
A Novel by Asangalisah A. Isaiah Title: Black Hunter

A retired Black-ops Secret agent is ordered to come back for one last Job with sinister motives. A series of unlikely events ensue and a web of secrets unfold. This is a complex but easy to read Action-thriller/Macabre genre novel which keeps it's readers on the edge of their seats and fully engrossed in reading. The main characters include, Black Hunter himself otherwise known as Jude Gershon, a retired model called Cecilia Gold, who ,otherwise, will conquer her damsel in distress tag to be a heroine of a sort; Michael Hershold; a charming Billionaire and husband to Cecilia Gold with a Mysterious air around him, a witty Detective named Charles Joyce, an assassin named Angel, and a mole in the Secret organization, called Joe Genesis. So put on your favourite reading glasses or slippers and enjoy , chapter to chapter, the contents of this lovely read entitled, Black Hunter. Shalom.

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Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Cecilia combed her black silky hair in front of the dressing mirror. She was lost in the image before her. She still had that sterling figure that once made her a sensational top model. She dropped her maiden name, Archibald, to embrace a more spotlight friendly alias, Gold. She was, therefore, known as The "Golden Nymph", during her much younger years in the industry. She was still strikingly beautiful, of that she knew, and considering the fact that she was at present married to an equally handsome looking billionaire executive, who is five years older than she is. She stood up almost unaware of herself after the brief self-admiration ritual, and slipped into an ankle length, knee high slit, green gown. She walked meticulously across the room to the shoe walk-in closet, and slipped her feet into a black pencil-heeled pair of shoes. She then strutted to a full bodice standing mirror to inspect herself and make sure every accessory was where it was supposed to be.

Satisfied at what she saw, she left the bedroom for the hall where Michael was waiting patiently.

"You look ravishing, Darling…" Michael praised after feasting his eyes on the beautiful being coming towards him.

"And you look Dashing, Mr. Hershold…" Cecilia returned the courtesy to her Husband.

They locked hands and headed for the limousine waiting for them outside.

As Michael held open the door for Cecilia to make her entry into the vehicle, a thought occurred to her.

"O! I forgot my purse…I need it, Let me go get it… I will be quick" she said

"Fine, darling I will be waiting." Michael replied, calmly.

She rushed into the mansion and within five minutes made her way out. When she came out of the house, Michael was not by the car, so she presumed he was already in the vehicle. She tried walking quickly towards the car, hoping the concierge will open the passenger door for her.

She barely made it two hundred feet to the car, when a piercing flash of light which felt like an exploding fire met her eyes, and the force of the explosion propelled her body backwards to the ground. The explosion came from the Limousine.

Cecilia woke up to blowing sirens and paramedics surrounding her. Her hair was disheveled and she was being pushed on a gunner unto an ambulance. She caught a glimpse of the wrecked Limousine at where it stood during the explosion, and it was then that the memories came flooding in.

"Mi-chael, Mi, Mi, Michael…." She mumbled her husband's name through short sobs…

"Was my Husband in that car…?" she tried hollering out the question to the people surrounding her

"Mrs. Hershold, Calm down….I will be administering some sedatives into your system" "This is to help you relax" a female paramedic said softly to Cecilia.

"What are you doing!?" Cecilia screamed, "I want to see my husband!" she demanded.

The sedative started to kick in and Cecilia started to drift slowly into a deep sleep.

As she was going under she saw Michael's handsome face with a halo above it and the last words she heard were:

"…I will be waiting…"