
Alex Returns

"Earth to Margo! Margo? Are you even listening to me?" I look up to Aiden and smile faintly. "Sorry, I spaced out a bit. What were you saying?" Aiden sighs and stands up as he looks at me. "I just told you that we are done with school for today. Our history teacher got sick last minute. Want to grab something to drink on our way back?" I grab my bag and stand up as well. "Sure, but not at the same place as last time. I don't know what you see in that food. It was truly disgusting." I laugh and hear Aiden gasp. "You did not just say that, Margo. Their food may be different, but it is good." He bumps into me playfully as we walk off the school grounds. Most of the students would take the bus, but we walk to school every day. It is kind of our routine. We attend the same school and share some of the general classes like history, but I study Photography and he studies Science. Aiden is my best friend, for a couple of years now. Besides Aiden? No, I don't have any other friends. There is one girl named Rose, but we are not really friends. She is my classmate and I care for her. But we never hangout or sit together in the lunch breaks. So, yeah. Just Aiden and me.

"As Princess Margo insisted, I have chosen a different place to drink something this time." Aiden gets his phone and shows me the place. It is a lunch room called 'The Pines'. A very unique name… Since we live near a big forest full of pine trees. "Sounds good to me." I tell Aiden and we head towards 'The pines'.

"Margo, question for you; I won some tickets to see the movie Deadpool. Would you like to join me?" Aiden smirks and puts his hands in his pockets. "Sure! You know I love those kind of movies. I would love to see that movie with you."

"Great, they show it on Fridays, next week. So, keep that evening free for me, will you?"

As we arrive at 'The Pines' I get second thoughts. It looks kind of empty and old. There are two truck drivers plus a police man enjoying their lunch. "Come on, can't be that bad, right?" Aiden grabs my wrist and drags me behind him. "Good afternoon!": The lady behind the counter says. "Sit anywhere, please. We are not that busy today, as you can see. I will be right with you!" We sit down at one of the tables and I look around. It looks pretty old and it kind of stinks in here. It just… smells old. "What can I get for the two love birds?", the woman asks as she holds up a notepad and a pencil. "I'd like a coffee, please. Princess Margo? What do you want to drink, your highness?", Aiden says and smirks from ear to ear. "I would like coffee as well, please." I look at Aiden and whisper, "Would you stop calling me princess everywhere?! That woman thinks we are crazy now." Aiden grabs my hand and looks at me. "Poor Margo, she doesn't know we are crazy already." He lets go of my hand and looks outside the window. It is kind of windy and it looks like it is starting to rain.

"Here is your coffee, ma'am." The woman gives me my coffee and smiles politely. "And the coffee for the gentleman." Aiden dramatically bows for the woman and grabs his coffee. "Enjoy your drinks."

"Do you always have to be so weird?", I say as I look at Aiden and take a sip of my coffee. "No, I don't. But you secretly love it. I just… know… it." He stares out of the window and forgets to finish his answer. "Margo? Isnt that Alex?" I look outside and see a figure walking towards this lunch room. She has short blue hair and ripped jeans. Looking like a real rebel. "Holy- That really is Alex. What is she doing in town?" Alex opens the door and walks in. She looks around and when she sees us she immediately walks over while waving. "Yo, Margo! Long time no see, girl!" She sits down next to Aiden and smiles. Aiden looks at me and back to Alex. I have never seen him so confused yet. "Alex, not to be mean or anything. But what the hell are you doing in town without telling us?", he asks and takes a sip from the coffee. "Good question. I got kicked out of my parents house. So, I also kind of need a place to stay." She grabs my coffee and takes a sip. "Why did they kick you out? What did you do this time?", I ask and grab my coffee back. I look at Aiden and he looks annoyed. Aiden is just staring out of the window, sipping from his coffee. "I came out as lesbian and my parents decided to kick me out. I wanted to move out anyways.", she says and smiles. Aiden almost chokes on his coffee and looks at Alex. "Calm down, Aiden. I wont steal your Margo from you. Not yet." Alex laughs and gives Aiden a shoulder bump. "Well, for your information, Margo is my best friend.", Aiden says as he looks irritated at Alex. "Oh, pardon me. I thought you two had figured it out already by now."

After half an hour of hearing Aiden and Alex argue over the dumbest thing I decided to pay for the coffee and go to the toilet. I put away my coffee and stand up. "Margo, where are you going?" Aiden looks kind of anxious my way. "I was planning on paying for the coffee and go to the toilet." Aiden stands up and pushed Alex off the seat. "No, no. I will pay. I asked you to drink something with me anyways." I thank Aiden and go to the toilet. It stinks so bad in here. I lock the door and sit down. I can't blame Alex for coming back, but she did kind of ruined my peaceful afternoon. I have no choice but to let her sleep over. Maybe she will calm down a bit when we are alone. My phone starts buzzing, so I look at my screen.

Aiden: Are you alright, princess Margo?

Aiden is indeed my best friend. And as my best friend he sometimes reads me too well. It is not like I am not alright. I just did not plan on taking Alex in for the night.

Margo: Yeah, don't worry. We'll hangout another day, alright?

Aiden: I am sorry for arguing with Alex. She just irritates me.

Margo: I know. But next week we will go to the movies together.

I put my phone away and unlock the door. I take a deep breath and I go back to our seat. I look at Aiden and smile. He smiles back and grabs his bag. "Well, ladies. It was nice seeing you again, Alex. Hands off Margo, please. And Margo, I will see you tomorrow at school again. Good luck with Alex.", he says as he smiles sweetly to me. "Thanks, Aiden. I'll see you tomorrow." I wave him good bye and look at Alex. She smiles and hugs me. "I missed you, Margo. How have you been? Still haven't figured out if you like Aiden or not?" I put on my coat and grab my bag. "Let's go to my apartment, alright?" Alex agrees and we leave the lunch room.

"So, Aiden still has not confessed to you?", she says as we enter my apartment. "No, he has not. And it is okay, because I don't like him that way." I take off my shoes and turn on my coffee machine. "Girl, you are torturing that boy. You don't even want to go on a date with him?" Alex takes off her shoes as well and sits down on my couch. "I don't know. We are going to the movies together next week? That counts as a date, right?" I grab two mugs and pour in some coffee. Two sugar cubes for Alex. I still remember that. "I will allow that this time." I give her the coffee and sit down on the couch. "Hey, Margo? Do you mind if I smoke on your balcony?", she says as she grabs a pack of cigarettes out of her bag. I point to the window behind her and say, "Just open that one and you can smoke on the couch." She opens the window and lights her cigarette. "Thanks. You don't mind it that I am a lesbian, right?" She looks at her cigarette and blows the smokes away. "No, not at all. I don't even know if I am straight yet. So, don't worry about it." Alex smiles and takes a sip from her coffee. "It is nice to be back, Margo. I hope I am not a bother to you." I take a sip from my coffee and curl my legs up on the couch. "Not at all. It was just a bit sudden. It is nice not to be alone in my apartment for once. But tell me, what exactly happened with your parents?"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation.

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