of the room and took out a warm coat to defeat the cold outside.

He moved towards the garage door and swung it open. He stood at the entrance calculating his next move. Within an instant of him standing there scanning the outdoors, a red miniature polka dot appeared on his torso. Knowing what this meant, based on his military training and extensive knowledge on Gun weaponry, he moved swiftly to an almost missed bullet which grazed his right arm. There were wizzes of bullet noises everywhere in the garage aiming for him, and if not for his agile limb movements he would have been hit. He hopped unto the stairs leading out of the garage and barely made it into the upper room.

He rushed for his rifle which was lying in a Gun pocket somewhere in the room and hid behind the half closed windows, lying in wait for the able marksman coming for his life.

He knew they had come for him. The people from the other side. This was the consequence of the just ended Phone call, and it was really fast.

He heard footsteps coming towards his front door and then a voice saying

"Black Hunter! It is all over! There is nowhere to run now"

"Just come out, and maybe, we could talk"

Black Hunter knew they won't let him live, after the stunt they pulled earlier. They wanted him dead. And he was hell going to give them a fight! And so he started the Maneuver…..