
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 47: Explaining

Boruto, dressed in his father's clothes—a white t-shirt and blue pants gifted to him by Hinata—sat at the dinner table, his family's eyes fixed on him as he enjoyed his meal.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Boruto questioned, a hint of confusion in his voice.

Suddenly, Hinata reached out and gently caressed his cheeks, her eyes searching for something. "Where did the whisker marks go?" she asked, her tone filled with both surprise and concern.

Boruto, taken aback by the unexpected touch, hesitated for a moment before responding. "I shaved them off to avoid drawing attention," he admitted, a mix of apprehension and determination in his voice.

Hinata's initial shock turned into a hint of anger as she processed his answer. "That is risky, Boruto. Shaving off the whisker marks could damage your skin," she scolded, her worry for her son evident in her voice.

"I know," Boruto replied, a touch of remorse in his voice, acknowledging the potential consequences of his actions.

Curiosity filled Hinata's eyes as she observed her son. "Why do you look older than you should be?" she inquired, her voice tinged with confusion.

Boruto let out a small sigh, realizing he would have to explain himself. "Well, because I am older. Hypothetically, I'm 16 now," he revealed, hinting at the time-altering experiences he had encountered.

Himawari, trying to make sense of the conversation, furrowed her brows in confusion. "Huh? What do you mean?" she asked, seeking clarification.

Hinata, still trying to grasp the situation, echoed her daughter's question. "Boruto, please explain," she requested, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Boruto, choosing his words carefully, responded, "Let's just say I accelerated my aging process," hinting at the extraordinary circumstances he had faced.

Hinata wanted to lecture Boruto about the risks he had taken, but she sighed, realizing her son had become even more daring and independent during his absence.

"Why did you do that?" Hinata asked, her voice filled with a mix of worry and curiosity.

"I needed a stronger body," Boruto explained, his determination shining through his words. He had a clear goal in mind, and he was willing to take risks to achieve it.

Hinata's attention shifted to his eyes, noticing the change. "So, the eyes you're wearing now are the Sharingan, right?" she questioned, her voice filled with a mix of surprise and concern.

"Yes," Boruto confirmed, his voice steady. "But I still have my original eyes," he reassured her, wanting to alleviate any worries she might have.

Hinata nodded, a sense of relief washing over her. "Now that you're back, Boruto, we'll need to get you some more clothes," Hinata said, her voice filled with a gentle determination.

"Okay," Boruto replied, grateful for his mother's understanding and support.

After finishing their meal, Boruto, Hinata, and Himawari stepped out of the house, embarking on a shopping trip to find new clothes for Boruto. The bustling streets of the village were filled with vibrant colors and the sounds of laughter and conversation.

As they strolled through the market, Boruto couldn't help but notice the radiant smiles on his mother's and sister's faces. It warmed his heart to see them so happy, and he couldn't help but mirror their joy. The weight of his recent adventures seemed to momentarily lift as they focused on the simple pleasure of shopping together.

Amidst the crowd, Ino and Sakura, Boruto's mother's friends, happened to be walking by. Their eyes widened in surprise as they spotted Boruto and his family.

"Hinata, Boruto, Himawari!" Sakura called out, her voice filled with excitement.

Boruto's smile widened as he greeted them, his voice filled with genuine happiness. "Hey, Sakura-sensei, Ino-san! Good to see you both!"

Hinata's face lit up at the sight of her friends. "Sakura, Ino! It's been a while," she said warmly, her voice filled with nostalgia and affection.

Himawari, being her cheerful self, waved enthusiastically at Sakura and Ino, who waved back with equal enthusiasm.

"You're finally back, Boruto. Did you complete your mission?" Ino inquired, her curiosity evident in her voice.

Boruto nodded, a sense of accomplishment in his eyes. "Yeah, it's finally over," he confirmed, his voice tinged with relief.

Sakura, with her keen observation skills, looked at Boruto with a hint of scrutiny. Turning to Hinata, she made a request. "Hinata, can I borrow your son for a moment? There's something I'd like to discuss with him."

Hinata, trusting Sakura's judgment, nodded with a supportive smile. "Of course, Sakura. Take your time," she replied, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and trust.

Boruto glanced at his mother, a flicker of curiosity and anticipation in his eyes, before turning to Sakura. "Sure, Sakura-sensei. What do you need?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of eagerness and intrigue.

As Sakura led Boruto away from his family, a sense of anticipation filled the air.

As Sakura and Boruto walked a bit further away from the rest of the group, a mixture of concern and frustration welled up inside Sakura. Without warning, she unleashed a punch aimed at Boruto's stomach. Despite the force behind her blow, Boruto managed to withstand the attack, though he couldn't hide the pain that briefly crossed his face.

"That's for leaving without telling me! And are you crazy for leaving the village?" Sakura whispered, her voice laced with a combination of anger and worry.

Boruto, still recovering from the impact, gritted his teeth and whispered back, "Well, Sasuke-san did it."

Sakura's frustration mounted, and she delivered another punch to Boruto's stomach. However, this time, Boruto seemed unfazed by the blow, causing Sakura to give him a deadpan look.

"Are you really comparing yourself to Sasuke?" Sakura asked, her voice tinged with exasperation. She let out a sigh as she observed Boruto's nonchalant expression. "If you ever want to work as a doctor again, you need to let me know, okay? I can secure a spot for you."

Boruto met Sakura's gaze, his determination shining through. "If I decide to pursue that path, I promise I'll come to you," he replied firmly, his voice filled with conviction.

Sakura's features softened, and she patted Boruto's shoulder gently. "Great. Just remember, I'm here to support you," she said, her voice filled with a mix of relief and encouragement.

After their conversation, Sakura and Boruto made their way back to where Hinata, Ino, and Himawari were waiting. Ino, ever the observant one, couldn't help but inquire about their discussion.

"Did you finish talking?" Ino asked, her curiosity evident in her voice.

Sakura nodded in response. "Yes, we're done," she confirmed.

Ino smiled warmly at Hinata, Himawari, and Boruto. "Well, it's good to see all of you. We won't disturb your family day any longer. Take care, guys," she said, gently nudging Sakura to signal their departure.

As they started walking away, Ino turned to Sakura and asked, "So, what were you thinking about?"

Sakura's brow furrowed with concern. "I can't help but worry about Boruto. He's grown so much taller and older than he should be. I can't shake the feeling that he might be experimenting with forbidden jutsu," she confessed, her voice filled with a mix of apprehension and protectiveness.

Ino placed a comforting hand on Sakura's back, offering reassurance. "Or maybe it's just a growth spurt. Sometimes kids surprise us with their sudden changes. Don't dwell too much on it," she advised, her voice filled with a soothing tone.

Sakura nodded, acknowledging Ino's words, but her worry for Boruto still lingered. She couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, knowing that Boruto shared the same recklessness as his father, Naruto.

After a successful shopping trip, the Uzumaki family made their way back home. However, their peaceful journey was interrupted when an Anbu suddenly appeared in front of them, delivering an urgent message.

"Boruto-sama, Hokage-sama is calling for you," the Anbu announced, their voice laced with a sense of importance.

Boruto turned to his mother and sister, a hint of hesitation in his eyes. Sensing his inner conflict, Hinata spoke up, her voice filled with understanding. "Go, Boruto. Your father is waiting for you," she encouraged, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Okay, see you at home then," Boruto replied, embracing his mother and giving his little sister a tight hug before parting ways.

Boruto and the Anbu vanished in a flicker of movement, swiftly navigating the village rooftops with their incredible agility.

Upon their arrival at the Hokage's office, the Anbu silently departed, leaving Boruto to face the familiar figures within the room. Naruto, Shikamaru, and Sasuke were waiting for him, their faces adorned with a mix of seriousness and anticipation. The air in the room crackled with a sense of urgency, signaling that something significant awaited Boruto's attention.

"It's been a while, Tou-san, Sasuke-san, and Shikadai's father," Boruto said, his voice filled with a sense of ease.

Shikamaru, hearing that title, couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed. However, his irritation was quickly replaced by surprise as he took in Boruto's new height. "Are you guys not seeing this?" he asked, his voice filled with disbelief.

"We know," Sasuke replied, his voice calm and composed, acknowledging Boruto's noticeable growth.

Boruto, eager to understand the reason for the urgent summons, asked, "So, why did you guys call me here?"

Naruto, his face serious, responded with a single word that carried a world of implications. "Otsutsuki."

"Oh, did Gaara-san mention that?" Boruto asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

"Yes, now please tell us everything you know about them," Sasuke requested, his tone firm yet respectful.

Boruto proceeded to relay all the information he had shared with Gaara, leaving no detail unmentioned.

"Is that all?" Shikamaru asked, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Boruto paused for a moment before adding, "Also, I want to point out that, as you are now, you both—Sasuke-san and Tou-san—won't be able to defeat the future Otsutsuki because of their hacks."

"Hacks?" Shikamaru questioned, confusion evident in his voice.

Naruto and Sasuke shared his confusion, unfamiliar with the term Boruto used.

"Their abilities," Boruto clarified, hoping to dispel their confusion.

"Why do you say that we're going to lose to the Otsutsuki?" Naruto asked, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and determination.

"Because they possess incredibly stupid abilities," Boruto explained, his voice serious.

"And what about the enemies you encountered?" Sasuke inquired, his gaze sharp and probing.

"They were just incomplete Otsutsuki. So, there's no need to worry—I can handle them," Boruto reassured them. "But please, start training. And regarding the paperwork, Tou-san, why not appoint an assistant who can manage this work? They could separate the tasks that only you need to handle."

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