
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 60: Hahahaha!

A few weeks have passed, and Boruto has made significant progress in his training. Through a combination of cheating and his natural talent, he has already mastered the Fire and Earth Natures. As the clones disappear into smoke, Boruto wipes his forehead with a cocky grin, pleased with his achievement.

Not only has Boruto improved his elemental mastery, but he has also noticed a change in Onoki's appearance. The former Tsuchikage looks remarkably young, as if he is in his prime at this point in time.

"That was surprisingly easy," Boruto mutters to himself. "I should have focused on training with different chakra natures earlier. In the past, I only concentrated on Wind and Water. But now, with this training completed, I have fully mastered all five chakra natures."

Onoki, who is witnessing Boruto's progress, can hardly believe what he is seeing.

"Onoki-sensei, please teach me your Particle Style," Boruto eagerly requests. With his mastery of Fire, Earth, and Wind natures, he feels ready to take on this advanced technique.

"Okay, okay, calm down," Onoki responds, slightly taken aback by Boruto's enthusiasm.

And so, Onoki begins to teach Boruto the intricacies of the Particle Jutsu. Little does he know that Boruto is closely observing every move with his Sharingan, determined to learn the technique without Onoki's knowledge.

After the completion of his training, Boruto creates multiple clones and begins practicing the Particle Jutsu he is about to acquire. As he focuses on perfecting the technique, someone suddenly appears next to Onoki and whispers, "It is ready."

Without a word, Onoki takes his leave, effortlessly floating away. Boruto watches this unexpected departure and can't help but feel a sense of unease.

'I don't remember this part of the story,' Boruto muses to himself. 'But hey, I can handle whatever challenges come my way.' He looks at his palm, wondering when the Particle Jutsu will activate. 'Once it's ready, I'll exchange my right eye with my Jougan.'

The person who appeared, who happens to be the same height as Onoki, gazes at Boruto's clones one last time before leaving him alone. Confusion fills the minds of both the clones and Boruto himself. 'What's his problem?' they all wonder in unison.

After several tense hours, Boruto and his clone hear an explosion reverberate through the village. Immediately, Boruto's mind jumps to the name "Deidara."

"He's dead, bro. I think this has something to do with that weird dude," one of his clones remarks.

"I'm heading out. All of you, disperse," Boruto orders, his tone filled with determination. Without wasting a moment, he starts running towards the source of the explosion in the village.

As Boruto arrives at the scene, he witnesses Kurotsuchi engaged in a fierce battle against four formidable opponents. Without hesitation, Boruto decides to put his newly acquired technique, the Fujin Rasengan, to the test.

"Let's see how the Fujin Rasengan fares," Boruto declares, summoning a clone to stand beside him. Together, they begin creating an Odaman Rasengan, a massive spinning sphere of chakra. However, there's a twist: Boruto infuses wind power into the Rasengan, intensifying its chaotic rotation.

With their powerful Rasengan in hand, Boruto and the clone suddenly appear right in front of Kurotsuchi. The four adversaries, caught off guard by their sudden appearance, attempt to launch a coordinated attack on Kurotsuchi. But Boruto and his clone swiftly bring their Rasengan down upon them, slamming the spiraling chakra spheres with tremendous force.

The impact is devastating. The four opponents are sent flying through the air, their bodies cracking upon impact with the ground.

Boruto's eyes narrow in disbelief as he observes the scene before him. "What the hell is that? Is this some kind of sick joke? And Kurotsuchi-san, why are you losing to this pathetic experiment subject?" he questions, frustration evident in his voice as the clone beside him dissipates into smoke.

"I was ambushed," Kurotsuchi responds, defending herself.

"Are you sure? Because it looked like they were overwhelming you," Boruto retorts skeptically.

"Shut up! I was trying not to kill them," Kurotsuchi snaps back.

"Eh, I don't trust you," Boruto states bluntly, his mistrust lingering in the air.

Despite their injuries from the devastating Odama Rasengan infused with wind nature, a few of the experiment subjects manage to stand up, their bodies on the verge of collapse.

"These guys are weak as shit," Boruto scoffs, unimpressed by their resilience.

Just then, a group of Iwagakure shinobi arrives, swiftly evacuating the civilians from the area. They waste no time in subduing the four individuals, pinning them to the ground and apprehending them.

Kurotsuchi, though feeling insulted by Boruto's comment, understands where he is coming from. "Do you have any idea who might be behind this?" she asks, her exhaustion evident. "They attacked me the other night, and I've barely had enough rest."

"Well, Onoki-sensei might know something," Boruto suggests, his voice filled with determination to get to the bottom of the situation.

As the dust settles from their recent battle, Boruto's keen senses detect a disturbance beneath the ground. Multiple monstrous beings, adorned with eerie masks, emerge from beneath the earth's surface. Boruto's mind races, drawing a connection to the infamous Kakuzu.

Without wasting a moment, Boruto creates a shadow clone, and together, they launch a coordinated assault on the approaching monstrosities. With a flurry of jutsu at their disposal, Boruto and his clone unleash their power, obliterating each monster one by one. The battle proves to be relatively easy for them, as their combined strength overwhelms the creatures.

"I think it's time we pay a visit to Onoki-sensei," Boruto suggests, his voice filled with determination.

With Kurotsuchi by his side, Boruto sets out to find Onoki, hoping to gather more information about the recent events. However, their search proves to be fruitless as they come up empty-handed.

"Where did he go?" Kurotsuchi questions, her frustration evident.

"Someone was talking to Onoki about something being ready," Boruto recalls, his memory serving him well.

"Was the person of similar height to Onoki?" Kurotsuchi inquires, trying to piece together the puzzle.

"Kinda," Boruto replies, his brows furrowing in thought.

"Hmm, Ku, huh?" Kurotsuchi muses, her mind racing with possibilities. "Then let's head to the secret lab. I have a feeling there will be a lot more experiment subjects waiting for us."

"Sure," Boruto agrees, his resolve unwavering. Together, they set off towards the secret lab.

With determination in their eyes, Kurotsuchi and Boruto make their way to the entrance of the secret lab. As they step inside, their senses are immediately assaulted by the presence of even more mask-like monsters lurking in the shadows.

"You've got to be kidding me," Boruto mutters under his breath, his frustration mounting.

"Looks like we've walked right into a trap," Kurotsuchi remarks, her voice filled with a mix of annoyance and determination. She clenches her fist and strikes the ground, causing a powerful shockwave that creates a large hole in the floor. As she pulls her hand out, it is now adorned with a sturdy stone gauntlet, ready for battle.

Not one to be outdone, Boruto summons his Arming Sword and Chakra Axe, his weapons of choice. He channels his wind chakra into the blade of his sword, causing it to glow with a sharp and cutting aura. Simultaneously, he imbues his axe with fiery chakra, enveloping it in a blazing inferno.

"This situation is getting more than a bit stupid," Boruto mutters, his frustration evident in his voice.

As the horde of mask-like monsters closes in, Kurotsuchi and Boruto spring into action, their movements fluid and precise. The air crackles with anticipation as they engage in a fierce battle against their formidable adversaries.

Kurotsuchi, with her stone gauntlet, delivers powerful punches and earth-shattering strikes, each blow resonating with her immense strength. The ground trembles beneath her feet as she creates shockwaves, sending the monsters flying and shattering their masks with ease.

Meanwhile, Boruto showcases his exceptional swordsmanship and mastery over chakra-infused weapons. With his Arming Sword and Chakra Axe in hand, he slashes through the air with swift and precise movements. The wind-charged blade slices through the monsters, cutting through their defenses effortlessly. The fiery aura surrounding his Chakra Axe engulfs the creatures in flames, reducing them to ashes.

Their teamwork is seamless as they coordinate their attacks, anticipating each other's moves with precision. Kurotsuchi's earth-based attacks create openings for Boruto to strike, while Boruto's wind-infused slashes clear a path for Kurotsuchi to deliver devastating blows.

The battle intensifies as more monsters join the fray, but Kurotsuchi and Boruto remain undeterred. Their determination fuels their every action as they push themselves to the limit. They dodge incoming attacks with acrobatic agility, using their speed and agility to their advantage.

Their combined strength and unwavering resolve prove to be too much for the monsters to handle. One by one, the mask-like creatures fall, their bodies disintegrating into dust. The battlefield is littered with the remnants of their defeated foes.

As the last monster crumbles to the ground, Kurotsuchi and Boruto stand side by side.

"We did it," Kurotsuchi says, a sense of pride and relief evident in her voice.

Boruto nods, a satisfied smile on his face. "Yeah, we make a pretty good team."

With their heads held high, Kurotsuchi and Boruto continue their journey deeper into the secret lab.

As Kurotsuchi and Boruto venture deeper into the secret lab, they are met with an unexpected encounter. Standing before them is Ku, who appears to have been waiting for their arrival. His confident demeanor and piercing gaze make it clear that he sees them as nothing more than obstacles in his path.

"As I expected, the two of you would become a hindrance. I should have eliminated you when I had the chance," Ku sneers, his words directed specifically at Boruto. He exudes an air of superiority, believing that he can easily handle Kurotsuchi, but not so much Boruto.

Boruto, however, refuses to be intimidated. He bursts into laughter, finding Ku's threat to be nothing more than a joke. "Hahaha! You think you can kill me? That's got to be the funniest thing I've heard all day," he retorts, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. He glances at Kurotsuchi, who can't help but stifle her laughter, her eyes crinkling with amusement.

Ku's expression darkens, his gaze fixed on Boruto with a deadly intensity. "Oh, you think this is a joke? You're really serious, aren't you?" Boruto chuckles, unable to resist taunting Ku further. "Wait, I forgot, you're just as short-sighted as your height," he remarks, a smirk playing on his lips.

Kurotsuchi can no longer contain her laughter, a small giggle escaping her lips. The tension in the room is palpable as Ku's anger boils over. "Stop laughing!" he demands, his voice laced with frustration.

But Boruto, fueled by his own amusement, conjures multiple clones and proceeds to laugh uproariously at Ku's expense. The room becomes a cacophony of laughter, each clone joining in on the mocking chorus.

The scene unfolds like a video on a certain social media platform, capturing the absurdity and humor of the situation. The echoes of laughter fill the air, creating a momentary respite from the impending battle that looms before them.

As the tense confrontation between Ku, Kurotsuchi, and Boruto unfolds, another scene plays out in the background. The doctor responsible for the experiment takes advantage of the chaos to slip away unnoticed. Sensing the impending danger, he quickly comes up with an excuse, turning to Onoki and saying, "I'm heading to the toilet first."

Using this momentary distraction, the doctor seizes the opportunity to escape. He had overheard that Kurotsuchi and Boruto were approaching, alerted by the sounds of their footsteps echoing through the corridor. Fearful of the consequences that await him if he is caught, he hastily makes his way towards the nearest exit, his heart pounding in his chest.

Meanwhile, Onoki remains rooted to the spot, his gaze fixed upon the lab tube where a new experiment subject is being created. The sight before him is both fascinating and unsettling. The subject, encased in the transparent tube, is a testament to the doctor's twisted ambitions and unethical practices.

As the fluorescent lights of the lab illuminate the sterile surroundings, Onoki's mind races with a mixture of curiosity and concern. He contemplates the implications of the experiment, pondering the potential consequences it may have on the world at large. His weathered face reflects a myriad of emotions, from intrigue to apprehension, as he grapples with the moral dilemmas that lie before him.

The hum of machinery and the faint sound of bubbling liquids fill the air, creating an eerie atmosphere within the lab. Onoki's eyes remain fixed on the experiment subject, studying its features and contemplating the choices that led to its creation. He wonders about the true nature of the experiment, the motivations behind it, and the ethical boundaries that have been crossed.

In this moment of stillness amidst the chaos, Onoki finds himself torn between the desire for knowledge and the weight of responsibility. The fate of the experiment subject hangs in the balance, and he knows that the choices made within these walls will have far-reaching consequences.

Lost in his thoughts, Onoki takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenges that lie ahead. He knows that he must confront the moral complexities of the situation and make decisions that align with his own principles. With determination etched into his features, he prepares to face the uncertain future that awaits him within the confines of the secret lab.

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In pat_reon, the story is at Chapter 77

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