
A Nobody's Transmigration

[Read my new book Master Of Horrors!] France Neemon was transmigrated into a body of a trash character, Noelle Portnner, in the novel Unyielding Hero. His knowledge of that world only contains volume one of it. With adversities, mysteries, and resolve to return to his previous world, France ventures into the world and accepts becoming the trash son of a rich character. The moment he stepped up and became a character, more questions filled his mind. Yet, amidst those inexplicable questions, is that really all? ----- The cover is not mine. If the creator wished it removed, then it will be removed.

Ordki_Hozei · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
151 Chs

A Punch For A Trash


In some place alone, Isaac was slowly regaining his senses while having signs of waking up. After a few seconds, he moved his head around, only to see he was in a cell.

'How long was I out?'

Isaac asked himself, confused while being alert. Recalling everything that had happened, his face can't help but display a frown.

'Ugh, that guy who knocked me up… He is strong.' Isaac mused inwardly before standing up in his place, surveying what he can see outside of his cell, 'It seems like I wasn't the only one here as there are some noises outside of this place. Cells only contain one person each. They got our weapons and there's no way of returning them now,'

Holding the bars of his cell while looking outside, Isaac continued, 'How do I get out of here?'

It was at that moment as if someone was reading his mind, a screen-like appeared on his front just right outside of his cell.

[Do you need my help, Hero?]


[I'm here to guide you to your path. You are the only one who could save the entire universe. Let me do my job.]

"I don't need your help,"

[Still stubborn as ever. If that's what you want, then so be it but let me tell you one thing. I'm always here for you. It's not now but you will realize that you needed me to be strong. You will regret not using me. I have a vast knowledge that exceeds everything you people have. You have tremendous potential, Hero.]

"You keep saying that again and again. I only think of you as a parasite, don't you know that? I disgust you. I will succeed with my own strength,"

[Heh, really, what a stubborn fellow. That kind of thinking will lead you to your death. You don't have much time left. Sooner or later, you will need me.]

"Fuck off,"

[Sigh, looks like I will have to break one promise. Listen here, kid. I will only tell you once.]

He waited for it to say something but Isaac hardened his resolve not to be a puppet of his system. Whatever it said, he wouldn't be a slave here, knowing this unknown system has secret motives.

Yet, the next screen he just saw made him shiver. He didn't want to believe it but… he had some thought that the system never lied to him or joke about this kind of thing.

[You are supposed to die here.]


[With the Disruption Of Time, you weren't supposed to be The Hero. 'We' didn't choose you. You chose us and 'we' answered.]


[Be prepared, Hero. You are venturing towards an unknown future. You—]


[You— will need my—]


[You have to decide now.]

"Sir, Trov. What are we going to do?"

In a room where one corpse was lying down, a small group of people had encircled it with Trov, who fought Isaac, while leading them.

"Burn him," Trov answered with a frown while glancing at the guy who answered, "This guy was the one who stole a unique Piece from us. A box-shaped baby hand size. I was trying to find him myself but he keeps getting away from my grasp."

He paused, "He's a spy but losing control was entirely his fault. Heh, he deserves that. I bet he couldn't control it. Did the Piece already appear on his chest?"

"Uhm, about that… we didn't see anything. It's just a corpse in here. We could guess that the one who killed this guy has taken it."

"He consumed three Piece at the same time?"

"No, I think he just possessed the two Piece that this guy owned along with the one with the unique Piece. He didn't consume them,"

"Of course, he wouldn't. I'm just teasing you. Even normal people would've heard about controlling Piece with a certain pace,"

'Is that a good thing or bad? Aren't we supposed to take our serious attention to this?' The man who answered Trov mused inwardly as he nodded his head.


"Sir!" A white robe man opened the door of his room, "We have a problem. The one who chased the killer is… dead."


"No signs of struggle or fight had happened. He was just… killed."

Hearing the news that sounded weird, the others couldn't help but be alarmed. All of them were inside the room except for one person.


Trov smirked as he felt ecstatic about the unexpected turn of events.

'Of fuck, oh fuck. I'm going to die. Already expecting a bad result using a Piece but not this bad… No matter how many times I wiped my mouth, blood keeps dripping.'

I didn't run. I couldn't when I was maintaining my pace as possible from the next batch of pursuers I was expecting while thinking about that thought inside my head.

Unaware of the time, I continued to roam around, trying to find the prison cell where Isaac was held captive.

Along the way, I hid through the eyes of the people roaming around. I remained cautious, keeping all my senses high while not letting my guard down.

'I'm confident that I was now lost. I don't know where am I. Heck, does this place even have a map? By the looks of it, even the people who had lived here would surely be lost in the direction. Is it a day now or two?'

I shake my head, focusing my attention back on the track and ragged breathing which has stabilized since I have quite a plentiful rest even though my health is kind of worrisome.

'I still couldn't see a prison. Whether Isaac is there or not, I would've checked it but until now, there isn't been any...' I paused, 'By now, I knew they were finding me. Of course, they would. If some unknown assailant had killed one of your men and is roaming around your turf, you would definitely be on your guard since you don't know what motive the other party has.

And rethinking that thought for now, why would I even think that they were that logical? I remember that they were total psychopaths.

'This is crazy… I don't want to be here.'

My resolve on going back outside had increased, even returning to earth.


It was at that moment that I was about to strive forward toward a path when I heard two people. It was on my front, going towards my way.

Calmly analyzing the situation, I swiftly made my way to some house along the way and hid. While hiding, I happened to hear their talk.

"Hehe, a lot of nobles are in there. Everything is going smoothly on our part and I can't wait for it to happen. Right, I'm now leveling my Progression to 3. And, with the merits I've done, I could choose a Piece from the vaults!"

"That's great news! I'm also leveling my Progression to 2. As you can see, when we kidnapped the nobles, I was the same as you. Anyway, about the noble we caught, some are useful for trade and some were good to be one of us. Heh, as for the others… they would be dead sooner or later, Hahaha! I also can't wait for it to happen. Our motto is finally becoming true,"

"To Him!"

"To Him!"

They shouted and laughed like a bunch of lunatics as they both raised their hands in unison. My mouth twitched hearing and seeing them but felt delighted for some reason.

'Where they exited to… they must be from the prison! And, it leads to only one way… Does this mean that they have it from the center of the maze? In my experience of going through this place, it feels like I've been circling around yet this time, only one path was there. Well, who knows, maybe after this, I might see two and expand once more, leaving me forever lost in this place,'

If they didn't come from prison, then it's all right. But if they were, there's a low chance I would find Isaac but I would take it! I've waited far too long to be given a chance like this.

Not wanting to engage in a fight with them, I waited for a few minutes and exited the room. I stroll towards the path the two guys walked through and after about an hour or so of the same pace, my face brightened in a such high manner.


Carefully walking through the path by using the rooms or buildings I passed by to conceal myself, I was finally in front of the prison, which surprisingly, didn't have guards.

'Hah, how convenient,'

Opening the door with vigilant eyes, my expression turned into surprise seeing the gigantic and endless space. This place was really in the middle of the maze. Judging by the screams of those cells, this is also the place where they put their captured people.

'This is… absolutely big! I mean, big. Literally! Holy crap…'


It was at that moment that I thought the same scenario I had been thinking would resurface once more where I wish it wouldn't but this time, the person who called just handled brown cardboard which has been stamped with a list of papers.

"You can remove your white robe while in here but I will not bother you much if you don't want to." The man paused, "Seeing that you came here in that door, it's probably time for my shift to end. Handle all the people at prison block 5 and give them to the person administered on that place,"

"They were the recently captured nobles and young masters from the Grandiff Kingdom on the part. In case you don't know, don't be enticed by their offers. My ears keep ringing 'riches and stuffs' inside my head due to those shitty people,"

He scoffed, "It's actually to think they would be saved from their gold. All right then, I will not leave you here. Good luck,"

He waved his hand as if it was nothing before he exited through the door I used. Taking a quick look to see if the guy was really gone, I immediately focus my attention on the paper.

It seems like the whole prison is depicted here. The first to the fifth page contains all the people from prison block 1. It goes on and through my careful skim, the overall prison block this place contain is 20.

'What he means by handle probably meant give their names, their status in their kingdom, some related information, and lastly, to convince them to come with me to the so-called administrator. Beyond that point, I wouldn't know. Besides that, I concluded that this is where they kept everyone they captured. I couldn't see any other way leading towards another prison,'

I came across that thought through the papers I had seen which had been filled already. For example, prison block 8 contains the high-ranking nobles of the Heyna Kingdom. They were a list of names and their ranks. They are even some side comments from the person.

I didn't mind that and swiftly headed toward the nobles that had been captured at Halls Road, where we rested before the kidnapping happened.

'There it is!'

/Prison block 7, Fordent Elite Institute. Captured students and nobles at Halls Road. Currently waiting for instructions./

With this direction in mind, I set my attention on prison block 7.

I greeted everyone I met along the way since my face was covered with a robe that didn't arouse suspicions while avoiding doubts about whether I was a real member or not, which they greeted back.

Fortunately, there are also other people wearing robes. Thought the same situation would happen once more, asking 'who are you?' or 'what mission was issued to you?' and stuff like that.

After half an hour of walking calmly, I was finally on prison block 7.

I began my search for Isaac, ignoring all the pleas of the nobles I passed by. With hope, I tried to find Lori and Drake along the way. Thinking of using them even though they could be prevented, it's the least I could do to repay my guilt.

'I guess I'm also trash but much worse. How pathetic,'

After walking for almost another half an hour watching the cells which have a door and bars, I suddenly came to a halt when I find the person inside a cell.

"Hahaha… finally,"

Quickly moving to the cell, I closed my distance to the bars. I moved my head from left to right to see if any people were spying and seeing that they weren't, I spoke hastily.

"Isaac!" Pulling my robe down, I continued, "It's me, Noelle. Uhm, I don't know how to open the cell. I don't have a key with me."

Confused at someone going to his cell at first, it immediately turned into a surprise as he stand up before his expression became emotionless.

"Do you have a sword with you?"

"Yes, I have two," I waved my robe, revealing two swords on my side which is getting heavier, "The problem is, I can't open the door,"

Isaac silently moved towards the door and without any obstacles, he opened it with ease.


Feeling delighted, I swiftly entered the door and met Isaac with a smile.

I was about to hand the sword which belonged to the guy had used earlier when all of a sudden… he threw a punch at me.


I was thrown over the wall, regaining my senses after a few seconds as I cursed, "What in the fuck was that?!"

"Hey trash," Isaac coldly replied, "We'll talk after this."

"A little gratitude would be nice,"

Being silent for a while, Isaac walked and moved forward, extending his hand forward as if he was trying to assist me to get up.

I was extremely moved and could understand where his anger was coming from.

I was about to receive his hand when he dodges it swiftly, indicating he doesn't want to touch my filthy hands.

He frowned and said, "The sword. Give it to me."


So that's how is it.

I can't help but chuckle.