
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 57: First Mission

Hokage Office,

Boruto, Konohamaru, Mitsuki, and Sarada gathered together, their faces filled with curiosity and anticipation.

Boruto couldn't help but voice his confusion, "Why am I here again?" His tone carried a mix of curiosity and slight annoyance.

Naruto, the Seventh Hokage, looked at Boruto with a serious expression. "I have something important to discuss with all of you, and I also have a mission to assign," he explained, his voice carrying a sense of authority.

Boruto's curiosity piqued, and he leaned forward, eager to hear what Naruto had to say. "What is it?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

Naruto took a deep breath before revealing the news. "Shikamaru has decided that your rank will be promoted to Jonin," he announced, his voice carrying a mix of pride and excitement.

Boruto's eyes widened in surprise. "Why?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine confusion.

Naruto smiled, his pride evident. "He saw your fight, Boruto. He recognized your skills and your growth. This will be your first mission as a Jonin," Naruto explained, his voice filled with admiration.

As the conversation unfolded, the office door swung open, revealing the arrival of Team Shikadai and Moegi. Alongside them were two unfamiliar individuals, a male and a female.

Boruto couldn't help but voice his skepticism, "Why do we need this many people for a mission? It feels like a scam. Can't I just opt out of this?"

His friends, Moegi, Konohamaru, and Naruto, exchanged knowing smiles, accustomed to Boruto speaking his mind.

Naruto's expression turned serious as he addressed Boruto's concerns. "No, Boruto. This is your first mission, and you have to live with it," he said firmly, emphasizing the importance of this opportunity. He proceeded to explain the details of the mission. Their clients were Tomaru and Ashina, a renowned actor and actress.

Boruto's skepticism persisted as he retorted, "If this is just about some rabid fan, count me out. I'd rather focus on my training or stay at the hospital than waste my time on this."

Sarada, sitting beside Boruto, nudged him and whispered, "Shut up."

Tomaru, the actor, smiled and chimed in, "Actually, it does involve a rabid fan. We have been receiving death threats."

Boruto's mind started racing with ideas. "Why don't we just put a Chakra tracker on them and wait for them to make a move? Shouldn't the Aburame clan handle this mission?" he suggested, his voice filled with a hint of frustration.

Shikadai, always one to question authority, supported Boruto's suggestion. "I agree with Boruto. Why us, Hokage-sama? The Aburame clan would be better equipped for surveillance," he voiced his concerns.

Naruto felt a pang of self-doubt, realizing that perhaps he had made a hasty decision. Even Konohamaru and Moegi sighed, recognizing the challenging dynamic between these two intelligent and outspoken individuals.

Ashina, the actress, joined the conversation and expressed her aversion to bugs. "I really don't want any bugs coming close to me," she stated, a hint of discomfort evident in her voice.

Boruto, ever the quick-witted one, couldn't resist a sarcastic remark. "Well, you can just let them fly around you. It's not like they'll touch your skin," he retorted, his frustration getting the better of him. His choice of words, however, crossed a line.

Confusion washed over Ashina's face as she approached Boruto, looking up at him since he was taller. "What did you just say to me?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Unfazed by the tension, Boruto maintained his defiant stance. "I said you're a fucking dumbass," he repeated, his words dripping with disdain.

Konohamaru, Moegi, and Naruto collectively facepalmed, realizing the situation was escalating unnecessarily.

Ashina, visibly upset, threatened, "I'll make sure to give you a bad review for your behavior."

Boruto's response was unyielding. "I don't give a fuck about your review. The village needs me," he replied with a serious tone, determined to prioritize his duties over personal conflicts.

Naruto, concerned about the potential consequences, interjected, "Boruto, please don't." He knew all too well that his son's Sharingan could easily be employed in moments of anger.

"Tch, you got lucky this time," Boruto muttered under his breath, a hint of frustration still lingering.

Confusion turned to annoyance as Ashina couldn't contain her irritation any longer. "What did you just say?" she snapped, growing increasingly agitated.

Tomaru, sensing the escalating tension, stepped in to mediate between the two parties. "Please, let's all calm down," he urged, his voice filled with a soothing tone.

Boruto, however, dismissed Tomaru's attempt at peacekeeping with a disrespectful remark. "Shut up, pretty boy. Don't interfere when professionals are talking," he insulted, showing little regard for anyone else's feelings.

Tomaru, determined to maintain his composure, fought back the rising annoyance and maintained a smile.

Unfazed by Tomaru's calm demeanor, Boruto continued his verbal assault. "Oh, I'm sorry if that hurt your delicate feelings. After all, you're only fit to be an actor because of your looks, you cowardly slut," he spat out, his words shocking everyone in the room.

Tomaru's patience reached its limit, and he grabbed Boruto by the collar, his voice dripping with anger. "Are you looking for a fight?" he challenged, his grip tightening.

Unfazed by the threat, Boruto confidently responded, "Go ahead, try me. I'll slam you to the ground. Consider it a warning, not a promise, you motherfucker."

Naruto, sensing the intensity of the situation, sternly called out to his son. "Boruto."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Boruto took a step back and reluctantly conceded, "Fine, I'll keep my insults to myself."

Ashina, finding the whole situation amusing, struggled to contain her laughter.

"I like you," Ashina remarked, her words laced with a hint of lingering animosity towards Tomaru.

Sarada, feeling threatened by Ashina's comment, couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

After the brief confrontation, Team 7 found themselves paired with Ashina, while Team 10 was assigned to work with Tomaru.

Inside the actress room at the Konohagakure studio,

Boruto couldn't help but express his frustration. "Why am I still stuck here?" he muttered under his breath.

Mitsuki, ever the voice of reason, explained, "The Seventh Hokage has used his authority to assign you to this mission."

Boruto let out a dismissive sound. "Tch," he scoffed, clearly not pleased with the situation.

Ashina, trying to lighten the mood, chimed in, "You should feel honored to be on this mission with me."

Boruto, annoyed by her comment, retorted, "Just shut up," his irritation evident. He then continued, seemingly reminiscing about a certain idol, "The last time I saw an idol, she was brutally stabbed."

Ashina was taken aback by Boruto's statement, clearly surprised by the dark turn in the conversation.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Ashina looked at Boruto and then glanced at the others in the room. "Is he always like this?" she asked, seeking some clarification.

Mitsuki nodded in response. "Yes, he tends to be like this unless something really catches his interest," he explained.

"Despite how he acts, you can rely on him," Sarada reassured Ashina.

"Really?" Ashina questioned, glancing at Boruto, who was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

After a while, the others left the room, leaving only Boruto and Ashina behind. Boruto had decided to forgo patrolling and stay in the room.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Ashina decided to strike up a conversation. "How old are you?" she asked.

Boruto, not interested in small talk, responded with a dismissive tone. "If this is your way of trying to make conversation, it won't work. Just do your job, and I'll do mine," he retorted.

Ashina couldn't help but think to herself, 'This guy... I try to talk to him nicely, and he responds like an asshole.'

Ignoring Boruto's attitude, Ashina took the lead. "Follow me. We're heading to the set," she instructed.

Boruto begrudgingly followed Ashina as they made their way to the set.

As they walked together, they suddenly encountered someone standing in the middle of the hallway, blocking their path.

"Stay back," Boruto warned, positioning himself in front of Ashina.

Boruto noticed a bomb concealed in the person's coat.

In a split second, Boruto swiftly punched the individual, knocking him to the ground and rendering him unconscious. The impact of the punch caused the ground to crack.

Ashina stood there in astonishment, witnessing Boruto's impressive display of strength. However, their moment of awe was interrupted by an explosion that occurred nearby.

Concerned, Ashina asked, "Don't you need to go check?"

Boruto nonchalantly replied, "Nah, they can handle it," letting out a yawn as if the explosion was of no concern to him.


"Great job on finishing the mission," Naruto praised.

"I'm leaving first. This mission was a waste of time," Boruto grumbled. "Oh, and forget about that guy Chocho. He only likes beautiful women, not someone like you with a little extra weight. See you guys."

Chocho was taken aback by Boruto's hurtful comment.

"It seems like he noticed," Shikadai whispered to Chocho.

Despite the insult, Chocho couldn't help but smile, realizing that Boruto actually cared about her.

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