
a new someone

y/n faces heartbreak and confusion, her best friend then drags her on a trip. she didn't expect any of this to happen, but then again unexpected experiences are the greatest type

sidemensbitch · Fantasy
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6 Chs

chapter 2

y/n's pov:


time lapse to 3 days later, getting off the plane at London City Airport


we arrive in london at 2:34a.m.

i. am. exhausted.

becca barely spoke to me the whole plane trip, she isn't mad at me or anything, she just had 5 seconds of summer blasting through her earphones the whole time. it was fine though, i took a nap as she clearly isn't going to be interested in me when she has luke hemmings confessing his love for her through songs.

once we get off the plane and get our luggage we debate on wether to rent a car or just to get a taxi to the hotel.

"we should probably rent a car so we have our own mode of transport" becca suggests.

"you need to pay for some sort of permit or some shit to drive around in london, we should just get a taxi and use the bus to get around" i laugh.

"a permit? to drive? like a driving licence?" she says confused, while raising an eyebrow.

"no you twat" i hiss at her, "like an actual government permit to drive around the city"

"well that's stupid, we'll get a taxi then" she replies.

i just smile at her.

i'm so tired, i just want to get back to the hotel

we get a taxi eventually after a few minutes of me screaming at people to get out of the way,

i'm not much of a people person, especially when i have hours of airport stench on me.

we arrive at the hotel and it's like 4 in the morning at this point, maybe 5? i don't know as i haven't checked my phone and i'm too tired to ask.

becca checks us in as she knew me speaking to someone that isn't her with the mood i'm in would not end well.

we get up to the room and i flop on the bed

i don't even change my clothes.

i'm only in sweats and a hoodie anyway.

becca went to the bathroom to do her whole nightly routine and probably a ritual while she's at it.

i can barely keep my eyes open


the next day


i wake up with becca snoring next to me, i was tempted to wake her up just to get it to stop.

i decide to leave her be and just shower instead.

a nice hot shower will wake me up

after the shower i check my phone


ugh, still so early.

no notifications

oh yeah, for a second i nearly forgot my only friend was passed out about 6 feet away from me

speaking of which, i realise i should probably wake her up.

"boo!" i scream

"ugh what the fuck y/n" becca groans, exhaustion evident in her voice.

"get up, we are going for lunch" i laugh.

"why are you trying to get me to go out, you hate getting out of bed nevermind going outside" she snarls.

"because! i'm trying to get my mind off of stuff. this is a trip for healing isn't it? and forgetting about things? then come on and help me forget, let's go!"

i take beccas hand to pull her out of the bed.

"okay you freak i'm coming" she replies.


time lapse to 6p.m later that day


"i cannot fathom the fact that i had mcdonald's for breakfast today" i say in a melancholy tone.

becca laughs at me, "i told you we could've stayed in that café"

"it was like £6 for a fucking sandwich. that is 6 mcdonald's burgers.. plus that waitress looked at me funny"

"y/n she just looked at you, normally. she probably thought you were pretty or something" becca says with a soft smile across her face.

no. she did look at me funny. i would've said something, but i've only been in london a day. i'll leave the fighting until at least day 2.

my thoughts are interrupted by beccas voice.

"y/n, can we go out tonight?"she asked shyly.

"what do you mean.. we have been out all day" i reply.

"no i mean, out out. i wanna go clubbing. come on it'll be so fun!" she smiles widely at the idea.

"ew, no." i say bluntly.

"please y/n, please!" she begs.

she obviously wants to go, she never begs me for anything, because i hate it, and she knows that. so if she asks more than once, i almost feel bad if i say no.

"okay" i gulp

"seriously?" she says, clearly in disbelief.



after what feels like hours, we have finally picked our outfits.

i had done my hair and makeup whilst becca picked her clothes, i didn't go crazy with it, i just made myself look somewhat put together.

i also put my hair up in what, i think you would call, a fashionable messy bun.

becca chose to wear a black lace body suit and a black denim skirt, it was a nice outfit and it looked great on her.

i just chose a pink lace body suit and blue denim shorts, i grabbed the long white coat from beccas suitcase and tried it on.

looking in the mirror i say "do you mind if wear this?"

"yeah go ahead, here snap a pic of me quickly would you? i wanna see how it looks through a camera just in case i'm caught off guard" becca laughs.

"sure, stand against the wall" i tell her

i take her phone from her and take the photo

"here" i hand her back her phone

"oo i look good" she says confidently

"for once" i say

"fuck you" she laughs it off as a joke.

that's all it was, a joke.

"let me take one of you! you look cute" she says

"no, please no" i grab my purse off the dresser and run to the door.

"let's go" i yell from the doorway,

i hear her sigh before following me out of the hotel room.