
A night copulation with the billionaire

Warning: matured content. **** In a world where infected humans and supernatural creatures exist, Anna, a lonely and homeless orphan, unexpectedly becomes a central figure in a hidden world after making a deal with a mysterious stranger. Despite her initial reluctance, she has no choice but to spend a night with a strange and inhuman billionaire to save her dying sister. Trapped in a nightmarish situation, Anna is forced into a life of sexual slavery and enduring abuse from the heartless billionaire, who takes lives without remorse and is as cruel as the grave itself. After enduring immense suffering, Anna swears to seek revenge and make him pay for every terrible thing he has done to her. She devises a plan to make him regret his actions, wishing him the same pain he inflicted upon her. However, during her journey for vengeance, Anna discovers a dangerous secret she was never meant to know. The billionaire is not just a wealthy individual; he is the ruler of the seven deadliest underworlds in history—a supernatural being known as a monstrum. Knowing this puts Anna's life in grave danger, as her knowledge is forbidden for someone like her, a mere human. She becomes a target, pursued by the seven underworlds and the mafioso responsible for her parents' death. Anna's life takes a drastic turn as she becomes prey for these powerful predators. Can she survive the horrifying plot twists and challenges she faces, or is her fate sealed?

starryxl · Fantasy
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73 Chs

Take her to the basement

"Boss, the diva is here," one of the guards reported, breaking the silence in the opulent mansion.

"Celie?" he asked, his curiosity piqued, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, boss," the guard replied, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Let her in," he said, his voice laced with intrigue, and the guard promptly walked away to grant the diva entry.

As the ornate doors swung open, a figure emerged—a woman who commanded attention with every step. She catwalked into the sitting room, her six-inch high heels echoing throughout the spacious hall. Her presence exuded confidence, her aura demanding acknowledgment.

"What do you want, Celie?" he asked, his voice sending tremors of cold through her.

"Is that how you're going to welcome me, Adrian?" she retorted, her tone carrying a mix of familiarity and defiance. Standing before him, she held her ground, undeterred by the chilling reception.

"Get out, if that's how you're going to answer my question," he said, his face devoid of emotion, fueled by a simmering anger that threatened to erupt.

"Hmm... I'm already used to the harsh way you treat me. It doesn't bother me anymore because that's who you are," she said, nonchalantly settling herself on the couch opposite him.

"Just give me some time. I'll be quick with whatever I came here to do," she said, reaching into her handbag. With a flourish, she pulled out a substantial amount of cash—three hundred million dollars.

"Take this and break up with her," she uttered shamelessly, placing the notes on the table before her.

He glanced up at her, his gaze shifting between Celie and the pile of money on the table.

"Get out."

"What?!" she blurted out, surprised by his tactless response. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared at Adrian, pleading for an explanation.

"Why? Why don't you want me? What have I ever done to deserve such treatment from you?" she cried, her voice shaking with a mix of anger and desperation.

"Am I not beautiful enough for your liking? I have everything you could possibly want or need. I'm beautiful, famous, rich, and classic—just the way you like your women. So why? Why don't you want us to be together?" she yelled, her tears streaming down her cheeks.

As the tension thickened in the room, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed from downstairs. Curiosity gripped me, and I couldn't resist the urge to investigate. Who was this unexpected visitor? Perhaps Adrian had brought someone else to the house? With thoughts swirling in my mind, I made my way towards the door to unveil the identity of the mysterious woman.

"I'm the woman you need, a powerful and elegant woman who will always be by your side, who will always want you and help you with business matters," a woman's voice resonated from the lower floor. I stood on the staircase, peering down, my eyes widening in disbelief as the unfolding drama took shape.

An elegant lady indeed. Celie? My heart skipped a beat as recognition settled in. I couldn't believe my eyes. The world-renowned diva, known for her captivating performances, stood before me. But what was she doing here? And what did I overhear? She was begging to be with him? The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place, but it was a perplexing picture.

"She is the one, right?" Celie said, her gaze directed at me. With each step she took, her appeal intensified, her high heels clicking against the stairs. She ascended, reaching the top, and stood in front of me, her eyes piercing through my soul, a mixture of fierceness and vulnerability.

Caught off guard, I found myself stepping back until I was backed against the wall. My eyes couldn't help but roam over her, taking in her breathtaking beauty. She was a vision—a stunning woman who could captivate anyone's attention. Her skimpy black latex dress revealed just enough to ignite desire, while her long dark hair cascaded down her back, giving her an air of untamed allure.

I stared at her, frozen in place, until her voice broke the silence. "Are you his girlfriend?" she asked, her face contorted with disgust. I wondered why she held such disdain.

I nodded, my voice caught in my throat, and watched as a sly smirk curled on her lips.

"Leave him," she beseeched, her voice laced with a mix of urgency and disdain.

"What?" I blurted out, disbelief etched across my face.

"I'm telling you to leave him. Don't you understand what I'm saying?"

This was madness. The famous opera singer, known for her talent and grace, was begging for a man's attention. If this were to become public knowledge, her reputation would be forever tarnishedand her image would lose its luster.

"Don't you realize the consequences?" I managed to speak, my voice trembling with a mixture of confusion and concern. "You're Celie, an icon in the world of music. You have fans who adore you. Why would you jeopardize everything for a man?"

Celie's eyes narrowed, a flicker of vulnerability shimmering beneath her fierce exterior. "Love makes us do crazy things," she muttered, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "And Adrian... he's different. He's the one I want, no matter the cost."

As I processed her words, a wave of empathy washed over me. Love could indeed drive a person to the brink of madness, blinding them to reason and logic. But was this the right path for Celie? Was sacrificing everything worth it?

Before I could reply, a resounding slap echoed through the room. I turned my head, only to witness Celie slapping me with a force that left my cheek stinging. Shocked by her violent outburst, I instinctively raised my hand to my reddened skin, tears welling up in my eyes.

"You bitch! Who do you think you are?" Celie's voice turned venomous, her anger consuming her. "Just because a cretin like you is dating some guy doesn't give you the audacity to talk back to me. Do you know who I am?"

The pain in my cheek was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. How could someone I admired, someone I thought embodied strength and grace, be so cruel? I stood tall, refusing to let her see my vulnerability. 

"You hit me," I stated, my voice steady, my eyes locked with hers.

"Is it like you want another one?" she threatened, raising her hand once again, ready to strike. But before her hand could make contact, it was intercepted, grasped firmly by Adrian.

He slammed Celie against the wall, the impact audible and bone-crushing. My heart raced as I witnessed the violence before me, my mind grappling with the reality of the situation.

Adrian turned his gaze toward me, his expression unreadable. "Slap her," he commanded, his voice icy and devoid of empathy.

My eyes widened, disbelief washing over me. How could he expect me to inflict harm on another person? I couldn't bring myself to raise my hand against anyone, let alone Celie, the woman I had idolized.

"Adrian, you must be joking, right? You didn't tell her to do that to me," her voice choked, but Adrian didn't mind her.

"Slap. Her!" he continued as if he was losing patience.

A twisted smile curled on Celie's lips as she stared at me, her once lively eyes now filled with malice.

"I will do it to you if you don't do it," Adrian hissed, his voice dripping with venom.

Fear coursed through my veins, but I couldn't let it paralyze me.

"No," I whispered, my voice gaining strength. "I won't stoop to that level. I won't cause harm to anyone, especially not someone I admire."

Adrian's grip on Celie tightened, his expression a mixture of frustration and admiration. "Very well," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of respect. "Raven..."

I turned to face Raven, who had been silently observing the unfolding events. Adrian's trusted confidant and right-hand man, Raven exuded an air of loyalty and strength.

"Yes, boss," Raven responded, stepping forward.

"Take her to the basement," Adrian instructed, his voice firm but devoid of malice.

Raven nodded, his gaze shifting briefly to me before he escorted Celie away. As they disappeared from sight, a heavy silence settled over the room, filled with unanswered questions and a sense of unease.