
A Normal Day

In a classroom at an ungodly hour in the morning, a teenager is sitting alone waiting for the beginning of his classes.

'Why did I arrive so damn early, I could have spent these 30 minutes of wait catching up on some much needed sleep. I guess I can just put my head down and try to sleep.'

Thought the boy, as he put his head down on the his table. Unfortunately, his idea didn't work out as other students started filling the room and their incessant talking made it hard for the teen to rest.

'Where do they get the energy to socialise at 7 in the morning. And are those guys playing tag in the hall?! How has nobody stopped them yet? Ah well I guess I'll just play a game or something on my phone to pass the time.'

Of course as soon as that thought crossed his mind, another student approached him and settled into the chair next to him.

"Hey there Adam, sleepy as usual I see. You've been spending all night on your phone again I'm guessing."

"Yeah yeah you guessed it James, you didn't have to call me out like that."

"I wouldn't if it wasn't affecting you so much, tell me honestly at what time you went to sleep last night. Was it at 2 am again?"

"Nah I slept at 3 since I was playing Angry Birds and didn't notice the time fly by. And I was gonna continue playing before somebody interrupted me."

"Hey if you want to play I'm not stopping you. In fact here, you talking about it has made me want to play it, so let's compete to see who can finish the most amount of levels with 3 stars before class starts."

"OH you're so on!"

And so time went by as the two friends had fun, attended their classes and continued their competition with some of their other friends from different classes.

Soon enough, school ended and the boys each went back home after saying their goodbyes to each other. Adam himself walked home since unlike his friends who use the bus, his house was close enough that he only needed a 20 minute walk to get to it.

'Man today has been exhausting, and I still have to study for that test tomorrow. Why do I always keep waiting on the last day to start preparing for test?'

'Anyway, I should go buy those groceries that mom asked me to buy yesterday on my way home. I don't wanna be the target of her disappointment again.'

He walked until he reached the corner store where he usually buys his groceries from, bought the ingredients that his mom needed for tomorrow's meal, and paid for them before he continued home with the bags in hand.

'It looks like it will rain soon, I should hurry before I get caught in it'

He picked up his pace and a couple of streets later, his house was finally in sight. He hurried inside as a drizzle of water started dropping from the sky.

'Phew, made it just in time.'

"Oh look who's here, you made it right on time."

A woman, presumably the teens mother, said as she put some spaghetti with meatballs on the dinner table.

"Hey mom, let me just put this stuff in the fridge and I will join you."

"Okay sweetie, and call your brothers too. They should be in their rooms."

"Sure just give me a second."

Adam quickly put away the groceries, before going to get his siblings. He went upstairs, walked through a hallway before stopping before a couple of closed doors.


Immediately, the 2 boys rushed out of their respective rooms. The 3 siblings proceeded to race back downstairs to the kitchen, with the middle child of the family vaulting the stair handrail to get there faster.

Knowing he would do this, Adam quickly crouched and let his youngest brother jump on his back, before dashing after him and barely managed to pass him before stopping at the diner table, laughing all the while.

"Hah..hah...we beat you today Mark", breathed out the 16 year old through his pants while crouching to drop off the younging from his back.

"YAAAY!", screamed the toddler "WE WIN TODAY, WOOOHOOOOO!!!"

"Yeah you guys might have won now, but I will make you guys eat my dust next time, mark my words!" Said Mark jokingly, being a surprisingly good sport for a 12 year old.

"Alright, calm down children and sit down to eat" said the mother to her children, "and Ian sweetie, go wash your hands they are still covered in Play-Doh."

"OKAY" screamed the energetic child before quickly washing his hands in the kitchen sink, before sitting with the rest of his family on the table.

The family proceeded to have lunch together, creating a cozy atmosphere where they talk and joke with each other while eating some spaghetti with meatballs.

Somewhere in the middle of them eating, the father of this happy family returned from his job earlier than usual and enters the room where his loved ones are sitting.

"Ooooh Maria~" said the man in a sing songy tone of voice, "guess who got you a present~."

"Logan? Why are you home so early dear?" Asked the confused wife.

"Did really you forget what day it is today?" Answered the man, smiling smugly suddenly.

"Well it's March 16th and that's..." the woman widened her eyes as she finally remembered the importance of this day.

"Well look who finally remembered the date of her own birthday" laughed out the man at the irony of the situation, "now you can never complain when I forget something important."

Finally calming down, the father pulled out a cake with the number 46 written on it, and placed it in front of the embarrassed woman.

"Now me and the boys prepared a little something as a gift for blessing our stomachs with good food and our faces with smiles all year long." Said Logan before gesturing at his kids, who immediately bolted from the table and went somewhere in the house, before coming back with a wrapped a present.

"Here you go mom" said Adam before giving his mother her gift, "c'mon open it up!"

Maria, with the encouragement of her children and husband, quickly opened the present revealing a book that had the words 'for out beloved Maria'.

Turning the pages of the book showed pictures of the woman in different times and situations, from the couples second date at a theater to a picnic in the forest with her whole family, before finally ending with the last pages each being written on by a member of her family, ranging from her mother to her cousins, each conveying their appreciation and love for the woman.

"It took a bit of time to get all the pictures, and even more time getting everyone message in it, but we finally ended with something that perfectly shows how you impacted all of our lives" admitted Logan before hugging his wife and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Overwhelmed, the mother started crying tears of joy and immediately gathered all of the rooms occupants in a group hug, thanking them all the while for being part of her life and brightening it up so much.

The family went on to celebrate this happy day, playing board games and card games, singing songs together and just overall having a fantastic time.

But all things have to end somewhere, and as the clock hit midnight, the party slowed down as the participants got tired, and finally ended when Ian fell asleep on the floor of the living room.

The eldest sibling carried his brother with a fond smile on his face to his bed, before helping his parents and other brother with the after party cleanup.

Finally done, each member did their before bed routine, before going to their rooms and laying their heads on their pillows, joining the realm of Morpheas like the rest of their kind.

Well, except for Adam, for his spirit appears to have a different destination in mind today.

Where to you might ask? Well wherever it is, be sure that this boy has a grand adventure in front of him, and people like him have always thrived in these stories.