
A Night to Remember:Not so Perfect Me

She's just a simple woman with the simple goals and dream,from a humble family. everything is just so perfect with her life which full of simplicity .. but life is full of constant changes ,and this so called changes gave her a Hella rollercoaster like life when circumstances comes one after another,,,, from a broken hurted heart to becoming a multimillionaire the next day then waking up one morning naked , bruised disoriented , and getting pregnant without knowing who the father is . How on earth would she explain it to her family ? How can she continue working with this situation she's in? and oh who is the guy she sleep with? is it possible that they meet again??

chaychay23 · Urban
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38 Chs

We meet again....Old friend 1

Not too long Master Heng together with Maki, JazC and Chef Marco ride the elevator down towards the CEO's office in which Uncle Wei And Russel are waiting to them .They held the mole captive with the IT personel who have been used by the mole to get information.The VP is still unconscious inside the company's infirmary.

The Ding of the elevator was heared , all eyes turns towards the elevator waiting for the person who came out from it. The employee inside the CEO department was all in high alert after they witness the seen where the elite guards pulling a tattered woman inside the CEO's office . They also told that all of needed to shot thier mouth and never to utter or post anything in social media or else they will recieve a dire consequences .Everyone was scared to thier wits they know so well what is dire consequences means .

After short wait Master Heng walk out from the elevator with his usually stoic emperor like aura that always surrounds him followed by a 3 others. One is the Master Head Chef and one of his blood brother Chef Marco.The other one is the CEO himself Master Heng Eldest son ,thier direct boss and a stunning woman with red bloody hair ,jade like skin in gorgeous black dress setting like a queen in a Geri chair that is pushed by the CEO himself.

The employee look at each other asking who is that woman .

They all know that the CEO didn't like to have contact with a woman.

Then who is she ?What is her relationship with the CEO.

All the woman who are coviting him broke thier heart one after the other , all thier dreams and fantasies shattered into pieces.

A hawk like eyes followed the people who just arrive but most of them actually fucos to the woman being pushed the the devil in flesh.

Everyone have same thought of curiosity about the identity of her.

Grandpa Heng's Elite guard open the door of the CEO's office letting him and his entourage came in.

The moment they get in ,Grandpa Heng went straight to the CEO's table and comfortably settle himself on his grandson swivel chair.While Maki pushed JazC's Geri chair just beside his table and set in the chair prepare by his subordinate .

Uncle Wei signal his son to remove the gag in woman's mouth.Because if her struggling noises they had gag her and tie her up .But they notice the changes of the woman's attitude ever since the arrival of the Master or the right word is the arrival of JazC.

"Is this woman somehow frightened of JazC?

Shock and terror are to visible in her eyes , her hands is even trembling ?What is going on?"everyone in the room think the same.

After a while a soft sigh is hear from JazC ,All heads turned towards her .They saw her leaning her head on her right palm elbow on top of her Geri chair arm rest and slow massaging her temple eyes closed.

And a moment like forever JazC sigh again and suddenly open her eyes looking straight to the terrified woman infront of her .

She isn't just frightened instead horror -stricken on her intire system.She can't stop herself from trembling.Her whole body is shaken from horror.

"Why is she her?I hanvent inform about her connection with the Heng's,why they didn't tell me?"the woman thought to herself .

She blamed herself from not checking properly the information before taking the job.But, she blamed her boss more for not informing her about this evil woman.

The woman swallowed her invisible saliva her throat was already dry.Can anyone gave her water please.

While the woman busy from talking to herself, JazC slowly wheeled herself towards her. She stop just beside the woman upon realising it the womans body tremble even more .


JazC only utter a 4 letter word and the woman already spelling all the information that she painstankenly gathered and keep.

Including the identity of the person who paid her to do the work.

The truth is she didn't want to say anything but her body voluntarily do it. Her will is much more weaker than her fear towards the evil woman infront of her. She can't help it , the memories is just so terrifying that once it is played over again in her mind it feel like it happen just a moment ago.It was truly a nightmare even in broad daylight.

The moment JazC enter the room the woman felt the familiar aura that makes her shiver .And as she seen her familiar smile she felt like the room is like a cage void of air that she struggle to breath.She felt like someone is choking her and her spine it feel like being hardened .Other people may think that evil woman's smile is so captivating that will intice who ever seen it. But the truth is, that was the smile indicating the start of your impending doom.

The people inside the room doesn't have any idea what is running inside the woman's brain. Russell specifically ,he tried everything he could just to get information from the woman but still keep herself mum.

But with JazC she only said a single word "Talk" only 4 letters word and this woman spell out everything without leaving a single details out in one breath.

Russell and Maki look at each other and Maki notice something in JazC's hand , other people may not notice but as soon as she get closer to the woman she touch the side of the woman's neck and close her palm . The woman didn't even notice what JazC had done to her. If not because of the blood oozing from the woman's neck Maki not even sure of what he seen which indicate that JazC really did something to that woman .

JazC realize that Maki seen what she did seeing him looking at her intently well to her left hand to be specific. She look at him and blink her eyes and as if they both had talking telepathically Maki did understand what she trying to say and then Maki had a deep sigh then blink his eyes agreeing not ask yet and wait for her explaination later .

After reassuring that Maki keep his silence for awhile JazC sunddenly left up her right palm and with a swift swiss the woman's body stiffen and suddenly became limpy head hunged low.

Everyone inside the room feel astonished what just happen .They turned thier gazed to JazC who nonchanltly wheeled herself using her right hand as if she done nothing ignoring everyone's questioning look .And then she look at the grandpa's elite guard who's standing not so far away from the woman.

He felt his spine stiffened as JazC's gaze landed on him.How can he not after he witness all the things she did to that woman.He clearly seen everything from his perspective and he was astonized how swiftly her hands move.

"Tend to her wound"JazC commanded in which the guards body voluntarily move without him realising.

And then JazC open the pillow he was carrying with her. Then she take out a palm size thin box and with a click the box opened.As JazC laid it down in the table properly it look like a mini welding equipment or something .But actually it is JazCs new invention , her new baby. She called it doreamon kit everything she needed is there in all miniature version. It takes here a year to complete her new baby.

While everyone astonize on what they saw , they contain their curiosity and just let JazC work by herself.Under the watchful eyes of everyone JazC take a small size thin flat glass and laid it from the piece of silky like clothing she laid on top of the table.And place a small device on top of the thin glass she also squeeze her left palm and a droplet of blood drop on the small device .

Everyone was shock on what they saw specially grandpa who was about in a panic mood thinking that JazC injured herself.If not for Maki stoping him he ran off towards JazC but still the poor old man haven't calm down a bit .He even wanted to call a doctor but Maki prevent him to do so and then signed him to keep quite .Maki tap Grandpa Heng shoulder reassuring him that everything is fine and just trust JazC .The oldman sigh and relented but the worry is clearly apparent to his face .

Meanwhile JazC is still busy on what she is doing . She don't know what is this miniature thing is but her brain just telling her what to do .After awhile a small key board slowly moving out from the side of the doreamon kit and the cover that is pulled up brightened and a series of code playing on a screen while JazCs right finger swiftly dancing on a small keyboard.

And then she lifted her left hands towards Maki who standing beside her , seeing her bloody hands Maki take a tissue and deligently wipe her hand.After making sure that all the blood is wipe off Maki let go of her hands even he felt reluctant to do so .He wanted to feel her silky smooth palm against his but he control himself .Grandpa Heng who standing just beside Maki felt relief upon seeing JazC palm void from any wound.

After almost half an hour of cracking codes atlast in the screen shows a foreign location.To locate the place properly JazC take Maki's PC and connect it to her doreamon kit .After a series of tapping all the information is transferred to Maki's PC .It shows that the location was in Europe confirming on what the information they get from the woman.

JazC didn't pry much and soon left the site. She didn't want to alarm the people behind that woman . But she leave a virus which alarm her if anytime they move to locate or contact the woman again.After making sure that she didn't leave any remnant for them to notice her infringe she then finally press the enter.And then she slowly put back everything except the thin glass with the bloody miniature device . And then JazC keep out a flattened small box from her doreamon kit and with a click she forge it in a mall box.Then she press a small button on the side and inside the box a fog emerged .Then JazC place the glass inside and sealed it properly.She wheeled herself to the fridge inside Maki's office and place the box inside.

After a deep breath she turned her Geri chair to face the people inside the room...it's time for her explaination .

"Damn too lazy to talk " JazC talk to herself.