
A night copulation with the billionaire

Warning: matured content. **** In a world where infected humans and supernatural creatures exist, Anna, a lonely and homeless orphan, unexpectedly becomes a central figure in a hidden world after making a deal with a mysterious stranger. Despite her initial reluctance, she has no choice but to spend a night with a strange and inhuman billionaire to save her dying sister. Trapped in a nightmarish situation, Anna is forced into a life of sexual slavery and enduring abuse from the heartless billionaire, who takes lives without remorse and is as cruel as the grave itself. After enduring immense suffering, Anna swears to seek revenge and make him pay for every terrible thing he has done to her. She devises a plan to make him regret his actions, wishing him the same pain he inflicted upon her. However, during her journey for vengeance, Anna discovers a dangerous secret she was never meant to know. The billionaire is not just a wealthy individual; he is the ruler of the seven deadliest underworlds in history—a supernatural being known as a monstrum. Knowing this puts Anna's life in grave danger, as her knowledge is forbidden for someone like her, a mere human. She becomes a target, pursued by the seven underworlds and the mafioso responsible for her parents' death. Anna's life takes a drastic turn as she becomes prey for these powerful predators. Can she survive the horrifying plot twists and challenges she faces, or is her fate sealed?

starryxl · Fantasy
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73 Chs

The one I knew was him.

The golden morning sky and the breathtaking beauty of the Aurora painted a vivid promise for the day that lay ahead.

I sat on the edge of the bed, gazing out the window at the vibrant panorama outside.

Tears welled up in my eyes as memories of the previous night flooded my mind, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

It had been a terrible night, one filled with excruciating pain and overwhelming exhaustion.

When I heard a noise coming from the bathroom, I turned my attention away from the window.

He emerged, wrapping a towel around his waist, his hair still wet from the bath. The room filled with the soothing fragrance of lavender mixed with peppermint.

My eyes couldn't help but be drawn to his physique, amazed at how he seemed to possess the body of a Greek god. His muscles were solid and his flawless skin seemed untouched by imperfections.

The mysterious dark tattoo of a snake curling around a skull intrigued me, albeit with a tinge of fear. I wondered about the story behind it.

"Get ready and pack your things. We're leaving right now," he said, his voice lacking warmth but not unkind.

I couldn't believe he expected me to get out of bed after my legs had been crippled. How foolish of him.

"I can't move," I stated, bowing my head to make him feel guilty. But deep down, I knew he was devoid of any emotions.

"You can leave your things here. I'll get you new ones. Just get ready," he replied, his tone neither cold nor friendly.

I had hoped he would at least apologize for going really rough on me last night, but it seemed my hopes were in vain.

New things? What would be the cost? Perhaps he would further immobilize my legs. I didn't want to be confined; I still had a long life ahead of me, if only he would allow me to live it.

I forced myself to leave the bed, gripping onto anything within reach to avoid falling.

The pain I felt was indescribable. My legs were numb, making it incredibly difficult to move them.

Suddenly, I slipped on the water on the floor, plummeting towards the cold tiles. Before my body could hit the ground, a strong arm wrapped around my waist, preventing my fall.

I looked up and met his gaze, his hand still firmly grasping my waist. I let out an uncomfortable shriek and managed to stand up, quickly moving away from him. He glanced at me and walked off.

How did he manage to catch me so swiftly? I was certain he had been standing there, putting on a shirt, and yet he reached me in an instant.

Could he have teleported? It seemed impossible for a human to move so fast, like lightning. Or perhaps my eyes were deceiving me. I think my eyes are playing tricks on me, I concluded, limping into the bathroom.

I settled into the bathtub, the warm water providing some relief from the pain. Although it was still difficult to move my legs, the bath offered some respite. After cleaning up, I walked back into the room and sat on a chair, drying my hair. I glanced over at him and noticed he was already dressed, seemingly waiting for me.

"You can call me when you're done," he said before leaving the room.

His behavior seemed strange, a departure from the person I thought I knew.

I packed my belongings and prepared to leave.

There was no need to call him when he was already present.

"Let's go," he ordered.


I felt a surge of joy as we boarded the plane. I yearned for my hometown, longing to be back there. Even though Country Z was visually stunning, nothing compared to the comfort of home.

Yet, even upon returning, I would still be living with him, trapped like a prisoner in a mansion. Unable to meet new people or witness the world's happenings firsthand. Confined to a room, spending the days idly. It would be an incredibly dull life.

So, there was no real reason to be elated. After all, I would still be living in a personal hell, I thought, gazing out the plane window as my heart soared with awe at the breathtaking view of the world below. The world was indeed a beautiful place.


At Adrian International Airport in Apple Country.

After an eight-hour flight, the plane finally touched down.

Some of his men were waiting for us as we disembarked, and one of them took charge of my luggage.

I stared at the steps leading down, contemplating how to descend without embarrassing myself in front of his men.

If no one offered assistance, perhaps I would have to stay on the plane. The pain in my thighs made it impossible to step down gracefully, and I didn't want to become a source of amusement for these people.

But before I could retreat back onto the plane, he appeared behind me. He effortlessly lifted me from the floor, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Never had Ifelt so ashamed and embarrassed. My heart raced in my chest.

I would have preferred to awkwardly step down and endure the confused gazes of onlookers rather than letting him carry me, exposing me to the smirks of his men and others at the airport.

"Welcome back, Boss," everyone greeted, bowing their heads deeply as he walked gracefully toward the waiting car, carrying me as if I weighed nothing.