
Killed in a flash

Darkness surrounds me as I begin to monologue to myself. (So,where am I? Did I die? Is God going to show up? Will I be reincarnated? Also if I died how did I die?) As I continued to ask pointless questions to myself I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Aaaaahhhh!!!!"

"Wow, Son, calm down there didn't mean to scare you." I turned around to see a tall man with short dark brown hair, an average face, and green eyes. He wore a nice black three piece suit. At least I think it was black hard to tell.

"God?" I asked the only other being in this void.

"Ya, close enough you can call me whatever you want to though." He looked back at me as if he was waiting for something. "Ok, sense you are just going to sit there saying nothing. I will just start answering your questions. "You are in limbo. Yes. I'm right here so yes and yes. As for how you died I think it's best if you see if you see it for yourself. Roy, play the flashback harp!" Suddenly an old man in a butler uniform appeared. He turned towards God and saluted him. "Yes Sir." Suddenly a giant golden harp appeared. The butler went over to it and started to strum it. "What's with th-"

It was a normal afternoon. The sun was high in the sky and the wind was blowing. Alex just got out of school and was walking home. On his way home while he was crossing the street he looked in the direction of the bank and saw a group of people with top hats entering. The man in the front of the group started dancing while music started to play from nowhere. As he watched while walking he noticed that everyone in the bank started to dance along until even the people outside of the bank started dancing too. Alex was a foot from the curb when he started dancing too, he looked around in absolute horror as a truck-kun came at him from the right and left. Looking into the window he saw that the drivers were also dancing. *bam* Luckily or not the truck-kuns crashed into only his leg. Sure it hurt but he would live. Lying on the ground still clapping along to the dance he looked up. He saw a black dot. What was it, a bird, a plane, superman? No it was an attack helicopter-chan. As it came towards him he saw a man with big red headphones holding a mic, "Henry, I have a plan." It came closer and closer until it hit the truck-kuns.*bang* Now my arms are crushed. Just how am I still alive? No, the better question is why? I Can't see anything from under attack helicopter-chan, but I can still hear the music and people clapping along with some gasps and screams. Then suddenly the world went white.

I was now back in the void with God and the butler Roy. "So that's how I died, NOT! What the crud is with the dancing and then ending what killed me blood loss?" God looked from side to side than back to me. *Sigh* 'I didn't want to tell you this, it's slightly embarrassing,' "So the dancing was my fault. I gave a mortal named Henry so word abilities to help him in this life. One of his abilities was to do a special dance that would summon music and make all thoughts around him dance too. As to how you actually died, it was also my fault. I have watched him closely since he was born in this world, so closely that I was affected by his ability. When I clapped my hands it summoned lightning and it struck you and killed you instantly." He swiftly bowed his body to a ninety degree angle. "I'm sorry, Alex!"

*Sigh* "So that's how I died. So do I get any wishes before I'm reincarnated?" I asked the crying god.

"So you aren't mad"

"No." I rolled my eyes.

He suddenly shot up "Yay, of course you get three wishes." Lifting up three fingers at me.

*Facepalm* "Ok for my first wish I want to be reborn in a world of swords and magic with a game like system."

"Ok, but for that to all be one wish everyone will need to have the system. Is that alright with you or do you want to make those two wishes?"

"No, keep it one wish. So for my second wish I want the ability to train all stats, and learn all skills.��

"That will need to be considered two wishes, and just as a warning learning and using a skill that doesn't belong to your race may have some side effects."

"Ok, that's fine with me. Send me down. Goodbye."

"Alright, good bye."

"Good bye." Crap forgot about Roy I waved as I started to disappear.