
A new path to thread on

Xiao Liang was born into a rich family but was considered as dirt because his mother was actually a servant. being the only son in the family, his family sees him as a threat which leads him to getting himself killed in a staged traffic accident however it all changes for the great good when Xiao Liang transmigrated into a whole new world where magical prowess is valued over knowledge but it all turns out well when Xiao Liang awaken the immortality system which gives him tasks in exchange for power.

Bello_Mariam · History
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The Xiao family

In the Xiao's household there are actually different branches which manage different business but it's all managed by the president of the Xiao's group Xiao Ming.

Xiao Liang is the only son of Xiao Ming but isn't treated as one, he as always being neglected for being the son of the servant while his two younger sisters where treated as queens. Even his own biological father as never said anything to protect his honor

It was a cold night in the Xiao's mansion, there we're guest dining and merrying while also some trying to strengthen their connections.

Whereas Xiao Liang was in his room using the telescope gifted to him buy his only friend in the whole world Ming er who is his desk mate in school

Xiao Liang was watching the banquet from afar since he wasn't allowed to show his face at family gathering in order not to make the Xiao's loose face in the presence of it's affiliate

"The Xiao's family is as blossoming as always" said by a young man in the banquet...

why not they are considered the biggest group right now, their influence isn't only restricted to this country alone with their branches spreading across Asia.

'i really wish I could be considered family, can't they really just ignore my birth status?, I mean we are literarily related by blood' Xiao Liang was busy thinking how nice it would have been if his family accepted him, he craves affection but he is only loved by his late mother.

The daughters of the Xiao family are really beautiful and are the future of the family as every guest keep trying their best to get closer to them.

'thank you all for attending my birthday party said Xiao Ming. it's really an honor to have you all here and I hope you all feel at home'.

President Ming there is a rumor about you having a son is it true?...

ooooh you must have heard about him... he is my adopted son Xiao Liang, I only took pity on him a few years ago.

Xiao Liang couldn't believe his ears. 'really... he shouldn't have gotten mom pregnant in the first place, imagine my own dad denying me it's really not a new thing to see'

'I would like to invite you to my family conference' the voice of a young man echoed. it's basically for the youngsters the girls and your 'adopted son' he emphasized are eligible to participate.

'why would Xiao Ming adopt a son? is he really true as he said or is he hiding things from us again for future benefits, no I must get to the bottom of it, the man thought

president Ming, why isn't ur adopted son here in the party today or is he someone who doesn't consider this gathering necessary said a guest

'ooooh... he came down with a cold so he can't possibly Join us for the safety of everyone here, so let's not dwell to much on that and just enjoy ourselves tonight, cheers everyone', said Xiao Ming.

Hey beautiful you must be Xiao Wei the first daughter of the family, you look as beautiful as rumored said a guest

Oh don't flatter me.... said Xiao wei

And you must be the youngest child Xiao Mei and you also look stunning...

Uhmm thanks, you do not look bad either.

Xiao Liang got tired of watching and decided to go back to sleep because he still has class to attend tomorrow.

He woke up early the next day, trying his best to avoid any of the family members in order not to annoy them with his face.

unknowing to him, his uncle Xiao Ge who attended banquet yesterday kept thinking things over.

My brother being the president for so long, is he really not going to make me his heir... but what if he keeps Xiao Liang hidden because he wants to make him the heir without raising suspicion... No i have to get rid of all obstructions

Xiao Liang rides his bicycle to school everyday since he is the only one without a car. When he got to the alley way before he got to his school without noticing the truck waiting for him at the side of the road, he rushed down the alley way, only to be sent flying a few meters untill he lost consciousness.