
A New Opening

You’re new to UA and you meet him. Katsuki, moving from England was hard, but maybe he can change that?

ariamairis · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Flashbacks

A/N - this is gonna be a flash back about y/n's past, after this about after they wake up and kiri and sero hatch their plan. now to the story

Y/N three years ago...

You are walking down the street when you feel someone's presence behind you, you turn around to see a boy who is crying, or you thought, he has fake hands all over his body. you go up to him and ask if he's alright, suddenly you feel an apparition under you and you teleport away before coming back, but when you came back you were through the gate and felt a sudden pain in your gut. you had been hit with someones quirk and your body began to degenerate. you then see the boy who had the hands all over his body come up to you. "i know who you are, don't try and fool me. y/n l/n." you feel the pain continue. and you ask him who he is and how he found you. the truth is you were given up for adoption and a family in the UK adopted you, you never knew your real name.

~time skip back to the present~

you were still asleep but started having nightmares and woke up shaking, bakugo wakes up when he feels you move. "what's wrong y/n you're shaking." you could hear how worried he was in his voice. he won't stop asking till you tell him what was wrong and what the nightmare was about. you knew that he has been attacked by the LoV before but he never had an up close fight with Shigaraki. he holds you close and comforts you the best he can. you were terrified, you hadn't slept well in over 3 years, until now, and it all came back to you why you don't sleep. you sit in his arms sobbing, and he plays with your hair trying to calm you down. "Y/n, that will never happen again. im always going to be here to save you. i will find him, and do it all myself if i have to. i care about you so much, please don't cry," you look into his eyes and you see that everything you told him pained him to hear.

Bakugo POV

y/n was out through so much pain. i know shigaraki held grudges, but why her, why. i feel her tears soaking my shirt but i pull her head up and tell her everything, how i care and that he will never lay a hand on her again. she looks up at me and i see it all. i know i want her and i want to be with her, it's been months since we met, and there was always something there. i put her head back on my chest and i keep her there. i never want her to be in pain again. i notice her shirt moved up a bit and i can see the scar, i look at her and i place my hand on my stomach, "i hope you see that scars just make you even more beautiful to me, i don't care about your past about the hurt, i care about who you are now." i place my hand on the side of her head, rubbing her cheek.


bakugo placed his hand on your cheek and you felt yourself give in to everything. you want to spill your guts to him, about how you feel, and about everything you know about your past. but you couldn't do it, not now. you curl up closer to bakugo, closer than you ever have, and you look up into his deep red eyes, and you know he's telling the truth about caring so much about you.

something about him was different now, when you first met him, he had so much anger in his eyes, now all there is , is a sense of compassion, did you really change him? or were you going crazy?

once you calm down a bit, he gets you up off the bed and hugs you one last time before going to talk to sero like kiri wanted, and you walk to the commons to talk to kiri, you were both suspicious of what was going on but those two always has some sort of plan.

Kirishima POV

i hear y/n and bakugo say goodbye to one another and her walking down the hallways toward me. i put my

phone away and tell her to sit down after a few minutes i finally asked her. "so, y/n, how do you feel about bakugo?" "i- what do you mean?!" she says completely flustered. "dude it's so obvious, just tell me how you feel,"


you start to talk to kiri about it all "he's just, different, the way i can tell him anything and everything and he doesn't judge? the way he fights and trains. his laugh, everything about him makes me happy. and when i found out he broke up with melody, i was so lost in a way, because i thought he was happy with her. until earlier, when i really saw it in him when we were laying down, that maybe it's mutual? i know i sound crazy but—" he cuts you off "you aren't crazy, that told me everything i needed.

meanwhile in Sero's dorm