


"Miguel gave you this ring, which represents my status as a leader in the underworld. I give it to you who have lost your family, your friends in this world ".

"I give you my state, my power."

"Use it to make this world a better place"

"Power and money are just tools, a means to an end."

"Miguel, in this life you will have many challenges and temptations, do not let them corrupt you like I do."

"Don't be like me."

"If you really want revenge, a cause for your sister, then don't follow in my footsteps."

"Be a better man, a better person":

"Make your mark on the world, but not like me, whose legacy is destruction and death, become a person that your sister can be proud of."

"Miguel, if you want to make this world a better place, you will need power and money, do not be dominated by them."

"Miguel, I am happy to see you before I die."

"Don't feel bad or think it's your fault that caused my death."

"A person in my world can die at any time, death is not unknown to me"

"She is more like an old friend."

"To tell the truth, I was exhausted from my life, I was tired of this whole world."

"Death is more than welcome to me"

"Do not Cry".

"A person like me does not deserve to be mourned or missed":

"Have a good life."

"A happy one".

"You understand"

After I finished saying those words, everything went dark.

I passed away

Since then I have been trapped in a completely dark place, but strangely it is not terrifying, it is more if I had to describe the feeling of being trapped here it would be comfortable.

It is warm but not hot, refreshing but not icy.

I have no idea how long I've been here.

But I have had time to think.

Time to reflect on my life.

Apart from doing that there is nothing else to do. Apart from sleeping, for some strange reason I can sometimes fall asleep.

That makes me wonder where I am.

At first I believed that reflecting on my life for all eternity would be my punishment.

But as I just mentioned I can get tired and sleep.

What made me change my mind about this place being my eternal punishment for my crimes.

The fact that I can sleep an extremely important fact should not be ignored or downplayed.

Because if this were the place where I would expiate my crimes then I would not experience rest and relief for my mind and body.

If I said body or at least I have the feeling that I have a body.

I have tried to move and to my surprise I was able to move what I feel is my hand.

But that was an unexpected action or should I say hopefully exhausting.

I felt fatigued and very sleepy.

I think I fell asleep again.

To my surprise I was able to feel my body much better and more clearly.

I can even feel a strange rope attached to some part of my body.

I try to move my body and I was able to move more easily although that is compared to before still very exhausting.

I moved what I think are my legs and I moved to what I think is to the left of my body.

It is not as if this place has an address and knows where it is up, down, left or right.

Or battlements I am unable to see it.

To tell the truth I have a vague idea of where I am.

And that's not an idea that I really like.

I can feel my thoughts getting more lethargic, slower, and I don't think it's due to physical or mental exhaustion.

It is as if my brain activity was not as fast as I was used to.

I have a slight suspicion as to why that is. But that's not something I have a way to prove. And it's just a suspicion.

Honestly my suspicions are wrong.

I hope it's just me thinking too much.

I start to feel more and more exhausted.

I fell asleep again.

I woke up I think this is the ninth or tenth time I fell asleep.

Although I can't see anything, I can feel my body.

I can feel that there is something like a rope in what I think is my stomach.

And that rope is getting tangled in my head, I better move and prevent that from happening.

I move what I think my feet and hands are and I manage to untangle myself.


I'm so tired that I couldn't help but yawn.

I started to feel more and more sleepy and fell asleep again.

I woke up or should I say my forced to wake up.

The whole place was shaking and to my surprise I could hear voices and I began to see a light that sucked me towards her.

Honestly speaking I was afraid to go towards the light.

I was terrified.

Terrified of where that light could take me.

Terrified of what could happen to me if I follow the light.

But it is not as if I had a choice because the suction was getting stronger until I reached it and I was able to leave, not voluntarily saying goodbye to that comfortable and unknown place that was my home for an unknown time.

"waa waa"

In a hospital room you could hear the loud cry of a baby.

sorry for the bad spelling.

Change your opinion but keep your principles.

Change your leaves but keep your roots. -VIctor Hugo

L0ST_W0RDScreators' thoughts