
A Night to Remember:Not so Perfect Me

She's just a simple woman with the simple goals and dream,from a humble family. everything is just so perfect with her life which full of simplicity .. but life is full of constant changes ,and this so called changes gave her a Hella rollercoaster like life when circumstances comes one after another,,,, from a broken hurted heart to becoming a multimillionaire the next day then waking up one morning naked , bruised disoriented , and getting pregnant without knowing who the father is . How on earth would she explain it to her family ? How can she continue working with this situation she's in? and oh who is the guy she sleep with? is it possible that they meet again??

chaychay23 · Urban
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38 Chs

Daddy ,I know it's you 1

"Grandpa, Uncle Wei"

"Dad , Uncle Feng"

Master Heng open his arms to welcome his Eldest Grandson .Atlast after the long wait, its finally over.

He haven't seen him for quite a while because of the obligation they both have .

Him being the one who is encharge of FC CORPORATION head office and its subsidiary in intire Asia while Maki manage the intire Europe and America .

"You brat !What takes you so long to see this old aching Man of you?"

"Just need to take care some business matter"Maki lazily replied not bothered by his Grandfather's outburst

"You...."The old man is speechless from Maki nonchalant reply .

"You brat !you prioritize business more than your aging old man ?" Master Heng reprimand Maki but Happiness was apparent from his voice .

And then he turns his gaze towards Russel who is silently standing beside his father enjoying the banter between Master Heng and Maki.

"And you chap!How dare you let this noob just do whatever he like!?so good of a spy are you?"Master Heng playfully scolded Russel who just smile from the old man's words.

But not too long the smile lasted upon realising the last word the oldman utter.

He nervously look at his bestfriend who is now looking at him intently with his eyebrow nitted together .

"Uncle Heng !what do you mean by spy ?Who are you referring to?"Russel nervously ask .

"Tsss !who else ?you're neighbour! Hahahahah"Master Heng's booming laughter revibrated inside his office.He like pulling this Chap legs ,his reaction amuses him so much .

He is so greatful to this chap who never leave his eldest grandson like his father who stay beside him as well in all this years serving the Heng Family dedicatedly.Inspite of the fact that they are surrounded by powerhunger people this father and son duo loyalty never faltered . Actually all of his four bloodbothers and thier children,It was amazing how the next generation treat each other like how the way the older did.

While the four of them catching up there is suddenly a hurried knock on the door.And an anxiouse subordinate came in with a worried look.

"Master we have a code blue in our company system"

The news startled the four people inside the room.They all hurriedly walk out from grandpa's office .When they almost reach the elevator Grandpa rememeber something .

"Wei , help me with the situation in the company?Russel you go with your dad and assist him if anything happen call us.And you Michael follow me"Then the four of them separates thier ways .

Maki followed his grandpa with a confused look.The old man realize it but he didn't say anything , he just let him see it for himself.

After a few large strides , they now standing infront of a closed door inside the penthouse. A card hanging in the door knob with bold letter words DO NOT DISTURB written on it.

Grandpa Heng knock on the door four times and open it without waiting for someone's reply as they walk in a two woman came out which confused Maki even more.With a shy look the girls walk up to them and politely greated them.

"Grandpa ,Eldest Young Master"grandpa acknowledge them with a grunt but Maki just look at them with displeasure.

Although the Oldman didn't like how Maki reacted,He doesn't have time to explain .

" Dear is JazC in her work room?" Grandpa sweetly ask the two girls which lightened the air a little .

"Yes grandpa ,she told us if you came we just let you get inside her"Meshyll replied to grandpa Heng not bothering the cold aura emitting from the young master.Grandpa Heng already breifed them about this icy block man .

Grandpa Heng Turned the intricate designed figurine and a mechanical sound revibrated inside the room.Slowly a portion of a wall pushed back ,split into two and each half move to the left and right consecutively.After the mechanical sound finally stop Grandpa Heng walk in followed by Maki with questioning look written all over his face. He has a lot of questions running in his mind right now but he had to contained himself.

Upon stepping inside the room Maki is astonished with all the monitors hanging securely in the walls and in the middle of the room there is a woman setting and has a multiple keyboard that surrounded her.

Her finger dancing swiftly in too of the keyboards .Her fingers dancing like a lightning as one look at it you can't actually seen it clearly on how fast it moved around.Maki was dumbstruck by this discovery , only a side profile of a young beautiful woman can be seen. If he remember it correctly she is the JazC his folk refering to since there's no one here except her.But the investigation never said she is a computer expert. Upon realising the situation, it is possible that his underlings wouldn't find anything about this woman.She surely has the upper hands and ways how to deal with his underlings no wonder there is not much information about her .

Grandpa Heng silently walk near JazC and fucos his attention towards the monitors hanging on the wall .Being with JazC he is now well verses to the all codes that are playing in the monitor .

JazC realize the presence inside the room after a while she just don't bother about it . She knew it was Grandpa Heng but she also feel a foreign yet familiar presence after with him aftet a split seconds she just shrug the thought and continue her online battle.

A series of algorithm dancing in the monitor JazC is battling the thousands of intruders helping the twins and the FC CORP IT experts. But she fucos more on the sole ranger who almost penetrated the company's system first layer defence she encrypted.This simply means that the person behind it is not a simple one. It's been awhile since she felt this kind of andrenaline.

Looking at her Grandpa Heng just sigh upon seeing the excitement all over her face. Her reaction clearly says "BRING IT ON" in bold letters.

On the other hand Maki intently scrutinized JazC while deciphering all the questions running in his mind , still he can't find a correct answers to her questions.But one thing is clear to him now there more reason than meet the eyes his old folk had why he is so fond with this woman.

After a couple of minutes JazC focus on the two keyboard Infront of her but her finger dancing fiercely more than she did awhile ago.You cannot clearly see on which key she was taping.

While observing Maki realize something Six key board sixteen monitors three each shows the same algorithm the woman clearly operates the four of them then who is handling the other six?She isn't God is she ,this clearly inhuman strength.Maki look at his Grandfather ,the oldman felt Maki's intent gaze towards him .Master Heng smile and tap his grandson shoulder and said.

"I explain to you everything later"Maki just sigh and continue watching.

After a few couple of minutes JazC press the enter key simultaneously.And then "Detected" shows in the computer screen. After a couple of seconds different algorithm continues pooping and dancing in the monitor again the malicious virus that JazC created is now spreading towards the intruders without them noticing.She just let the twin do the cleaning.

JazC move her gaze towards Grandpa Heng ignoring the tall handsome guy standing beside him.

"Grandpa is Uncle Wei in the company?"


"Great can you inform him to check the security camera in all departments.Tell him to watch for anyone who has computer will explode in exactly one minute from now.His son is with him too, right?"

"Yes,is there anything wrong?"Grandpa Heng had a hint but he wanted to make sure about it.

"Then that is perfect ,let Uncle Wei to monitor the IT's and his son check the CCTV camera I cannot use my computer now to check it by myself.Im afraid that this case was done by our own people that is why the twin haven't notice the sole ranger after the first series of attack" JazC sigh after explaining .When the twins inform her and ask her assistance Her son Icycle frustrated look is so apparent .

"You mean inside job?"Maki but in with the discussion.

"Yes!you heard it right"JazC admitted replying to the guys question even she doesn't want to talk to him.

Maki amazed with her reaction he clearly see the "who the hell are you" words written all over her face.The corner of his lips hóok up a little because of it.

"What make you so sure about it ?"Maki ask again amusement is so clear on his face which annoyed JazC ,will she replied or not but Grandpa is here she can't lose her cool.

"I'm the one who build the intire company's system defence layers , how can I not know it? unless there is someone within the company who will open the system and let the intruder in,no one can penetrate the defence without being detected.It is either anyone from the company IT's or someone who gain information from anyone in the IT personel"JazC explain in one breath which tire her out .

A ding revibrated inside the room that caught the couple which stop them from arguing.One after another the computer screen shows "COMPLETED"in green coloured bold letter words .

"Grandpa within 10 seconds the computer that the intruders used will be explode.Ask Uncle Wei and his Son to intently watch out for those people"JazC inform Master Heng ignoring Maki again.

Meanwhile inside the company Uncle Wei and his son separate their ways after they recieve the call from his bestfriend informing him the real situation.Butler Han went to the IT department while Russel walk towards the control room they both wear the security earphone connecting them to all the member of Master Heng elites.

Russel instructed them to standby for further instruction each pair of them went to the diffent floors guarding the exit and elevators they move discreetly without alarming the company employees , few of them guarding the first floor and ground level which is the parking area .

Suddenly,A boom was heard inside the Vice President Department.The computer of one of the secretaries of the company's vice president suddenly explode which caught her off guard, glass shards scatters all over her even to her most treasured face .

The Elites who is guarding the place ran fast towards her and apprehended the girl who is frantically shouting with help.Her face and arms is bleeding profusely causes by the shards that are still stuck on her skin.

The employees on the sites was confused by the situation unfold but what confuses them more is the presence of all those uniformed men , clearly they are the elite guards who directly takes command from the first family of Heng Corporation.They see them awhile ago guarding the exit and the elevator although they just ignore thier presence but thinking about on why those men stand guards on that place clearly tells the dire situation the company has .What happen exactly?They are all clueless after the commotion that happen early this morning everyone is just having a sigh of relief but now they are seems like in a dire situation which is more severe than what they had in early morning.

The person who seems like recieved a huge blow is the Vice President himself. How can he not among all the company higher up ,he has most fearful one towards the devil.Early morning he almost pissed himself inside the conference room while facing the devil himself and now again this one.

All eyes who intently looking at the dumbfounded VP felt bad towards him. The employee knows about thier boss fears towards the Eldest Son of Grand Master Heng . They saw him earlier after he came back from the Meeting, the poor guy standing outside the elevator resting his back on the wall catching up his breath with a shaky legs as if he is been chase by the fearless pack of wolves.All the employee that are working in VP department likes him so much unlike the other boss he is most most mild and understanding one , he also help them whenever one of them facing a problem at work or even on thier personal life.

The dumbfounded VP standing on his office door unmoving looking at him his employee felt bad towards him even more but they also hated the girl who causes all this intently as much as they felt bad towards thier boss.One of the secretary can't take it anymore , he approaches the poor guy a nudge him a little waking him up from his trance.

"Boss,Boss I think you need to go the CEO's office to clear this issue" hearing the words CEO's office the VP shake uncontrollably again with him knowing.His body react voluntarily upon hearing a words indicating that his fear is deep down his intire system.

The secretary who stand just beside him was shock upon seeing his boss reaction. They have no idea that his boss fear towards the young master is this intense that his body react like this.His boss eyes is in a verge of crying ,his knees felt webble that him slumpdown the floor a this sounds shock the whole department .They immediately called a medics and bring the VP in the infermary.

All the employee was dumbstruck by the turns of events that happened inside thier department.Everyone go back to thier perspective station feeling confused.After a while the ringing of the phone is heated inside the VP's office .The CEO secretary informing the VP to went up ,his presence requested in the CEO's office this instant.They secretary who recieve the call informed the caller that the VP is currently in the information who passed out due to a great shock.