
A New Empire

After surviving an ambushed by the rivals of his master, Sith Acolyte Iblis crash lands on Ember Island of the Fire Nation

Servant_Ambrosius · Anime & Comics
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Star Wars: KOTOR JumpChain CYOA

1000 CP

Starting Planet

Coruscant: This planet wide metropolis is the capital of the Republic and the home of the Jedi Order. The city is stacked upon hundreds of levels, each one becoming more dangerous as you descend. Despite the crime that occurs below the surface, Coruscant is probably the safest place in the entire galaxy.


Jedi: You're currently a Padawan in the Jedi Order. You've spent nearly your entire life with the Jedi, you have friends, a caring master, and even a rival. You start off on your chosen planet with your master. [-50cp]


Balance: The path of the Jedi sentinels and the Sith assassins. Both your physical and mental abilities are strengthened by a small degree, and you have improved talents in all skills.

Bonus power: Force Cloak. A Force power that allows the user to become invisible by bending the light and sound around them. This power works on both living beings and droids.


Human: The most common species in the galaxy, humans in this universe are exactly the same as normal humans in our universe. They can speak galactic basic. Humans have the greatest population and the most control in the galaxy. [Free]

Skills, Powers, and Abilities

Enhanced Memory: You gain perfect photographic memory and instant mental recall. [Free: "Jedi"]

Persuasion: You gain a natural affinity to speech and psychology. You can easily make people do what you ask them to, and you get better deals with merchants. [-100cp]

Piloting: Gives you training in vehicles. You can now pilot starships and you have better control over land vehicles. [-150cp]

Martial-Arts: Gives you training in hand-to-hand combat. You know several forms of martial arts, including a powerful Mandalorian style. Your skill with melee weapons is also improved. [-300cp]

Force Stasis: A Force power that allows the user to temporarily stun organic creatures by trapping them in non-lethal energy fields. This power will only keep foes trapped for a few seconds, but you can improve its length with practice. [-200cp]

Free Skill & Powers

Lightsaber training

Pistol training


Telepathy: You can communicate across long distances with your mind.

Force empathy: You can sense the emotions of people and creatures.

Force speed: You can use the force to slow down your perception of time and move at supernatural speeds.

Farsight: A Force power that allows you to see events from the future, the past, and the present.

Force stealth: A Force power that allows you to hide your presence in the Force, and make yourself less noticeable in crowds.

Force sight: Improves your visual and spiritual perception and allows you to see through obstacles like darkness and solid objects.

Mind trick: A Force power that allows you to influence the thoughts of sentient creatures.

Rare and unique Items

Environment suit: Sealed self-contained suit that allows for survival in hostile environments, such as poisonous gas, deep underwater, outer space. Internal air supply lasts 1 hour. The suit only provides limited protection. [-100cp]

Solari crystal: A lightsaber crystal that not only enhances the user's blade, but also strengthens their willpower. It can only be used by individuals who are aligned with the light side of the Force. "Jedi" origin only. [-100cp]

Prototype Vibroblade: Lightsaber resistant short sword enhanced by ultrasonic vibrations. Powered by a rechargeable battery. Can be modified to increase its power. [-100cp]


Broken: Your left arm was cut off in a training accident years ago, and replaced with a cybernetic prosthetic. You have full control over the replacement and can use it for basic Force powers, but it is weak and advanced abilities like lightning or energy defection will destroy it. You may be able to remove the arms limitations by upgrading it. [+100cp]



1000 CP

Starting Planet



Sith: [-50cp]


Strength: The path of the Jedi guardians and the Sith warriors. Your physical abilities are stronger and you have a natural talent for combat related skills.

Bonus power: Protection Bubble. A Force power that allows the user to create a defensive sphere around their body. The sphere appears as a shimmering blue globe of energy. It can protect the user from a wide range of attacks, deflect laser blasts, defend against lightsabers, vacuums and even inflict certain amounts of damage upon contact with an enemy.

Skills, Powers, and Abilities

Enhanced Physiology: Your body becomes incredibly strong, flexible, and durable. [Free: "Sith"]

Demolitions: You gain a natural affinity to explosives. You know everything there is to know about mines, bombs, and grenades. You can easily make and disarm explosives. [-100cp]

Pyrokinesis: A Force power that allows the user to manipulate existing sources of fire and heat, combust flammable objects, and project weak flames from their hands. You will be able to create stronger flames with practice. This power does not depend on any alignment. [-600cp]

Rare and unique Items

Advanced Comlink: A Portable communicator about the same size and weight as a cellphone. 50 kilometer range by default. Security system that prevents unauthorized use. Frequency scanner that detects other communication devices in range. Able to connect to communication satellites for planet wide range. Powered by a rechargeable battery. [-50cp]

Qixoni crystal: A lightsaber crystal that not only enhances the user's blade, but also strengthens their Force powers. It can only be used by individuals who are aligned with the dark side of the Force. "Sith" origin only. [-100cp]

Health package implant: A regenerative implant that employs nanotechnology to speed up the healing process. It coaxes the healing sections of the brain into working harder to repair damage. [-100cp]



THE BALLROOM: It was a beautiful place where the aristocrats of your homeworld met regularly. A gigantic bay window giving a bird's eye view of the city. Sweet music making the air vibrate. Women dressed in ravishing dresses and exotic jewelry. And... this strange outsider. As the heir of one of the most influential men on the planet, most people trembled and sweat when they spoke to you. Not this one. You had never seen them before in your life and yet they approached you as if they were an old friend. Smiling, they bent down to whisper something in your ear that you'd never forget.


AMBITION: Whether a rampant obsession to become the strongest has been hanging deep inside of you for a long time, or whether you are consumed with the idea of ruling and holding in the palm of your hand the destinies of billions of living beings, what you desire is to reach the top. Crushing all those who stand in your way does not frighten you in the least. Be wary, though: that kind of hunger can hardly be satiated and you'll always want more


FORMAL: They were the Master and you the Disciple. Nothing more, nothing less. If they were ever cordial to you, they always remained extremely cold, considering you without emotion or attachment, sometimes even without the slightest interest. They erected a wall of ice between you from the very start of your training. To protect themself from you, perhaps?


ADAPTABILITY IS KEY: Your Master was convinced of the superiority of instinct and adaptability over planning. Flexibility should always prevail on rigid plans. During your training, they constantly tested your intuition and developed your sense of improvisation, whether in combat or on a more global scale.

ETIQUETTE: Whether because of noble origins or simply because of their admiration for civilization, your Master was a very refined Sith who loved to frequent the upper galactic society. They taught you rhetoric, good manners, and all sorts of things useful in the aristocracy.

CLEAN HANDS: Why do something that others can do for you? Following this principle, your Master had developed a vast network of agents and spies throughout the galaxy, and surrounded themself with several units of soldiers, allowing them to delegate the majority of their tasks to their agents and supervise them from afar.


CITADEL: Your Master's headquarters was a vast military fortress occupied by a massive garrison of soldiers. The place included many combat training facilities and the latest military technology available in the galaxy.


LIGHTSABER ORIENTED: You've always been better with a Lightsaber than with the Force, and your Master soon noticed this. Rather than waste time making you study the advanced mysteries of the Force in depth, they preferred to make you spend more time practicing your katas with a blade and exercising your reflexes and natural dexterity.[Gain 2 Style Points, Gain 5 Blade Points, Gain 4 Force Points]


DUAL WIELDING: Much more uncommon, the simultaneous wielding of two blades requires either natural ambidextrousness on the part of the combatant, or extremely difficult training to maximize coordination and synergy between the two hands. However, dual wielding offers unique possibilities in close combat.


ELEGANT STYLE: This style is almost the antithesis of the previous one. Based on a perverted form of the Makashi, the Elegant Style seems similar to antique fencing. The practitioner is encouraged to stand in profile and hold his weapon in one hand. Its techniques rely on precision and efficiency through fluid strikes and lightning-fast thrusts, targeting the opponent's weak spots. Masters of the Elegant Style do not parry the blows, they deflect them gracefully from the tip of their blade and counter-attack swiftly. They also use their balance and footwork to outmaneuver their foe in a duel, while remaining extremely stable themselves.[-1 Style Point]

GO WITH THE FLOW: Following the principles of various martial arts dedicated to unarmed combat, and transposing them to fencing, Sith have developed parting techniques that allow them to deflect gracefully their opponent's strikes with the tip of their blade and turn the momentum of their attacks against them in order to unbalance them or suddenly bypass their defenses and execute a lethal counterattack.[-1 Blade Point]

FEINT MASTER: Your Master has taught you a whole range of complex maneuvers known by very few fighters, making you a very difficult opponent to fight. When they think you're swinging from above, you swing from below. When your strike comes from the left, it actually hits from the right. You control the trajectory of your blade with surgical precision and know how to use it with subtlety and intelligence.[-1 Blade Point]

DISARMING STRIKE: Few Sith direct their fighting style towards disarming preferring to strike to kill, but you have chosen to dedicate a large part of your training to the art of disarming your foe, whether by cutting off their hand or slicing the hilt of their sword with your blade. This gives you a distinct advantage in combat, as very few Lightsaber fighters, whether Jedi or Sith, are trained to deal with this unorthodox style.[-1 Blade Point]

ACROBATIC STYLE: Fundamentally opposed to the previous style, the Acrobatic Style is totally oriented towards attack and aggressiveness, based on Force-assisted somersaults and leaping strikes. A practitioner of this style is in constant motion, delivering countless blows to his opponent from many directions, including from the airs, at high speed. Its masters appear like a blur to their foes, spinning, striking, spinning again, dodging rather than parrying, evading incoming strikes with spectacular backflips and acrobatics... Needless to say that this style is very risky due to the fact that it neglects defense and exhausts the stamina of its users quickly.[-1 Style Points]

THE WIND STEPS: Having realized that the outcome of a fight depends on a multitude of factors, including the location of the duel, you have learned how to make the most of your environment in combat. You are able to run on walls, jump over your opponent by leaning against an obstacle, use every innocuous element of your surrounding as a stepping stone to launch an attack, to jump from wall to wall…[-1 Blade Point]

MESMERIZING DANCE: Using ancient Sith battle manuals, you've developed a very strange and elusive fighting style, similar to a kind of dance. Your movements are hypnotic and tend to confuse your opponents, who sometimes feel like they're facing several enemies at once instead of one, or try to parry blows that don't exist. Facing you is like fighting an intangible mirage.[-1 Blade Point]


FORCE LIGHTNING: Emblematic Sith Force ability, consisting in delivering powerful electrical discharges to a target through the user's fingers and hands. The intensity varies according to many factors, such as the user's talent.[-1 Force Point]

ADVANCED LIGHTNING[Requires FORCE LIGHTNING]:Powerful electric discharge branching out into dozens of smaller forks, thus allowing the dark side Force user to reach multiple targets simultaneously, without any loss of intensity.[-1 Force Point]

BATTLE PRECOGNITION: Allows one to sense and foretell the flows of the Force while engaged in battle. Used to predict an opponent's intentions or the trajectory of blaster shots before they are fired. Also amplifies reflexes.[-1 Force Point]

FORCE CHOKE: Telekinetic use of Force, oftentimes with a grip-like gesture, to choke or strangle a victim. Restricts blood circulation and airflow. Can be used to lift a victim off the ground, holding them by the neck.[-1 Force Point]

TRAINING EVENTS: Sometimes you think back to your youth and the adventures you had during your training. All memories are precious, the good ones as well as the bad ones. What are your most intense memories and how did they shape you? Pick up to three Memories and a Conclusion for each.

CAMP-FIRE TALK: A curious shiver runs through you when you think back to that strange evening on a distant planet as you camped around a fire beside your Master. They started a conversation with you, infused with a humanity and sincerity that is rare in a Sith Lord, which has marked you forever. What did he talk to you about that night?

The Confession: Your Master told you about themself, lifting for you the veil on his past and revealing to you a hidden side of their personality. You never looked at them the same way again afterwards.

THE HOLOCRON: As a part of your training, your Master once handed you a strange, dusty old holocron and locked you in a room with the device, with only the instruction to discuss with the intelligence inhabiting it. And that's what you did, wary but curious. What kind of information was stored in that holocron?

The Founder: It was the datacron of one of the earliest Sith Lords. The knowledge of the Force and the Dark Side they delivered to you is priceless.

THE ZIGGURAT: How you discovered this temple would be an interesting story in itself. Were you on a mission for your Master? Were you lost on a planet that once belonged to the Sith in ancient and forgotten times? Or was the entire journey just a dream induced by the dark side of the Force? Either way, you found something very valuable in that place.

The Fountain: The water flowing in it was black as ink. You took a sip and it was enough to permeate your very soul. It was pure Force, in liquid form. An incredible power passed through your veins.

Sith Lord Name: Roll 3d20

20/19/19: Darth Velxelnor