

Olivia's family business was on the verge of collapse and she was been looked down upon by others Even her fiance had set her up, although they had a good relationship before. On the contrary, he was a well known rich CEO with a handsome face and a wealthy family background. There were countless girls willing to throw themselves at him. Unexpectedly, they had spent a romantic night together. Two people who had no intersection began to fall in love with each other and wanted to spend their lives together.

SilverJade · Fantasy
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11 Chs


 Olivia was livid, she wanted to scream and hit him, but she knew that she was no match for him. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down. 'Being angry with him is of no use', she thought to herself. When she opened her eyes she was immediately startled by the man's handsome face in front of her. She unconsciously took two steps back. 

 ""I recorded a video of last night. Do you want to watch it?" Alexander pinched the tip of her nose and asked with a smile.

 "You! You!! You what!!!" Olivia stammered ""you freak. How could you do that, hurry up and delete the video? This kind of video, if others were to watch it or even know about it, it would be bad for your reputation.""

 Alexander stretched out his hand and pinched Olivia's chin, then said with a raised eyebrow, Oh? Is that so? Not good for my reputation? I'm sorry to disappoint you. The camera didn't capture my face, but the way Miss McQueen wiggled on my bed makes you look especially attractive!"

 The anger Olivia was trying to suppress came back tenfold after hearing the man's word, She felt weak and realize she was no match for him. How did she get into this situation, she asked herself.

 ""That's you taking advantage of my weak state. I will sue you in court.""

 ""Go ahead darling, do you want me to send you the video, so you can have more pieces of evidence during the trial?""

 Olivia was completely enraged by Alexander. She shouted angrily at the handsome man in front of her, ""You beast! No matter what kind of woman I am, I won't be your woman!""

 "Then we'll see, miss McQueen, you'll definitely come beg me." The corner of Alexander's mouth curled up as he said confidently. Then, he leisurely added, "But, when you come and beg me again, it won't be that simple anymore."

 Olivia was furious and humiliated. This was absolutely a humiliation!

 She proudly turned around and prepared to leave without even turning back. Just as she reached the door and placed her slender fingers on the doorknob, she suddenly thought of something.

 Oh! The five hundred dollars!

 Olivia lowered her head and took out the money from her bag, folded the five hundred new red notes, and threw them towards Alexander heavily. "I'm returning your stinky money to you." Then she took off the black suit that Gerrald had earlier draped over her, "oh, and this, is from your subordinate, right?"

 Alexander looked at Olivia lazily from head to toe with his deep blue eyes. He saw that her dress was a little torn and said mockingly; "Take the money and buy yourself a set of clothes."

 ""I don't want your stinky money. I have my own money."" Olivia said coldly. Immediately after, she stepped out of A.S International without looking back. "What an asshole" she cursed as she walked further away from the company. 

 It was getting dark. Olivia walked to a nearby shopping mall and bought herself a dress. She then changed out of her tattered clothes.

 A gust of night wind blew. It was clearly midsummer, but she felt a slight chill. She walked and walked, and for some reason, she arrived at the building where Felix lived.

 She shouldn't have come here, but she couldn't help it. She missed him, yesterday was Valentine's Day, and it was also the third anniversary of her and Felix's relationship. Three years of love was both long and short for her. Thinking about it now, it was like a dream. 

 Olivia knew Felix's home password, so she pressed it and walked in. She took in the familia scents of the house, before walking to the sofa. She suddenly froze when she heard the sounds coming from the bedroom. The whole house was silent except for the noise in the bedroom.

 A woman's coquettish breathing came from the quiet air. Olivia was shocked. The smile on her bright and beautiful face instantly vanished. She listened carefully, and there was even a satisfied growl of a man....

 The bedroom door was slightly open, and the unrestrained voice came from inside. Olivia stood there with her eyes wide open, her slightly red face turned pale in an instant. She could tell whose voices were inside. 

 Olivia shook her head as if someone had a bucket of ice water on her. However, the ambiguous voices still lingered in the air. She didn't know whether to go in and interrupt the adulterous couple or not. 

 "Felix, have you really broken up with her?" Sarah hugged Felix's neck as they snuggled close to each other. She whispered into his ears, but the voice was loud enough for Olivia to hear their discussion.

 ""Darling, we have really separated. Otherwise, would I be here with you?"" Felix said lecherously as he pinched Sarah's butt.

 ""Hmph, our relationship didn't start in just two days, and your plan last night didn't work, so Mr Brown didn't get to sleep with Olivia. The people I sent out this evening also didn't get to get rid of her. How spiteful! Sarah's angry voice suddenly seeped out from her heart and she held a frown on her delicate, willow-leaf eyebrows.

 ""What? Did you send someone to kill her? Who told you to do that?"" Felix's voice immediately changed to anger evident in it. He frowned and stared at Sarah.

 Sarah was frightened. She stopped what she was doing and said coquettishly with the expression of being wrong, ""isn't this what you want me to do? You even wanted to send her to Mr Brown's bed last night. But since it was a failure, I decided to ask some thugs to play with her, but the results are the same. Why are you so angry with me? Or do you still care about her?"

 A normal man would definitely not be able to control himself when a woman is acting coquettishly, especially when they were both naked and under the sheet. Felix calmed down and pinched Sarah's butt. ""You're not allowed to harm her next time without my permission.""

 "Understood, Babe..." Sarah's charming voice was like a sharp knife that pierced Olivia's heart.

 ""You have to be obedient to be cute. Don't be as rigid as Olivia."" His sarcastic tone was obviously full of dissatisfaction towards Olivia. After hearing Felix's words, Olivia finally put two and two together and saw Felix's true face. The guilt she felt from last night instantly vanished. 

 It turned out that her guess had been right, Felix had indeed drugged her wine. She was glad that Alexander Ambrose had slept with her last night. If it was that fat and ugly Mr Brown she would have jumped into the river by now.

 Olivia took a deep breath to calm herself down before she pushed the bedroom door open, walking in as if nothing was happening inside just now.

 Sarah calmly claimed down from Felix body. Her charming eyes were brimming with anger as if some thieves had just stolen her candy. She glared at Olivia for interrupting her moments with Felix.

 "You guys can continue, you don't have to mind me." Olivia glared at Felix coldly. The flames of anger in her heart were burning, but she still force herself to smile at the couple.

 The two of them were in a relationship for three years in different places. Olivia had never thought that the person she trusted the most would betray her. She had actually trusted Felix blindingly and now the green hat on her head was already lush with long grass, but she didn't even know about it until now. 'Oh! Olivia, you're such a fool', she thought to herself. 

 ""Olivia, since you already saw it, then I have nothing to say to you. Just like what you saw, Sarah and I are together, you can go to hell for all I care."" Felix expression changed and he stopped panicking. His face was cold as he spoke word by word.

 Olivia was momentarily at a loss for words. She was so angry that she didn't know what to say. Felix actually told her to go to hell. He had never said anything so harsh to her in their three years together.

 ""How laughable. Felix, stop being sentimental. You and I have already separated, so why should I care? May I remind you, I'm the one who broke up with you and not the other way around. So whatever or whomever you choose to be with is honestly not my problem, it is just a pity that you choose someone like her. I couldn't help but say your taste in women has gone too low."" Olivia said with a fake smile. Her attitude was nonchalant.

 ""Olivia, what rubbish are you spotting? What do you mean by a woman like me? Aren't you a woman too? You're just jealous because you're not in my position."" Sarah smiled sexily and wrapped her arms around Felix neck. She kissed his lips, not bothering if there was a third party.

 "Hmph" Olivia said as she scrunch her nose in disgust. She cursed the couple in her heart for being so shameless.