
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 65: Kara First Sighting

Several days had passed since the incident, and many individuals had taken up residence in the area. Karin, Jugo, Suigetsu, and Log were among those who had settled, all thanks to the influence of a certain someone.

On a bridge, Sarada, Mitsuki, and Boruto stood, patiently awaiting the arrival of Konohamaru.

Sarada couldn't help but feel perplexed as she noticed the somber mood that hung over Boruto and Mitsuki, both of whom appeared to be experiencing some form of distress.

"What's going on with you guys?" Sarada inquired, her voice filled with curiosity. "Normally, Boruto, you exude a sense of calmness and relaxation. And Mitsuki, why the sudden change in demeanor? You too, Boruto."

"Well, it's hard to explain," Boruto replied with a yawn, clearly displaying signs of exhaustion. Over the past few days, he had been tirelessly working alongside his clone to rebuild the Land of Whirlpools, finally completing the arduous task of removing all the debris and searching for any potential hidden jutsu.

"I feel the same way," Mitsuki chimed in, also yawning, having spent time training with Log after learning of Orochimaru's possible demise.

"Stop turning into Boruto, and Boruto, stop influencing Mitsuki," Sarada interjected, her tone tinged with a mix of frustration and concern.

"I can't help it, Sarada. We're best friends," Boruto responded, raising his fist, which Mitsuki bumped with his own.

Sarada let out a sigh and asked, "Where is Konohamaru-sensei? He's taking quite a while."

Suddenly, Konohamaru arrived on the scene, accompanied by a young child.

"Sorry for the delay. This is the Daimyo's son. He will be your employer for today," Konohamaru explained.

"I'm Madoka Tentou. I've hired you guys because I'm bored," Tentou introduced himself with a hint of nonchalance.

Boruto exchanged a glance with Sarada and expressed his reluctance, "Can't you handle this on your own? I'd rather continue working on my own project than babysitting a spoiled kid."

"It's not like you're the only one with things to do," Sarada retorted, her tone slightly irritated.

"The three of you need to treat this as a direct order from the Daimyo," Konohamaru interjected firmly.

Boruto, unfazed by the authority, responded defiantly, "Then tell that old man to fuck off before I burn his house down and take his belongings."

"Ay!" Konohamaru and Sarada exclaimed in warning.

"Do you think I care? They can all perish for all I care. I sometimes wonder why the shinobi didn't just eliminate the Daimyo and take control. It would be ridiculously easy," Boruto remarked, his voice filled with a hint of cynicism.

Mitsuki nodded in agreement, silently supporting Boruto's sentiment.

Tentou, feeling a sense of terror, couldn't help but be taken aback by Boruto's ruthless nature. He had imagined that the son of the Hokage would be more compassionate and understanding.

Sarada and Konohamaru exchanged sighs, their faces reflecting a mix of disappointment and concern as they looked at their two students.

"Sarada, can you handle this situation?" Konohamaru asked, seeking her assistance.

"Of course, I can. Come on, Tentou, can I call you Tentou?" Sarada asked, attempting to establish a more friendly rapport.

"You can call me Tentou," Tentou replied, slightly relieved.

"Then you can call me Sarada," she responded with a warm smile, as they continued their walk and conversation, leaving Konohamaru, Mitsuki, and Boruto behind.

"Why are you always so rude when it comes to bodyguard missions?" Konohamaru inquired, genuinely curious about Boruto's behavior.

Boruto sighed and replied, "I've hated these missions ever since I can remember. There's always the risk of the person I'm guarding making some foolish move out of fear, and if I'm not strong enough, it could end up getting me killed. Besides, most of them are so weak that they end up getting themselves killed before I can even do anything. It's pathetic."

Turning his attention to Mitsuki, Konohamaru asked, "And what about you, Mitsuki? What's your take on these missions?"

Mitsuki contemplated for a moment before responding, "Personally, I find it easier if I can just knock the employer out and take them to a safe location. It eliminates the need to constantly worry about their safety."

Konohamaru let out a tired sigh, realizing that both Boruto and Mitsuki shared a similar mindset. It was becoming increasingly challenging to handle the two of them.

"If there's anything else you want to say, speak up," Boruto prompted, his tone slightly impatient.

"Boruto, I have to ask, why are you wearing the Konoha headband like that?" Konohamaru questioned, noticing that Boruto had the headband positioned on his forehead, tilted to cover his left eye.

"It's my choice. If that's all, then I'm out of here," Boruto retorted before disappearing in a flicker of movement. When he was alone and away from prying eyes, he activated his Karma seal, utilizing the power of his Jougan to open a portal.

The reason he relied on the Karma seal was that he hadn't yet figured out how to activate his Jougan on his own.

Mitsuki followed suit, disappearing in a similar flicker of movement as he headed off to continue his training with Log.

Konohamaru couldn't help but sigh, feeling a genuine concern for the well-being of both Boruto and Mitsuki. "These two," he muttered to himself, "I can't help but worry about them."


As Boruto arrived at the location, he deactivated his Karma seal, only to be taken aback by what he saw. Instead of the expected rubble and ruins, the area was surprisingly clean and clear, devoid of any signs of destruction.

His clones, who had been diligently searching the island, saluted him upon his arrival. "Boss, we've thoroughly checked the entire island, even dug around, but we couldn't find anything related to the Uzumaki clan," one of the clones reported.

Boruto couldn't hide his frustration as he muttered, "Tch, what a waste."

Understanding his disappointment, the clone reassured him, "We understand, boss. We'll start building up this place. We still have some blueprints and can acquire the necessary materials, or we can even create them using our unique abilities."

Slightly skeptical, Boruto questioned, "Are you trying to get us killed by summoning real materials?"

The clone smirked and replied, "Isn't this an opportunity to further hone your powers and bend reality to its knees?"

Reluctantly, Boruto conceded, "Fine."


As Mitsuki trained alongside Jugo, he engaged in intense sparring sessions, eager to learn more about Sage Mode. With each exchange of blows, he pushed his body to its limits, determined to strengthen himself both physically and mentally.

Observing the training session, Log and Karin closely watched the two combatants, offering guidance and advice whenever they saw an opportunity for improvement. Log, with his vast knowledge and experience, provided strategic insights, while Karin, with her keen perception, pointed out specific areas where Mitsuki could enhance his techniques.

The atmosphere was charged with energy as Mitsuki and Jugo continued their rigorous training, their movements fluid and precise. Mitsuki absorbed every piece of advice, applying it in real-time, striving to perfect his techniques and master the intricacies of Sage Mode.

As Sarada took charge of looking after the young child, she couldn't help but notice the curiosity in his eyes. Tentou, the inquisitive little boy, couldn't resist asking a question.

"Is your teammate always like that?" he asked, referring to the somber mood surrounding Mitsuki and Boruto.

Sarada paused for a moment, carefully choosing her words. "No, they're not usually like this. Something seems to be bothering them, but I think it's just exhaustion taking its toll," she explained, trying to reassure Tentou.

Tentou pondered her response, his young mind processing the information. After a brief moment of contemplation, he nodded and said, "Hmm, if that's the case, then it's fine."


The once gloomy and desolate place had undergone a remarkable transformation, now bathed in a radiant light that seemed to defy logic. Sasuke couldn't help but express his astonishment at the sight before him.

"This place is not what it used to be," he remarked, his voice filled with a mix of confusion and intrigue.

Sai, who was by his side, nodded in agreement. "It appears that someone has already begun altering the surroundings," he observed, his eyes scanning the area for any clues.

As Sasuke and Sai continued their exploration, their attention was suddenly drawn to the arrival of a group of shinobi. The tension in the air was palpable as one of the shinobi stepped forward, demanding an explanation.

"We are from Konoha," Sai calmly stated, his voice carrying an air of authority. "We are here to investigate a certain organization."

The shinobi seemed taken aback by this revelation, their guard momentarily lowered. "Konoha and investigating? Wait, let me inform our leader," one of them said, quickly relaying the message through his earpiece.

After receiving a response from their leader, the shinobi turned to Sasuke and Sai, a newfound respect evident in their expressions. "Follow me," they instructed, leading the way to their destination.

As Sasuke and Sai followed the shinobi, anticipation filled the air. When they finally arrived at their destination, they were greeted by the sight of a woman with short blonde hair, sitting regally on a throne, her legs crossed with an air of confidence and power.

[Image here]

The woman's piercing gaze locked onto Sasuke and Sai, her voice filled with a mix of determination and frustration.

"You guys want to know about the organization that attacked us, right?" she asked, her tone demanding their attention.

Sai nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Yes, we are here to gather information about Kara," he confirmed.

A wave of anger washed over the woman's face, her features contorted with a fierce determination. "Kara. Those bastards have been playing with us, sabotaging all the hard work I put into making this land suitable for living," she seethed, her hand slamming down on the armrest of her throne with such force that it shattered a small portion of it.

Rising to her feet, she approached Sasuke and Sai with a sense of purpose. Despite her commanding presence, her subordinates remained eerily silent, their gazes fixed on the ground.

As she stood before them, she bowed respectfully, a gesture that seemed out of place given her earlier display of anger. The silence from her subordinates only added to the air of mystery surrounding her.

Ange's plea for assistance resonated with sincerity, her voice tinged with a sense of urgency.

"Please, we need your help to rid this village of the remaining members of Kara. If we don't act swiftly, this entire place will crumble into ruins," she implored, displaying a keen awareness of the dire consequences that awaited if they failed to intervene.

Sasuke, recognizing the gravity of the situation, spoke up. "Raise your head," he commanded, his voice firm yet filled with reassurance.

Sai, ever the optimist, chimed in. "Don't worry, it's our duty to eradicate them," he assured, his words carrying a sense of determination.

Ange's eyes met Sasuke's, her gratitude evident as she lifted her head. "Thank you," she expressed, a hint of relief coloring her voice. "My name is Ange, and it's a pleasure to be working with both of you."

With their alliance forged, the trio set out on their mission, united in their goal to eliminate the remnants of Kara. They combed the village, their footsteps echoing through the deserted streets as they hunted down their elusive targets. The battle was fierce, but their determination never wavered.

At a momentary lull in the fighting, Sai couldn't help but voice his curiosity. "How did you manage to escape from Kara?" he inquired, his tone filled with genuine interest.

Ange paused for a moment, her eyes gazing into the distance as she recalled the harrowing experience. "I hid, disguising myself as someone else," she revealed. "As they stormed through, they mercilessly slaughtered most of my shinobi. There was one man, balding with a distinct hairstyle," she recounted, her voice tinged with a mix of sorrow and determination.

Sai nodded, grateful for the cooperation and the valuable information they had obtained. "Thank you for sharing," he expressed, his gratitude evident.

Ange smiled, her resolve unyielding. "No problem," she replied, her voice filled with determination.

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