
A new World: Dragon Lords rise

'A man dies, and gets reincarnated nothing to special right? ' Where the very thoughts Damien was having as he looked at the big ass planet before him. --------- Getting Murked in an undignified way, Damien must now learn to survive in this harsh new environment with his siblings as a...... dragon? Follow Damien as he learns to kill while uncovering the truth of himself as well as the dark secrets of the false gods. Will Damien loose himself to insanity or will he become the beacon of safety for all the mortal races against the False gods? Read to find out.

Dora_the_Destroyer_0312 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

First Hunt

A deep growl escaped Damien's stomach as hunger startes to settle in, however Damien was reluctant to leave the nest to hunt, as he feared what unknown creature might potentially lurk in the forest, and that twin siblings would probably rip themselves apart without Damien there.

Almost supernaturally sensing Damien's distress, Blue gave out a low growl, as if trying to say that he will take care of the Twins while Damien was gone.

Damien did not know how he got to that conclusion on what blue was saying, it just came instinctively, but he was still worried about the unknown creatures in the forest.

However hunger soon overcame him as he stepped out of the nest and into the forest, but not before giving a warning glance to the twins to not fight.


The forest was much smaller than he has anticipated from afar. The trees although tall were only twice of Damien's height. Although he could not really tell his own height so that didn't matter.

After searching the forest floor for a while he saw a patch of blue fur on a rock. Damien approached it and immediately the sense of Ammonia and Urine hit him like a truck. The fur was covered in that scent.

'Guess my senses, became stronger ever since I became a dragon. ' Thought William as he tried to follow the scent trail.

After a while of following Damien saw the scent trail entering a cave. He of course was not stupid. Going inside the cave would only give whatever thing there was inside a chance of ambushing him. Thus he devised a plan.

He threw a very large rock with his claws on the cave's walls and hid behind some tress. The force of the hit rattled the Walls of the Cave.

After a few seconds a loud growl escaped the cave and 4 wolves came out.

Two of them had soft gray fur and blue markings on their shoulders. The other two of them however, presuming their breeding pair had deep cobalt blue fur with red markings on their shoulders. The gray one's barely reached up to the starting of Damien's neck but the Breeding pair reached up to his chin, with the larger one of the two reaching up to his mouth.

Damien then enacted plan B should a case like this happened.

He moved to a location where the wolves could not see him and threw another large rock. As Damien had planned one of the smaller gray wolves went to investigate, however as soon as it was outside the vision of the other wolves Damien jumped on it.

The gray wolf did not even get to release a surprised howl as Damien bit down on its neck, preventing it from breathing. The wolf thrashed around and tried to scratch at Damien, but due to his tough scales and his superior strength the wolf was killed.

Now that hunt should've ended there, but it did not. Damien wanted to return back to the nest with the prey, but his draconic instincts were telling him to fight.

Fight! Fight! Kill Them!

Such thoughts raced across his mind. Damien's rational side did not want to take unnecessary risks with attacking the Blue wolves but his draconic instincts were overpowering it.

So Damien decided to attack the wolves, just as his instincts told him to. However, he still was not stupid enough to attack the wolves head on.

The same plan he enacted upon the wolves will probably not work, as the pack must have been alerted by the dead wolf's disappearance.

Thus Damien had another idea. He would leave this body here, and when another wolf comes to examine it he would kill it just like he had killed the previous one.

So he hid again and waited. After a moment another gray wolf came forward to investigate.

It sniffed at the corpse of the fallen wolf and released a deep growl. It was definitely angry at the death of it's pack member.

Unfortunately of it, as soon as the wolf growled, Damien jumped on it, using the same method as before to kill the wolf, and then hid back to the trees to wait for one of the blue ones.

It was somewhat funny for Damien. It was not that he had never taken a life before. During his career as a police officer, he had his fair share of killing due to violent criminal encounters, but he had never killed someone, with his own hands(Teeth?). He should he horrified, like any sane person would but instead he felt.... excited? No feeling of uneasiness of disgust came to him, instead he felt excited at the thought of killing and battling. Damien tried to say to himself that it was just for survival but it was not.

If it was just for survival than just that first wolf would've been enough for him. He could try to say that it was for his siblings, but he also knew that it was not the truth. If it truly was for his siblings, then he would have taken the two dead wolves and escaped, but here he was waiting for the breeding pair.

'I have to learn how to ignore my instincts. ' Thought Damien.

Damien was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a growl. He moved his head and cursed internally.

The blue ones had came together. The Smaller one in the back and the larger one in the front.

They both went near the two wolf corpses and sniffed, before releasing a growl and trying to smell for Damien with their snouts. Curiously, they couldn't.

'Uhhh.... okay new plan. ' Thought Damien as he stealthily moved from his old position. When he reached a suitable spot, he threw another rock.

Just as he had hoped for one of the blue ones the smaller one came towards his location. It was still in the sights of the other wolf, but Damien had to take the risk as the chances of the two of them going put of each other's sight was negligible.

As soon as the smaller blue wolf approached Damien's location, he jumped on its neck and bit down so hard that he could hear a crack coming from it.

The wolf instantly went limp as its neck was broken. That Bite had honestly taken quite an effort from Damien but he had taken down the wolf.

'Now only for the one remaining wo-' Damien did not get to finish his thoughts as he was shocked by what he saw.

The remaining large blue wolf which reached upto his mouth was covered in a dark some.

Not part of its body was visible except for the circular marking on its shoulders which glowed a deep red.

When the wolf stepped out of the smoke, it was mad with rage due to the fact that Damien had killed it's mate, but was also somewhat surprised that the killed was atleast what he thought to be a Juvenile dragon, not realising that Damien was just a stupidly large hatchling.

Damien was also shocked at the wolf's transformation.

The original blue wolf that reached upto his chin was gone. Instead it was replaced by a Menacing pitch black wolf covered with black smoke, which was a head taller than Damien. The only light that was coming off of it was it's glowing red eyes and the glowing red markings on its shoulders.

Damien didn't even get to say an Oh Shit as the wolf pounced upon him at incredible speeds.