
A Ninja in a World of Heroes

Uzumaki Naruto wakes up in a world full of heroes and villains, where he was surprised to learn that there is no charka. Being the only ninja in a world different from his own, he will have to learn to live in this new place, but he will not do it alone, as he will be accompanied by a peculiar woman who saved him from dying. Now both will have to live in this new world.

Magobrujo · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 9 Ninja Vs Ninja


-Kaguya Otsutsuki.

-Momo Yaoyorozu.

-Yu Takeyama (Mt. Lady).

-Nemuri Kayama (Midnight).

-Ibara Shiozaki.

-Izumi Midoriya (female version of Izuku).

-Uraraka Ochako.

-Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko).

-Jirou Kyoka.

The days passed as if nothing, the time for the big event was practically only 3 days away. Everyone was nervous, each of the students knew that this was the first opportunity to show the world what they are made of, for them to surpass the old generation of heroes. Show the world that they will be the ones who will protect the world when the heroes of now retire.

Each of the students in class 1-A trained in all that time. All on their own, training not to be left behind, to surpass their partner, to show him that they are also strong.

Everyone was excited, everyone had their own goals for the event, everyone thought to stand out to be one step closer to fulfilling their dream, they knew this was going to be a war.

Meanwhile, Naruto was sitting on a pillar of earth, in a lotus position, with his fists clasped. All under the watchful eye of Aizawa, All Might, Midnight and director Nedzu.

- How long do you plan to be like this? - I ask with boredom the blackhair.

"I don't know, yesterday he was in that position for 5 hours straight," replied the movie.

—Meditation is also a good workout, that way both the body and the mind can be in harmony. That's essential—I clarify All Might serenely, being in its weak form.

"That's right, but it's too hard to concentrate when there are so many people talking," I speak with my eyes closed.

"Sorry young Uzumaki," the older blond apologized, laughing.

Naruto just wrinkled his forehead, while concentrating again, just deep breath, everything was darkness, the sooner he began to feel the natural energy of everyone, and all the people at a great distance, and those who were nearby. I could see a flame of crimson red fire strong but that was gradually going out, that must be that of All Might.

He also saw two blue flares, those must be from Aizawa and Nemuri, then another white one that must be from the director. And so he began to see thousands of flames representing all the boys in the academy. Most studying, I only notice some outside the building, plus there were 3 specials that were on the roof, watching over it, one was a yellow color like the sun, the other a purple color, and one bright blue.

But they were not the only ones, he could feel on his right 7 more presences, one green, one blue, one brown, one red, one pink, one black and one purple. In the distance I could feel a combined red and blue, and then a scarlet red one. His companions were watching him from afar.

But not only those he could feel, thanks to his powers, his Sennin mode had become stronger, right now he could feel several very distant presences. He could feel humans walking freely, and some heroes, even Kaguya and Yu's. Closer to focusing his attention on his left side, where he felt someone coming at high speed towards them, he recognized her immediately, as he was always so punctual.

In front of everyone suddenly appeared a new individual, a thin and muscular man of short stature, has gray hair in the form of three sharp points covering the left side of his face. He has dark gray eyes and wears a mask that covers his mouth. He wears a blue mask that covers his mouth tied with red thread, sports a red shozoku shinobi under a blue robe. His arms are covered with a thin dark cloth that folds into the white sleeves of the forearm. There are red straps attached to his belt and tunic that extend outwards, he has a gold mask attached to his shoulder and he sports a characteristic red scarf that features a white patch stuck to the front, and with blue socks and yellow geta sandals. This is Shinya Kamihara, the famous hero known as "Ninja Hero Edgeshot".

"I'm sorry for the delay, I had to resolve some issues," replied the gray-haired serenely.

"Don't worry, and again, thank you very much for helping us with this," I am the symbol of peace.

—No problem, for me it is a pleasure to be able to help the U.A., it is also interesting, it is like having a pupil also for me— clarified the professional hero to see the blue eye sitting. - Are you still missing? — I ask, as the earth pillar began to sink back into the earth slowly, until the blondo touched it.

"No, I'm done, anyway, I can't concentrate when there are a lot of people around," I declare to get up, and walk slowly to the professionals, to see Hero No. 1. "Don't go to show your muscular form or let yourself go and make it appear, I feel the presence of several people near the area, and I can also see them, they are hidden behind a corner looking directly at us, and there are also two more hidden behind some trees, be careful— I muttered in a low voice, at the moment that the teachers were surprised at that.

"Wow, so you've managed to improve your skill," the ninja hero said.

- How come you can know that, Young Uzumaki? — questioned the older blond.

"Thanks to the training that all the teachers have given me, I managed to unlock, so to speak, a unique ability that I did not think I had. As you know, my Quirk is "Hahanaru shizen (Mother Nature)", which as you know lets me control the basic elements of it. And one would think that he would even let me control the wood but it was not like that, in short, while I was attacked from all sides, and despite my reflexes and speed, I can not face professional heroes and with a great experience of many years – I comment at the moment that made almost everyone feel proud of that, After all, the boy admitted that he was no match for them, although it sounded silly, but it was pleasant to hear that. "So I couldn't avoid their blows always, but apparently, thanks to that, I managed to start detecting the people around me, to feel something so to speak, their "essence of life", so I began to detect them before they could give me any blows. And lately I have been training it when I meditate, that allows me to feel the presence of people better, that's why I know they are watching us, there are even 3 others up on the roof of the academy, looking directly at us – I explain with serenity to the doubt of his teacher.

"Wow, that's definitely surprising, a sensory power is too good," the director said with a small smile.

"You keep surprising me Young Uzumaki, not only your Quirk is strong, but you also have a healing factor, and on top of that, you now have a sensory power," the No. 1 hero acclaimed to the Uzumaki.

"I admit it's surprising, it's definitely the first time I've seen something like that, it's like you have more than one Quirk," Aizawa said.

"If you think I know something, I don't know for your bad luck sensei. I just pass, I can't control that, just one day I knew my wounds healed out of nowhere, and now I find that I can feel the presence of people. So forget the idea that I know something, after all, remember that the Quirk remain a mystery even in our time," Naruto said looking at the blackhair.

"The boy is right Aizawa, despite the years, strange and unique Quirks still appear, the boy's must be one of those cases of a powerful and special Quirk— Midnight support the argument of the blue oji, after all, was absolutely right.

Despite modern times, the Quirks were still a mystery, one would think that with so much time, they would already discover why they appeared, and why some are so rare that they make some people look like animals, or because some can cover their skin with some material they touch. But it was not so, being a huge, but huge amount of existing Quirks around the world, keeping track of all would be a job that would take years and years to do. In addition to that, to analyze and study them, they should turn all people into laboratory rats from birth, to be clear at the age of 6 where most children awakened their gift. And using kids for that, well, nobody would agree with that.

So there could be no clear answers, and as stated, despite all the gifts that appear every year. There will always be a unique and special Quirk, one in a million. One that can be considered dangerous, a "Keter" rank as some governments called it. Even Japan called them in levels of danger. Being the class "Hoken" the safest and most harmless, followed by the "Kyoi" who were those who represented a possible threat, and finally the "Shūmatsu-ron-teki" those who were destructive in their entirety and dangerous to the simple human being, or to anyone.

Midnigt knew that his Quirk was between the Hoken category and the Kyoi category because his gift has the ability to make people sleep, although it sounded silly, if used wisely, he could sleep to an entire room full of the most powerful politicians and people in the world, and assassinate them without any problem. While All Might could be considered in the latter category, after all, he had super strength, great speed, and quick reflexes. Since he did want to, he could destroy a building with one blow, and he wouldn't have to use all his strength for that. And he considered that the Uzumaki also fell into that category.

"Very well, then we started the training," proposed Hero No. 5 to the blondo, who only nodded.

"Wait a minute, before that, there's one thing I want to tell you young Uzumaki," he muttered the little rodent to see his students. "Today they will not train as they have done. Today they will have a real struggle. If you manage to beat him, the training that has been imposed on you will end, at least for these 3 days that remain.— commented the director to the oji-azul.

- But at least I won't have to do all this anymore? — questioning with arms crossed.

"That's right," replied the rodent simply.

—Aw... Come on director, this is dive... I mean, this is for its own good—I try to replicate the hairline.

"I think we can continue to teach him without resorting to this from now on. On top of that, I'm sure young Uzumaki must be tired of this already—Naruto was just thankful for it, it was really tiring and having to go with the flow, certainly not good for the role of actor.

"Well, I agree, as long as we can finish this," I accept the shinobi offer.

"Director, are you sure this is okay?" I mean, I admit the guy is strong, but I don't think it's a good idea to fight a student—I speak the ninja hero.

"Believe me, you underestimate Edgeshot, this guy was able to fight alongside All Might fist to fist to defeat that villain named Nomu. And he was even able to give him a good fight before the arrival of All Might, so don't trust or pay the price," Shota said earnestly to the professional hero, to see the boy.

"That, and not to mention that he has managed to embarrass all the teachers, one alone can not against him, we have only been able to beat him by working as a team," Nemuri commented at the time that a recent blow was taken by the boy, one that he received in his right man.

"The first rule in combat, never underestimate your enemy. Although its appearance says something, you never know what it really hides. Putting down the adversary, that's the worst mistake you can make, one that can cost your life," Naruto said seriously, staring at the ninja hero.

The professionals could not refute to that, what he said was true, underestimating an opponent was stupid and risky. You never knew what kind of person you might meet, there should always be caution and be vigilant at the first attack.

"I understand your doubts Edgeshot, but young Uzumaki is stronger than you think. So you can go with everything," said the peace symbol to his professional compatriot.

"Well, if that's the case," Kamihara agreed to look at the boy, who seemed calm and collected regardless.

"The rule is simple, if young Uzumaki defeats Edgeshot, finish training. But if Edgeshot wins this match, from now on the assignments will triple in each subject of the teachers," Nedzu said with a smile.

"Hey, why do you mention that now?" Don't you think it would have been nice to say it earlier? — I claim the oji-blue.

- What? Did you think there would be no punishment if you lost? - the Uzumaki just looked with some anger at the little rodent, that was something he did not see coming.

"Well, I guess that's fair," commented the ninja on the blade.

"Well, then it's time for the duel," Nedzu ordered, as both ninjas took their distance. The two only bowed a little bow, entering into a battle pose, the two stretched out their right hands as they opened their feet to leave an opening, while their left hand was a fist that was next to each other's waist. - Get started! - The rodent shouted to start the fight.

(Does - Guren "Naruto Shippuden Opening 15")

Both disappeared from their places, to appear in front of the other, hitting their arms, the gray-haired growl at the force of the blow, I did not expect the boy to go with everything, but of course, he was not going to be left behind. In an agile movement he turned to try to kick the boy, but he had crouched down to try to sweep him with a direct kick to his shin, so he only jumped back to avoid that, but he did not count on the boy to throw himself to try to give him a direct blow in the stomach, He managed to dodge, but had to dodge again a spinning kick, which was close, as he could feel a slight current of wind hit his face.

I block a direct blow to his face, I try to catch the boy's fist, and I almost succeeded, but this in a quick movement managed to connect a blow on his right side, growling at that blow, the boy was not really holding back. So with some regret, he decided not to do it either. He only turned to try to kick him, but his blow was repelled by another blow, he stumbled for a few seconds, which the boy took to hit him in the chest, causing him to crawl a few meters, when he quickly recomposed himself he used his arms as a shield to avoid 3 kicks in a row from the boy, he was going to take him by the foot, But he was very surprised when the teenager tried to give him a descending elbow directly to his head, stopped him at the last second, to try to whip him to the ground.

But his plan failed, because when he was going to do it, the boy seemed to apply force to the muscles of his legs, which hit with a loud sound in addition to cracking the same earth, he only felt that he was taken from his arm, for a second he thought he was going to be whipped, but it was not like that, Instead he ended up being thrown several meters, recomposed himself on the ground to fall on his feet and crawl a little.

His eyes widened to the fullest, he didn't even see it, he didn't notice it, in a matter of seconds the boy was in front of him, preparing a punch straight to his face. Showing off his name, he managed to dodge by arching back his back, and in seconds, he gave a direct blow to the boy's stomach, to make him back a few meters, thus taking the lead of the fight.

I arrive quickly to punch Uzumaki, but he pushed him away with his forearm, I try to kick him to his right side, but the boy blocked him with only one hand, taking his ankle. So I just jump to spin and kick him directly in the face, causing him to release him. And without hesitation, he jumped to give 6 consecutive blows to his chest, each to a certain muscle that would make the boy's body tense to leave him immobilized, more when he was about to punch the face, the boy took him by the head, to headbutt him.

The masters for their part, just like the strained spectators, looked at that fighting demonstration with amazement, after all, the hero No. 5 was not called that for nothing, his strength and speed was to be feared, plus his Quirk that allowed him to become as light and flat as paper, allowing him to take unique shapes for the time of the fight. Thus, one of the heroes most feared by villains.

But now they saw that he seemed to have problems with the Uzumaki, since it was seen that he had some difficulty facing the boy. Returning to the battle, the gray-hair was stunned for a few seconds by that blow, which the blue-eye took advantage of to give a rejection to the hero, and send him to fly a few meters, without wasting time jumped to try to crush him, but the professional managed to recover the posture, and take the boy from his feet, and crash him hard against the earth,

I would take this opportunity to end the fight, I knew this was a fight where the Quirk was forbidden, well, at least that's how the two of them took it. Since nothing was said about using it, or otherwise, I would have already won this from the first move. I try to kick the boy in the head to knock him out, but his foot was stopped and he was pulled, to receive another blow to the face, stunned releases the teenager from his grip, a mistake that cost him a blow to the chest to fly away.

He rolled on the ground a few meters, I only observe the boy who showed one of his kunais, he took his hand to his ninja bag, to see that it had an opening, again he saw the place where the boy was, but he did not find it.

- Never let your guard down! —

He just looked up, in order to avoid being stabbed by one of his guns, he looked at the boy in surprise, his eyes were now a dull blue color, like seeing the eyes of someone dead. Jumping to avoid a direct cut to his neck, crawled several meters to walk away, just took out another kunai from his bag to repel an attack. Both metal weapons collided, drawing sparks and creating a squeaky sound, the two ran again to collide their weapons, both dodging and launching attacks.

Edgeshot dodged another direct blow to his chest, trying to make the boy drop the weapon, hitting him on the wrist, but the boy in a skillful movement took him by the wrist as well, to take the weapon from him, making his attack useless. He just jumped again to avoid an upward cut.

The blond ran again towards the professional hero, released a direct blow to his face, but the professional avoided it, used the kunai to try to give him a cut, but this was repelled by the weapon of his fighter. The ninja hero jumped to avoid the blows, really the boy was into this, his strength, his speed and his reflexes, he was really having problems with this boy, as he had mentioned before, if he could use his Quirk, he would have already finished with this in a few minutes, more that was out of the question, since he didn't want to seriously hurt the boy, although this one seemed to want to really hurt him.

He only raised his right arm to block a direct stab to his shoulder, which Naruro took advantage of to hit him in the chest, followed by hitting his arm to try to throw the kunai, but the professional would not give in so easily. This took the arm of the boy to kick him in the chest, followed by hitting him on the shoulder, he thought that with that blow he would make the younger blond yield, more mistaken, when he tried to jump to get away, his hands were taken by the boy.

Both collided looks, the hero only observed his hands to see that the boy forced him to make hand signs, that surprised him a lot, the boy knew his attacks, when I turn to see, he only ended up receiving two direct blows to his chin, before he could react, he ended up being pulled and receiving another headbutt with greater force than the first.

The masters were only astonished at these blows, and with surprise they noticed how the ninja hero seemed to lose consciousness, while a thin but perceptible line of blood appeared, just as one appeared on the forehead of the Uzumaki, but is disappeared in seconds. They only saw that the boy finished by kicking directly to the chest of the hairy, which flew out to roll on the ground several meters.

But that did not stop the blond, they saw how he ran with kunai in hand, to make a big jump and fall on the hero, Midnight was going to run and use his whip to stop the boy, but she was stopped by the director, she looked at him with doubt, only to turn her gaze to the front, and see how the boy fell on his compatriot, creating a cloud of dust and soil.

(Fin Does- Guren "Naruto Shippuden Opening 15")

It was a few distressing seconds for each viewer, everyone thought the worst, that the blond had murdered a professional hero. But when they could see, they only observed the Uzumaki on the professional's unconscious body, while his weapon was embedded on the right being held by both hands. The leaf ninja stood up, to see the others.

Toshinori only saw with some surprise the boy, those eyes, those dull and lifeless eyes, which showed no sign of emotion. It was like watching a puppet, a soldier with only one mission and goal in his entire life, to kill to survive.

But hero No. 1 was not the only one who thought that, everyone had the same thought, the boys for their part looked with some fear at their partner. Everyone knew the famous ninja hero Edgeshot, and they were surprised to see him arrive, and talk to the masters who also had as a guest that strange blond subject who looked more like a corpse, although Izumi knew that it was All Might.

Anyway, they were surprised to see the famous hero No. 5 in the U.A. And their surprise was even greater when they saw that he began to fight with his partner. At all times they observed the fight, without losing any detail, being stunned to see that the Uzumaki managed to give a close battle to a professional, and they also thought that maybe if he used his Quirk, he would have defeated the blondo, but perhaps it was not so, since perhaps the fight would have been devastating.

So they saw a show of strength and agility, and they had to admit that it was surprising to see how Naruto managed to give a battle to the professional, or perhaps they should say, how his partner managed to surpass the hero. Everyone was frightened to see that the hand-to-hand fight, step to one of bladed weapons, the speed and agility with which both "ninjas" threw cuts or dodged them was impressive, it seemed that both had eyes on all sides.

And in the end, everyone believed it was really going to kill the grey-haired, but it wasn't. And now they only watched his back, while feeling a black aura emanating from him.

"He really had no mercy," Kirishima muttered as he saw the hero being lifted up by Midnight.

"That was... surprising," Mina said without much thought.

"It seems that the training of the teachers does help more than I thought," said the rocker watching the blondo attentively, to see that he took that weapon in his hands, while he saw and played it, as if it were something he knew well.

"I could barely see what happened, everything was really fast— everyone nodded to what their glasses-mate said, they were too fast in their moments.

"Uzumaki-kun is on another level," admitted the girl with brown hair when she saw that her friend was on another level, which could make him fight a professional hero without problems.

For their part, Momo and Izumi looked at their partner in silence, one thinking about the strength that their partner had, in the true one, since he felt that he did not show his true self. While the other continued thinking about what happened that time, since that talk, they have not spoken at all, barely and greeted each other in the morning or at the time of departure, they only greeted each other and already, their mind since then was confused, thinking about what their partner suffered.

She knew the loss of a loved one was a hard blow, emotionally speaking. Many times people preferred to hide their pain, focusing on other things so as not to think about them, causing themselves more damage than they already have. Especially if that person was someone important such as a close family member or a romantic partner. Humans by nature did not openly show their emotions, especially if they were men, since they felt that showing their emotions was a sign of weakness, although for her it was not so.

She considered it worthy of admiration that a boy showed his emotions, in all his life, he has always seen that his male peers never say or show their feelings. They prefer to keep it, so as not to be treated less.

But returning to the matter, when said person hides how he feels after such a loss, and decides to continue his life as if nothing happened, at one point they end up breaking, they end up paying the price of keeping their feelings. And his friend was on that path, you could tell that he was trying to forget that pain, trying to escape his past.

"You know, I don't know about you, but there are times when I look into Uzumaki-kun's eyes, I feel that I see pain and suffering, also anger and remorse," Mina said, drawing everyone's attention to those words.

"I honestly thought she was the only one who noticed that sometimes, I think she avoids hanging out of fear," Kyoka added.

- Fear? Afraid of what? He practically just kicked a professional's ass. I don't think I'm afraid of anything—I point to the redhead pointing to the area of the recent fighting.

"He's afraid of losing more friends," everyone present turned to see the movie, wanting to know what that meant. "The day it was taken by Ectoplasm-sensei, I kept his cell phone, so I decided to wait at the entrance to return it to him. And somehow we ended up talking about the ideals that we have, and she told me that she had a friend who thought like us, and because of that, she ended up dead wanting to follow the path of a hero. And since then it seems that he blames himself for that, and he does not want to happen the same thing again, for that reason maybe he acts like that, he is afraid of feeling pain again, of feeling guilt — the boys only remained thoughtful, to see their partner again, who was still motionless in his place.

But they were not the only ones, hidden among some trees, was Bakugo, who had an angry expression, only clenched his right fist tightly, while cursing himself for it.

—"Why?! Why?! Why does it make me so angry to see how strong he is? Why does he have that power?" — were his thoughts, as he looked angrily at that.

His anger was not out of jealousy, but out of helplessness, he felt angry that he could not have helped All Might in his fight against that huge beast, he could not do anything, yes, maybe he fought against one or another criminal, but they were bread food. But that thing, was petrified to see such an animal, capable of giving battle to the symbol of peace.

I try to jump to help him, he was screaming at his body to move, I try to move a damn foot, but he was afraid, that monstrous thing was very scary. He couldn't do anything despite internal shouting to fight to save All Might.

But nothing, he did nothing. Instead he watched as the Uzumaki jumped into battle, no, even before the arrival of All Might, the Uzumaki was fighting that thing and had no problem fighting it. And when she saw him fight alongside his idol to follow and respect, he felt completely useless, really wondering if he really had the guts, will and courage to be a hero.

He had his doubts since that day, but he understood that regretting he was not going to achieve anything, he was frustrated to feel inferior and weak, but following those thoughts would not reach something. So that day, when I happen to hear the speech of those nerds, I accept that they were right. If he wanted to get ahead, and overcome Uzumaki, he had to train like crazy to prove that he was going to be the next symbol of peace.

And since then, when their teacher told them they could use the nearby facilities to train, he took that opportunity, and trained as much as he could a day. Sometimes he arrived before the entry time, and left late at night, sometimes he found his partner training with the teachers, being brutally beaten by the professionals when they attacked as a team. But even so, he managed to stay on his feet, and put up a good fight to show that he was not going to let himself fall.

And that would do him too, he would train until his body could no more, until his fists bled from so many blows, no matter how much he suffered. But he was not going to be left behind, he was not going to be surpassed, but above all, he was not going to let his dream of becoming the greatest hero in history not be fulfilled.

But seeing that fight now, seeing him fight the No. 5 hero of the top in all of Japan, seeing how he fought without hesitation, without thinking, he just saw how they grabbed everything. And to finish observing that he won, that caused him more anger, since he felt that all his effort was useless.

"All Quirk is powerful, you just have to know how to use it wisely, and so they will be strong enough to protect themselves, and protect the innocent"

Those words had been said by his partner one day when Mineta's pervert claimed that if it were not for his cool and powerful Quirk, it would be nothing. More Naruto said those words, making it clear to everyone that they shouldn't look down on his gifts, they should just know how to get his full potential.

"Just wait, you'll see, at the sports festival, I'm going to defeat you," Bakugou seriously musito to leave the place.

He had to keep training, if he wanted to be No. 1 one day, he had to work hard from now on, and give all his effort, and much more.

Elsewhere was Todoroki, who simply turned around, while leaving a frost cam on the spot, next to a hand mark on one of the trees made with fire.

And above the academy, on the roof to be clear, were the famous Big 3, without a doubt today's battle was exciting in many ways. Only Tamaki showed himself except to the boy Uzumaki, while his classmates had a smile on their faces.

"Wow, manage to beat Hero No. 5 with pure blows. It's something that even we would have a hard time," Mirio admitted.

"Don Gato is undoubtedly strong, it will only be a matter of seeing his performance at the sports festival," Nejire said as he floated.

- In series? Won't they say anything about what he did? — questioned his companion.

"No, it's interesting, let's see what happens from now on," the blond ordered with that smile, but with a commanding voice that made his companions nod.

Returning to the place of the fight, Naruto was staring at the kunai, it was so bright, so light, small and with an ability to slit someone's throat easily, with an edge that just by passing his fingers he felt a small cut, a weapon so dangerous that it was despised.

I only observe his reflection in the same weapon, I look at his cold and lifeless eyes, at the moment that I now observed a mask in the shape of a demon fox, which was stained with blood, while seeing that lifeless smile.

"You only serve one thing, and that is to kill."

"You were born into a world full of death and destruction. You came to this world to fight"

"You will be trained by my hand, from now on you belong to me."

"You should have been recognized as a hero, but instead you are seen as a demon to be killed."

"You can't have emotions, I forbid you to have emotions. If you do, it will only show how weak you are, and they will kill you for it."

"If you want to survive, you will have to learn everything about this world, know it well, see the two sides of it, darkness and light. Only one of them you can have, one will be your new friend from now on"

"Swear to protect the village from the shadows, from external or internal threats. And you must fulfill that purpose, or else you are of no use to me."

"You are just another tool, unfortunately, a very powerful one that I cannot afford to lose. Otherwise, I would have thrown you in the trash"

"You are nothing, you will never be anything more than a weapon. That's what you are, just an object, you have no right to a life, just dedicate to following your orders"

"Do you want to be a normal child? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, you're just a demon, and demons have no right to anything."

"Young Uzumaki," the shinobi came out of his thoughts to see the older blond. - Are you okay? - I ask with some concern, after all, he was calling him for a few minutes, but he did not answer, and he was worried when he saw that he stared at the gun.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I got lost in my thoughts," he replied as he gave the gun to the older blondo, who only took it to see how he seemed to have some fear of the gun.

"Very well, I must admit that was a good demonstration of skill. Without a doubt, you are an expert when it comes to fighting hand to hand. Although I think that if they had used their gifts it would have been different, the director commented with a smile. "Now as promised, these 3 days are free from now on. But apart from that, I want to tell you something else. I propose something, if you win the festival and manage to be in first place, we will leave you alone, but only if you win and manage to behave from now on, or else, the training will continue and be stricter – I declare without erasing that smile the rodent with white fur, who looked directly into the eyes of the blonde.

- Why do you want that? - asked the blond feigning doubt.

Although honestly, he knew the reason for that request. If he finished in first place, everyone was going to recognize him, and that wasn't good for him. More was the perfect opportunity for them, to have him under a radar where he could not act according to his personality, and if he did something "unseem" of a hero, everyone would know him as a rebel. A dirty play if you could call it that, but I had to admit it, they were smart. Exposing it to the world to control it, a good tactic.

But that didn't matter to him at all, he understood that no matter what he did, he was always going to be criticized, no matter if his actions were good or bad. And honestly, he cared little what people thought or said about him, until now he tried to keep a low profile, and so he liked to be, but his sense of justice always flourished when he saw injustices that were forgiven by the law. And on top of that, the people he has saved don't deserve to die, at least not yet and in a brutal way.

"Well, I accept," was all the blond said, looking at the director.

"Great, now you can go, we must take Edgeshot to the infirmary to see that he is okay," said Nedzu to start walking, while his teachers followed.

"Young Uzumaki, I really don't understand what must have happened to you. But I just want to tell you, we all have a second chance at life. And whatever happened to you to see the world like this, I am very sorry sincerely. But the path you are thinking of following is not the right one, there is always another way, there always is—Toshinori said goodbye to walk with his companions, leaving the ninja in place.

"I don't get a second chance, I lost that right a long time ago," he thought to go take a bath in the showers of the men's locker room.

"You heroes are really pathetic, you are vermin of society, you are the cancer of humanity. All they care about is money and fame, they don't give a shit what happens to people who really need their help, they're just a society full of hypocrites—were the words spoken by a black-haired man with a Mohawk cut and a flat, elongated face. He wears a sleeveless shirt, dark pants and black shoes with metallic coating and spikes at the tip. He wears a white bandage around the upper half of his face, which makes him look like a mask. He wears a long, dark moth-eaten scarf around his neck, he also has knee pads and a belt around his waist. This is Chizome Akaguro A.K.A Hero Killer: Stain.

The hero killer only walked slowly, while cornering a hero, who crawled with difficulty on the ground, since he had embedded several swords in his legs and one in his left arm, in addition to presenting blows and cuts throughout his body which were noticeable by his suit.

- Get away! Get away from me damn monsters! Away! - The hero shouted with terror in his eyes.

"You really are pathetic, begging for your life, and you call yourself a hero?" You're nothing but a coward, if you can't save yourself, how the hell do you plan to save others? - I interrogate the black-haired man to remove a knife from one of his many bags, and throw it towards his prey, which cried out in pain.

- Wait, wait! I have money! Let me live and I will give you all the money I have! I can even tell you the identity of other heroes! Just let me live! — he begged desperately as he saw his enemy approaching at a slow and sure pace.

- Do you really think I'm interested in those things? Do you think I do this for money? Do you think I'm like you? That makes me very angry," I exclaim as I threw another knife, on the hero's good shoulder that I scream again.

- Damn! What the **** do you want?! Just tell me what you want and leave me alone! — Scream as tears came out of his eyes, but his scream was muffled when he felt the villain's hand squeeze his mouth tightly.

"The only thing I seek is to purge this corrupt system that society has created, to end false heroes, a true hero would give his life to save an innocent, would do the right thing without receiving anything in return. But you, the so-called "true heroes" like you are the ones who should not exist. You are here begging for your life, wanting to bribe me, you would even sacrifice your "comrades" to save your pathetic and miserable life—Stain only approached the "hero" who shed tears, while his hand was covered with drool, snot and tears. —You do not deserve to be called a "hero", and for that reason, you do not deserve to live, you are only one of the many links that will lead me to fulfill my goal, to purify the corrupted system of this world. Now he dies—and with that said, I end up stabbing with a saw machete with sharp teeth and point, right in the heart, while seeing that look of fear and pain.

He embedded the weapon more in the heart of the hero, the blood splattered all over his hand, while he saw how his life was going out, after a few seconds of eternal suffering for the hero, he turned his knife to break his chest, and then took out his weapon to shake the blood, he only got up while he saw the false hero dead.

I take him by one of his arms and then lift him up, I just stick him to a wall, to take one of the swords in his back, and stab him making it embedded in the wall, I take another to do the same thing, and then another, and then another.

At last he walked away to see the corpse, which was crucified, stuck to the wall, with his arms extended at his sides, and with a machete embedded in his head. His hands had two sharp daggers just like his feet. But on top of that, his torso was exposed, while the blood came down like a river.

And to top it off and let everyone know that this was his work, he wrote on the wall the characteristic message he gave to the whole society. "False heroes will die." And so seeing that his work was done, he ran to a wall to jump, and bounce off it to go to another wall of the alley where he was, and thus climb to the roof of the building without being seen. I just look at the city of Hosu, and I heard the sound of the sirens of the policemen next to the footsteps of those machines.

"You will soon know the true reality," was what he said to jump off the building.

All while sirens were heard in the alley, and the authorities found the body of the dead hero stuck to the wall. All without anyone knowing what happened, but knowing who was responsible. The hero killer Stain had arrived in Hosu City, and that only meant trouble.

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