
a new superman

(first time writing just trying it out)

mastermanking · Games
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15 Chs

a Pokémon side story(1/4)

<p>max pov:<br/><br/>I soon got home, smiling as it was morning in Gotham by the time I got back, when suddenly I got some notifications form Bruce and some very strange ones form his new buddy.<br/><br/>[a new furry friend for the dark batling]<br/>[batman is not without his fair share of pets, neither is his future son Damien but maybe something to show some love to the guy at all times might actually help him out]<br/><br/>find a way to give Bruce his own Pokémon 1/1<br/>reward: mega evolution stone (sylveon)<br/><br/>[Bruce Wayne/future batman/dark Knight/clown hater/bff of the man of steel 450/500]<br/>[he doesn't know how, but you gave him the best present ever! he loves his new pet ace, he is already planning on how to pay you back for this]<br/><br/>[ace Wayne/combined soul/future bat Sylveon 500/500]<br/>[ace loves his human mama Bruce! and he thinks your pretty great to! due to your interference, ace was born to early before he was supposed to, combining his soul with the new ace..also come on, you know batman will shower him with enough love to turn him into a Sylveon a couple times over]<br/>[perk obtained]<br/><br/>[perk updated! due to you combining a soul before his natural birth, the reward has been upgraded]<br/><br/>[soul strength!]<br/><br/>[your soul is strong! and it keeps getting stronger! with you unintentionally combining souls naturally form two different multiverses, you have been given this power, with time your soul will become invincible]<br/><br/>woah..ok that's awesome! alrighty, now time to pack for my trip. I smiled, using my superspeed to get my things, telling my mother and all the others about me being gone for a few weeks, as the god I got my Pokémon form wanted me for a mission. "it will be alright everyone, trust me." I smiled at them, as I was the only man the Amazons trust.. coupled with my new perk, they believed me and let me go.<br/><br/>I kissed my mom's and grandmas cheeks before flying off, using my new ability to teleport to the world of Pokémon!<br/><br/>I landed down near a road, getting a look at everything before spotting a sign, saying pallet town this way. -hmm, ok so my Pokémon journey beings, hmm I wonder if me being a different species will affect the Pokémon? I mean, they can probably tell I'm not human..- changed into a simple trainers gear, and headed off.<br/><br/>I spent the next few minutes just walking, seeing the Pokémon look at me from the trees and grass. I smiled, waving at them as some finally ran over to play with me. "ok ok!" I started to laugh, playing around with a bunch of different Pokémon, my own Pokémon joining the fun.<br/><br/>I finally got done with the play time, some wanted to join me, but I didn't have a pokeball for them, so I sent them off with a smile and finally got to the town, looking just like the Pokémon anime, but realistic. "woah.. everyone has a Pokémon partner here..man am I ready for this? I mean, who knows if this is the same as the games or anime..oh wait there's ash..he looks like he did during the xy seasons! he must have gotten back form his former adventure and is about to start his next.<br/><br/>I simply walk past the guy, smiling as he had his own adventures to live as I headed to the Pokémon center, ready to get my first Pokémon..well official Pokémon. I stopped in front of the building, smiling as inside I could see professor oak himself!<br/><br/>professor oak pov:<br/><br/>I had a simple day planned, first say hi to Delia like every morning, then go say hi to my grandson and granddaughter, then do some research with my Pokémon. -but looks like I'm helping someone today as well.- "hello? welcome to the Pokémon center!." I smiled, seeing the young mans eyes light up with happy glow, making my own smile bigger.<br/><br/>max pov:<br/><br/>no way! I'm meeting him! the oak! wow! ok max be cool, your superman..well Superboy but you will be superman soon. "hi! I'm max, I'm here for my first Pokémon..I know I'm a little old but I had to help my family with the farm for the last few years, I hope it's ok." I got a little nervous, I had no idea if that was ok or not.<br/><br/>oak laughed and nodded. "of course! come on let's go pick your Pokémon!" relaxed as we headed to a table with three different Pokémon to choose from. "huh? these are not the normal starters? I heard it was Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle not these Pokémon?"<br/><br/>on the table sat three screens, each with a different Pokémon from different starter generations. in order it went.<br/><br/>Sprigatito<br/><br/>Fennekin<br/><br/>Mudkip<br/><br/>oak just smiled at me. "yeah, I gave my usual starter Pokémon to the newest kids to head out, but I got these guys from a fellow researcher, but I am done and was about to let them out into the wild, but since your here, might as well give one to you!"<br/><br/>I slowly blicked, lost in thought, I didn't know which one to pick, I just nodded and stood there in thought for a bit.<br/><br/>[ok guys, you pick which one he gets, the starter won't have much actually use besides just being a new buddy and friend, there won't be much battles, as he doesn't like needles violence, and most would be him protecting people from out of control Pokémon or criminal groups like team rocket so instead he will simply meet some canon characters and maybe beat a few evil guys, plus get some Pokémon eggs to bring back home, but still I will write the next chapter when I see which Pokémon won! have a great day!<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>