
Chapter 25: Susano'o

"Tell me, how do you know about Uchiha Madara?" Sasuke asked in a serious tone.

"Yes, tell us how you know about that name? I'm quite sure the textbooks don't even show much about Madara?" Naruto added, his curiosity piqued.

"Oh, about that," Boruto began, walking towards Sarada. He stood behind her, placing his left arm on her shoulder and said, "The future is me, and I am the future."

Naruto looked even more confused, but Sasuke felt a sense of unease. Something was brewing, and it made him uncomfortable.

"What are you talking about?" Sarada whispered to Boruto.

Boruto just smiled at her and turned to Naruto and Sasuke. "I will change this gloomy future," he declared.

"Boruto, can you see the future?" Naruto asked, coming up with the only explanation he could think of.

"Not quite," Boruto replied, his tone cryptic.

"You must know the past then if you know the future," Sasuke deduced.

"Yes, I know every little thing about you, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, the reincarnations of Indra and Asura," Boruto said, surprising them both.

"Huh? What is that?" Sarada whispered to Boruto.

"I'll explain later," Boruto whispered back to Sarada. He then turned to Naruto and Sasuke and said, "You could say that I am one of the chosen ones from Hagoromo."


"Oh, interesting. The Seventh Hokage's son killed one of my clones and took the clone's eyes," the real Uchiha Shin said, a laugh echoing in the room. "Let's go meet up with them and start the revival of Akatsuki."

Uchiha Shin turned to look at his small clones. His gaze was cold and calculating. "One of you, follow me," he ordered.

"Yes, father," one of the clones responded, kneeling down in obedience.


Boruto and Sarada found themselves outside of the tower, the cool evening air brushing against their faces.

"Now explain what all that was about? And since when did I let you touch me?" Sarada demanded, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Sorry, I just wanted to create a dramatic scene," Boruto confessed, scratching the back of his head.

"Is everything you said true?" Sarada asked, her eyes searching his for honesty.

"Yes, kind of," Boruto replied, his eyes avoiding hers.

"What sins did my Papa commit in the past?" Sarada asked, her voice barely above a whisper. She really wanted to know.

"Do you really want to know?" Boruto asked, looking at her seriously. This was a heavy topic, and he wanted to be sure she was ready to hear it.

"Yes," Sarada said, her voice firm. She was ready to face the truth, no matter what it was.

Suddenly, a portal appeared out of nowhere in the air, and two figures emerged from it. The older man was the real Shin, and the younger one was his clone. Without wasting a moment, the older Shin threw a barrage of small knives towards Boruto and Sarada.

Boruto turned and saw the incoming knives. It was too late for him to grab Sarada and get out of the way, so he did the next best thing. He hugged Sarada tightly, shielding her with his own body, and took the brunt of the attack himself.

"Boruto?" Sarada's voice was shaky as she saw multiple knives lodged in Boruto's back. But Boruto looked at her with a reassuring smile and said, "I'm fine, just a little paper cut."

"You–you are not fine," Sarada said, her voice trembling.

Boruto kissed her forehead, "I'll be fine," he promised.

Seeing Boruto injured, Shin summoned another knife to deliver the final blow. But just then, a figure engulfed in flames appeared in front of Boruto - it was Naruto in his Kurama Chakra Mode. Naruto created a Kurama Chakra head, blocking the incoming knife. "Sasuke!" he called out.

In response, Sasuke appeared in the air, his Sharingan activated and ready for battle.

Naruto rushed to Boruto's side, concern etched on his face as he saw his son's injuries. "Are you okay, Boruto?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.

Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox, spoke up in Naruto's head, 'Oi, Naruto, control your emotions.'

"I'm fine," Boruto replied, stepping up to Naruto's side. He cracked his neck, and the weapons embedded in his body fell off as his wounds began to heal.

"Tou-san, let me take the pale one," Boruto said, his arming sword appearing in his right hand.

Shin brought out many knives, throwing them at Sasuke. However, with his Sharingan eyes, Sasuke tracked all of them and deflected them with his sword.

But in the midst of the chaos, Shin appeared, extending his palm right in front of Sasuke and activating something.

Sasuke, seeing this, tried to stab Shin, but Shin grabbed the sword blade, making his hand bleed. Shin used this as a feint, and the Shin clone tried to stab Sasuke. However, Sasuke, using his Rinnegan, changed his location with the Shin clone.

With the Shin clone out of the way, Sasuke did hand signs and launched a Great Fireball Jutsu, hitting Shin and the Shin clone and sending them crashing down to the ground.

As soon as Shin revealed his true intentions, Boruto's body began to glow with a green aura. "I'm taking that pale guy away, so you guys can focus on that teleporting guy," Boruto said, flickering away and grabbing the Shin clone by the neck before throwing him towards the dead forest.

Naruto tried to stop Boruto, but he was already gone, running towards the clone he had thrown. Meanwhile, Naruto and Sasuke focused their attention on Shin, who stood up with a sinister smile on his face.

Sasuke, who had just landed on the Kurama Chakra head, saw someone else in Boruto's body. "Lee?" he blinked his eyes in disbelief, but as he looked closer, he saw that it was indeed Boruto.

"This is something I want to revive Akatsuki," Shin said, his eyes gleaming with malice as he spoke.

"Akatsuki?...Who are you?" Naruto asked, his voice laced with confusion.

"I am Uchiha...Shin," Shin replied, a smile still playing on his lips.

Sasuke was not convinced. "You can speak the truth leisurely after we've caught you. For now, shut your mouth," he said, his voice cold and firm.


The Shin clone's body hit the ground with a sickening thud, his injuries from the Great Fireball Jutsu and being thrown by Boruto taking their toll. As he looked up, he saw Boruto standing above him, his arming sword glinting in the sunlight.

With a shout of pain, the Shin clone tried to get up, but Boruto was too quick. In a flash, he had cut off the clone's legs, leaving him writhing on the ground in agony.

The Shin clone tried to use his Mangekyou Sharingan ability, but Boruto was one step ahead. He hid his sword instantly in the seal tattoo on his palm, causing the tattoo to disappear as he didn't put any chakra to it.

"You know about my abilities?" the Shin clone asked, surprised.

"Of course," Boruto replied with a smile. "But don't die yet."

He brought out a jar filled with Sharingan eyes and replaced both of Uchiha Shin's eyes with them. As the Mangekyou Sharingan pattern changed, the eyes transformed into the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan

[Image Here]

Boruto smiled as he took the Sharingan eyes back and replaced them with his own. He carefully put his original eyes in the jar and sealed it with a scroll, tucking it away in his clothing.

"Thank you for being my experiment subject," Boruto said with a smirk as his eyes turned red. He gathered chakra in his fist and delivered a powerful punch to the Shin clone's throat, killing him instantly.

"This eye is amazing. No wonder Danzo liked it so much," Boruto said with a laugh as he realized the full extent of the Mangekyou Sharingan's abilities.

"Telekinesis and teleportation," he said with a smile as he walked out of the dead forest.


Shin looked over to his side, but his clone was nowhere to be found. He knew that he had to act fast if he wanted to win this battle.

"Naruto, protect Sarada for me," Sasuke said as he stepped out of the Kurama Chakra head.

Uchiha Shin saw his chance and activated his Mangekyou Sharingan abilities, causing the sword in Sasuke's hand to stab Naruto, who was caught off guard. The sword moved inside of Naruto as Shin controlled it.

Sasuke rushed towards Shin, determined to end the fight. "Chidori!" he yelled as his right hand was engulfed in blue lightning.

Shin saw this and teleported away at the last second, appearing on top of the tower. Naruto used this opportunity to throw the sword out of his body and outside of the Kurama Chakra head.

The Chidori destroyed the ground, and Sasuke looked up, ready to continue the fight. But Shin had another trick up his sleeve.

"I need more clones," Shin said, his voice filled with determination.

A small creature with Sharingan eyes appeared and created a portal, from which at least ten of Shin's clones emerged. "Kill them," Shin ordered his clones, his eyes glowing red with power.

Sasuke and Naruto knew that they were in for a tough fight, but they were determined to protect the ones they loved and to come out on top. They charged towards the clones, ready to fight with all their might.

As the clone dropped down on the ground, preparing to attack, everyone on the battlefield saw Boruto emerge from the dead forest with his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan eyes. The sight of it sent shivers down their spines.

Naruto, seeing this, became worried that Boruto had already fallen victim to a Genjutsu. Sasuke became cautious as he now had one more enemy to face, but Boruto simply yawned and stretched his arms up.

"Ah~" Boruto said, seeing Shin on the tower. "I guess we can end this fight early."

"Boruto? What did you do?" Naruto asked, his voice filled with concern.

"How?" Sasuke deduced. "Did he–"

Shin interjected, saying, "The son of the Seventh Hokage can't keep his hands tight. I know you already stole my clone's eyes, and here you stole them again and even used them as your own. Brat, I'm going to kill you."

Sasuke gritted his teeth as he remembered someone named Danzo. But the most worried, concerned, and scared was Sarada. She couldn't believe what she was seeing and was terrified for her friend.

"Why did you do that, Boruto?" Sarada said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. She didn't know what to think or how to react to the situation at hand.

"Shin or whatever, see this. Only top-tier Uchiha can do this," Boruto whispered under his breath as he took a deep breath. "Susano'o."

A sudden burst of chakra materialized around Boruto, enveloping him in a cocoon of power. The rib cage of the Susano'o appeared around him, its dark blue color radiating with an otherworldly aura.

The battlefield fell silent as everyone watched in awe at the sheer power and magnitude of the Susano'o.

Shin felt insulted and humiliated as he watched Boruto effortlessly summon the Susano'o, a technique that he believed only the true Uchiha could master. He had declared himself as the true Uchiha and yet here was someone who was not even an Uchiha, using the technique with ease.

Sasuke was equally surprised and shocked to see Boruto summon the Susano'o so easily. He knew that it was a technique that even he had struggled to master, and yet Boruto had just received the eyes. Sasuke wondered if this was the work of Hagoromo, who had made it easy for Boruto to use the eyes.

"Kill that brat," Shin ordered his clones, his voice filled with anger and frustration.

The clones rushed towards Boruto, their weapons drawn and ready to strike. But Boruto was not afraid. He poured more chakra into his Susano'o, and a skeleton arm materialized from its side.

Five clones jumped towards Boruto, but he simply raised his Susano'o's skeleton arm and slapped them with ease. Blood splattered everywhere as the clones fell to the ground, lifeless.

Boruto fell onto his knees, his chakra reserves depleted from the effort of summoning the Susano'o. He closed his right eye, wincing in pain as he felt the strain on his body.

The other five clones rushed towards Boruto, hoping to take advantage of his weakened state. But Boruto simply stood up, a smirk on his face.

"Haha, to think you got tricked by a seven-year-old is wild," Boruto taunted, his voice filled with confidence.

The clones charged towards him, but Boruto was ready. He raised his Susano'o's skeleton hand once again and slapped them with ease, turning them into pools of blood.

Shin's mind raced as he tried to figure out what to do next. He couldn't believe that Boruto, who was just a child, had managed to summon the Susano'o with such ease.

As Boruto walked towards the Kurama Chakra head, Shin watched him with a mixture of fear and disbelief. He couldn't understand how a child could possess such power.

Boruto deactivated Susanoo and walked towards Naruto, who was waiting for him. "Tou-san, I'm tired," Boruto said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Naruto caught him as he fell into his arms. "Get some rest," Naruto said, patting Boruto's back gently.

"Tch, I'm leaving," Shin said, his voice filled with frustration as he prepared to teleport away using his Mangekyou abilities.

But before he could leave, Sasuke intervened. "No, you won't," Sasuke said, his voice cold and menacing. He used his Rinnengan ability to switch places with Shin, and suddenly, Shin found himself standing in front of Naruto and Kurama.

Shin's heart raced as he stared at the massive Kyuubi in front of him. He had never been so close to such a powerful beast, and the sight was overwhelming. He was scared, and he knew that he was in serious trouble.

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