
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 63: Morality

The intense clash between Boruto and Shirotsuchi continued, their movements swift and precise. Each strike and dodge showcased their exceptional skills and determination to emerge victorious.

Onoki and Kurotsuchi, the spectators of this fierce battle, stood at a distance, their eyes locked on the combatants. Kurotsuchi wore a confident smile, fully aware of Boruto's capabilities and his tendency to toy with his opponents.

"You should lend a hand to your 'new' granddaughter," Kurotsuchi remarked, her voice filled with amusement. "Boruto is merely playing around with her. It won't be long before she succumbs to his superior skills."

Onoki, the elder and former Tsuchikage, raised an eyebrow at Kurotsuchi's statement. He observed the ongoing battle, analyzing every move made by Boruto and Shirotsuchi.

"You seem quite confident in Boruto," Onoki commented, his tone laced with curiosity.

Kurotsuchi chuckled softly before responding, her eyes still fixed on the intense fight unfolding before them. "Well, he hasn't even tapped into the power of the Eight Gates yet. If he chooses to unleash that level of strength, that bitch won't stand a chance."

Onoki nodded, acknowledging the truth in Kurotsuchi's words.

Meanwhile, a mischievous grin adorned Boruto's face as he reveled in the power of his Rinnegan ability. 'I can't believe my Rinnegan allows me to distort reality on a small scale. This ability is too amusing not to use. I can practically spam it, and the only limitation is the cooldown time and it depends on the reality distortion,' he thought to himself, relishing in the absurdity of his newfound power.

With each attack launched by Shirotsuchi, Boruto effortlessly evaded them all. She threw multiple black rods, slashing through the air with precision, but her efforts were in vain. Shirotsuchi knew that Samehada had the ability to absorb chakra, so she cautiously strategized her moves, aware that her attacks could potentially be turned against her.

Despite her relentless assault, Shirotsuchi found herself unable to penetrate Boruto's defenses. His skills and power were unmatched, rendering her seemingly perfect body useless against his unstoppable force.

As the battle raged on for hours, Shirotsuchi's chakra began to dwindle with each contact she made with Samehada or any part of her body that came into contact with the sentient sword. Breathing heavily, she clutched two black rods tightly, her determination unwavering.

"Do you want more?" Boruto taunted, a playful smirk dancing on his lips as he observed Samehada wriggling in excitement.

Boruto chuckled, fully aware of the situation. Shirotsuchi couldn't help but think, "He's not taking me seriously. I can't even use my jutsu without him absorbing it." Despite this realization, she couldn't help but revel in the exhilaration of the fight, a smile gracing her face. It was undoubtedly the most thrilling battle she had ever experienced.

"Are you giving up?" Boruto questioned, his voice laced with a hint of arrogance.

"Not yet," Shirotsuchi replied defiantly, summoning her strength as she rose to her feet. With a swift motion, she combined the two black rods, transforming them into a formidable black spear.

"I'm ending this fight," Boruto declared confidently.

With a burst of speed, Shirotsuchi lunged towards Boruto, thrusting her spear with all her might. However, to her astonishment, the spear transformed into a bubble, leaving her momentarily stunned.

Seizing the opportunity, Boruto swiftly grabbed hold of Shirotsuchi's neck, his grip tightening. "Thank you for your chakra," he said coldly, draining her energy and transferring a portion of it to Samehada.

A soft moan escaped Shirotsuchi's lips as her chakra was being siphoned away, leaving her weakened and vulnerable. Boruto's indifference was palpable, his disregard for her well-being apparent.

Before Shirotsuchi could succumb to the draining of her chakra, Onoki intervened, launching a powerful Particle Style jutsu towards Boruto. Reacting quickly, Boruto used Shirotsuchi as a shield, positioning her in front of him. Onoki adjusted the trajectory of his attack, avoiding hitting Shirotsuchi directly but creating a massive hole in the cave, allowing sunlight to stream through.

A smirk played on Boruto's lips as he whispered into Shirotsuchi's ear, "You won't die. From now on, you are my chakra battery." With a swift strike, he knocked her unconscious, creating multiple clones for his amusement. "Handle that delusional old man for me," he commanded his clones, referring to Onoki.

Onoki was caught off guard, unable to react in time as Boruto's clones flickered in front of him, delivering powerful blows. They moved with lightning speed, using body flicker to pass each other while continuously attacking the bewildered old man.

Summoning a scroll, Boruto opened it, revealing another, larger scroll. With precision, he sealed Shirotsuchi within the larger scroll, then stored it within a smaller scroll. Finally, he sealed the smaller scroll within a seal on his hand, a technique he had mastered long ago.

Boruto approached the battered and defeated Onoki, his clones delivering a final Uzumaki kick, sending the old man hurtling towards him. With ease, Boruto caught Onoki and taunted, "I'll be taking your youth back. That was a foolish mistake."

Boruto proceeded to drain the remaining youth from Onoki until he reverted to his elderly state. He then walked towards Kurotsuchi, throwing the old man at her feet. "Do whatever you want with him. I'm finished," he declared, his voice filled with apathy.

Using the power of his Jougan, Boruto teleported back to Konoha, landing on the rooftop of the Hokage building. Exhausted, he deactivated his Karma seal and let out a sigh, the weight of his actions settling upon him.

"I suppose I'll have to locate that seal that enslaves someone, because I'm certain she won't obey me willingly," Boruto muttered to himself. "I don't care if she despises me; I need her as my assistant."

With a determined leap, Boruto gracefully descended from the building, his thoughts consumed by the shifting morality he felt within himself. "Perhaps this world is changing me," he pondered, "but survival is my top priority, regardless of the cost."

Bounding from one rooftop to another, Boruto paused on a sturdy ledge, frustration etching itself onto his face. "What in the world am I saying?" he muttered under his breath. "I refuse to become the person I never wanted to be. Damn it! I can't just leave her somewhere else, but what if Isshiki discovers her existence? This is a mess!"

Letting out a frustrated groan, Boruto scratched his head in exasperation. "I can't stand this uncertainty. I should talk to her first before making any rash decisions."

Activating his Karma seal, Boruto vanished in a flash of light, teleporting himself to his secluded training spot in the Land of Demons.

Carefully, he brought her out and settled her gently on the ground, patiently waiting for her to awaken.

Prison, Iwagakure

"You old fool, you're nothing but a lifelong prisoner," Kurotsuchi spat with contempt. "I am nothing like Naruto, who is foolish and lacks the power to control anyone. He even allows criminals to roam freely. The former Tsuchikage is a disgrace to Iwagakure."

Onoki remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor. His chakra had been sealed, rendering him unable to harness its power ever again.

Leaving Onoki behind, Kurotsuchi walked away, accompanied by her two loyal assistants.

"Are you sure about this, Tsuchikage-sama?" one of her assistants inquired cautiously.

"Yes," Kurotsuchi replied with unwavering determination.

"What about your clone?" the other assistant questioned.

"I trust that Boruto has taken care of it," Kurotsuchi assured, her voice filled with confidence.

Training spot mountain, Land of Demon,

Shirotsuchi's eyes fluttered open, and she found herself met with Boruto's smile. Instinctively, she tried to gather her defenses, wary of his intentions.

"Don't bother, I can end your life whenever I please," Boruto stated, his words laced with a chilling confidence.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Shirotsuchi cautiously settled back down, her guard still up.

"I am giving you a chance, considering you were forcibly brought life," Boruto explained, his tone slightly softer.

Shirotsuchi nodded, indicating her understanding.

"I can offer you two choices," Boruto continued. "The first is to remain by my side, where I will place a seal on you." Shirotsuchi tensed at the mention of a seal, but Boruto quickly reassured her. "The second choice is to erase your existence from this world."

Caught in a dilemma, Shirotsuchi felt her fate being decided by Boruto's words alone.

"You may be wondering why I cannot simply release you without any conditions. The truth is, you are a perfect vessel for an Otsutsuki. If they were to discover you, the difficulties would multiply. The doctor who created you may not have realized it, but I am aware, as I am slowly becoming an Otsutsuki myself," Boruto explained. "However, I have no intention of harming you or interfering with your life. I simply want you to stay by my side, so that I can monitor and protect you."

"Why can't you just trust me without the need for a seal?" Shirotsuchi mustered the courage to ask.

"It's quite simple. I don't trust you," Boruto replied bluntly. "So, what is your choice?"

Shirotsuchi fell into a contemplative silence before finally mustering the courage to ask, "Why are you giving me a chance?"

"Because everyone deserves a second chance, and you were forced into existence with only one purpose: to obey Onoki's orders," Boruto responded.

"No, my goal is to save the world. I follow him because he is my father and creator, and he possesses more experience than I do," Shirotsuchi countered.

"Tsk," Boruto clicked his tongue, noticing more and more the resemblance of a young girl within Shirotsuchi.

Prison, Iwagakure

Onoki's hands moved swiftly, forming intricate hand signs as he muttered the word "Kai" under his breath.

Training spot mountain, Land of Demon,

In a sudden moment of realization, Boruto's eyes widened as he witnessed the chaotic surge of chakra within Shirotsuchi's body. Shirotsuchi herself understood the dire consequences that awaited her, knowing that her body was on the brink of exploding.

Reacting swiftly, Boruto activated his Rinnegan, tapping into its formidable abilities. With a determined focus, he manipulated reality itself, erasing the very concept of explosion within Shirotsuchi's body. The strain on his eyes was evident, as they began to bleed from the immense power he exerted.

Overwhelmed by the intense pain, Boruto instinctively covered his eyes with his hand, his body convulsing as he coughed up blood. For a moment, it seemed as though his bodily functions had ceased, but then the healing abilities within him kicked in, gradually restoring his health.

"Damn, that was excruciating," Boruto gasped, his breathing labored as he tried to regain his composure.

Shirotsuchi, bewildered by Boruto's actions, mustered the courage to question him. "Why did you do that? Aren't I your enemy?"

"No, you're not. You're just a girl who knows nothing about life," Boruto replied, his tone surprisingly gentle as he reached out to pat Shirotsuchi's head.

Deep within his thoughts, Boruto reflected on his near-fatal decision. 'I shouldn't have attempted to erase that concept. I almost lost my life. Thank goodness my mind is still functioning, along with the aid of the Dark Chakra,' he silently contemplated.

After a tense silence that seemed to stretch on for an eternity, Boruto finally broke the stillness with a question that hung heavy in the air. "So, what's your decision?" he asked, his voice tinged with a uncertainty.

Shirotsuchi, burdened by the weight of her father's attempt on her life, found herself at a loss. She remained silent for a moment, her gaze fixed upon Boruto. With a heavy heart, she finally spoke, "Can you protect the world?"

Boruto's response was filled with conviction, his determination evident in his words. "I have been committed to saving it since I was young. Why do you ask?"

A sad smile graced Shirotsuchi's face as she revealed her innermost thoughts. "Please, kill me. I don't believe people would want to know of my existence."

Boruto was taken aback by her plea, his voice laced with disbelief. "Why? You still have a future ahead of you."

"It's alright," Shirotsuchi reassured him. "My sole purpose is to protect the world, and you have already promised me that. So, please, Uzumaki Boruto, end my life."

Boruto's grip on his hand tightened, his anguish palpable. "I'm sorry. I couldn't prevent you from being created by Onoki. This is all my fault."

Shirotsuchi's voice was filled with compassion as she countered his self-blame. "It's not your fault."

"It may not be, but I still feel responsible," Boruto admitted, his voice tinged with remorse.

With a serene smile, Shirotsuchi reassured him once more. "It's fine." As Boruto released a breath he didn't realize he had been holding, he fulfilled her request, ending her life as painlessly as possible. Placing his finger gently on Shirotsuchi's forehead, he whispered, "I'm sorry."

A razor-sharp blade of chakra emerged from his finger, swiftly ending her existence. Boruto was overcome with an overwhelming sense of guilt, unlike anything he had experienced before. The weight of this particular loss bore heavily upon his soul, leaving him haunted by the remorse that consumed him.

Boruto's heart ached with an indescribable pain as he was forced to take the life of someone who was innocent and pure-hearted. Shirotsuchi had been transformed into a killing machine against her will, a victim of circumstances beyond her control. The weight of this realization bore down on Boruto, filling him with a profound sense of sorrow.

If only he had been aware of the events unfolding around him, if only he had watched the Boruto anime and possessed the knowledge of what was to come. Perhaps then, he could have intervened and prevented this tragedy from occurring. But the cruel irony of his situation was that he, as a transmigrator, had the potential to possess such knowledge, yet he remained ignorant of the impending doom that awaited Shirotsuchi.

The wind whispered through the trees, carrying with it a sense of melancholy that matched the heaviness in Boruto's heart. His gaze was fixed upon the lifeless body of Shirotsuchi, and a surge of anger coursed through his veins. Anger at himself for not being able to prevent this tragedy, for failing to save an innocent soul from being consumed by darkness.

Determined to ensure that Shirotsuchi would never be used as a pawn again, Boruto took a deep breath and summoned his chakra. Flames erupted from his hands, engulfing Shirotsuchi's body in a fiery embrace. The intense heat consumed her remains, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake. It was a solemn act of mercy, a way to prevent anyone from reviving her and subjecting her to further torment.

Carefully, Boruto collected the ashes in a small metal jar, his movements deliberate and respectful.

Boruto dug a small hole in the earth, creating a final resting place for Shirotsuchi. Gently, he placed the jar of ashes in the hole, his hands trembling with a mixture of sorrow and determination. As he covered the hole with earth, he couldn't help but feel a sense of closure, knowing that Shirotsuchi was now at peace.

But Boruto's efforts didn't end there. With unwavering determination, he set about creating a beautiful burial site for Shirotsuchi. He fashioned a stone tablet with his own hands, carefully etching her name onto its surface. With reverence, he placed the tablet at the head of the grave, a lasting tribute to the life that had been lost.

Standing before the completed burial site, Boruto's voice trembled with emotion as he made a solemn vow. "I promise, Shirotsuchi, that I will protect the world. I will not allow anyone to play god and manipulate innocent lives. Your sacrifice will not be in vain."

A single tear slipped down Boruto's cheek, a testament to the raw emotions that consumed him. In that moment, he found strength in his grief, a determination to fight for a better world. With his heart heavy yet resolute, Boruto turned away from the grave, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

Fury and frustration coursed through Boruto's veins, his words laced with a raw intensity that reverberated through the room. "Fuck it," he seethed, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and determination. "Naruto and Sasuke just don't get it. Orochimaru and Kabuto deserve to be wiped off the face of this earth. They don't deserve to live."

As his emotions reached a boiling point, Boruto's body reacted instinctively, the intricate patterns of his karma seal igniting with an eerie glow. Starting from his right hand, the seal snaked its way up his arm, weaving a web of dark energy that spread across his chest and enveloped half of his face. The tattoo-like markings pulsed with an otherworldly power, a visual manifestation of the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Boruto's eyes underwent a startling transformation, reflecting the inner turmoil that plagued him. One eye shimmered with an intense shade of light blue, while the other burned with a mesmerizing purple hue. The juxtaposition of colors mirrored the conflict within him, a battle between his desire for justice and the darkness that threatened to devour his soul.

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