

There lived a sixteen your old super hero who spends her whole life fighting crime and her name is Alora she never gets time to have a normal life she is always either in training or fighting crime so one day she tries to escape from home and change her identity completely ,so the next day after her training with her dad she made a plan of how to escape from home and where to go plus how to survive . So after she made the plan she went to bed , the next day after everything before her parents came home she ran quickly past the security cameras then she went into the security room where all the cameras are controlled and she turned of all the guard's communication devices then she quickly escaped just when she was about to reach the gate "honk honk" her parents were home she quikly tried to fly back into her room through the window but her window was closed and so were all the other windows in the house so she hid in a tree once her parents enterd the house just when she was about to leave , she realized that all the cameras were back on and her parents were looking every where for her so she stayed in the tree for like an hour trying to figure out what to do then out of no where she moved one inch then a brach fell on one of the guards


I hope you guys liked the novel like it and add to libraryso that i can make chapter two!

DaoistoNMZ7ucreators' thoughts