
A New Dawn (Solo-leveling / Multicross)

Blink, and Magnus is drowning in the neon sea of Shibuya. His reflection, etched with tired lines, stares back - a ghost in a corporate machine. Work sucks the life out of him, leaving an apartment filled with dust and the deafening silence of being alone. He craves something real, something more than the soul-crushing grind. . But fate, that mischievous trickster, has other plans. Time warps, the world dissolves into chaos. Protecting a stranger with eyes like pools of twilight, he takes a bullet meant for her. Gasping, his final plea echoes: I want to escape this ordinary hell. . Will death grant him an extraordinary adventure, or just another Tokyo sunrise? Dive in and discover. . . . . . I'll be honest, I'm not a good writer, but I'll do my best to create a novel I'd love to read even if I pick it up five years from now. It's my first time writing anything literary at all, a bit nervous but also quite excited to implement some of the ideas I have here. There will be a lot of deviation from the source material for every world I write about, so don't go all Hermione on me and expect me to stick to the rules... I mean roots... I'm not doing that. . . Also the MC and his fam will be OP, if you don't like OP characters, I suggest skipping this book. . . . Anywho... *nervous chuckling*.... Let the story begin!!! . . . . PS - massive respect to authors out there! . . . none of the characters of the worlds I write about belong to me, except for my OC. . . I'm doing about 5 chapters/ week now

RyunjuSimu · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Jin-ah I

"From what I can tell, National Rank hunters have a strength of about SS-, the monarchs should be in the upper SS range, but the Monarch of Destruction should be way above that, so I'll assume that he's at SSS" I mused over my future actions in this world, I have a feeling that it isn't as simple as Jin-woo just defeating the Monarch of Destruction and that's it..... it's a gut feeling for now, but I'll keep in mind that I have to grow even stronger.

Though.... there isn't an immediate threat right now as I've realized that the system is able to classify just my base strength, If I were to use the cosmic energy stored in my body and the Tenseigan Chakra Mode, I'd be at about EX rank I guess.

How does TCM work without chakra? No idea really, I'd guess that there's some rune conversion BS going on with my eyes, coz when I imagined what I'd need to have perfect control over mana and also the super handy powers of repulsion and attraction, while also looking cool, I'd thought of the Tenseigan.

Since I've watched the anime and read many fan-fics on Naruto, I know how busted runes could've been, I mean most of the Shinobi world thought of the Uzumaki's as a threat.... including their ally Konohagakure, that's how strong they were and they were still able to fight back against three whole shinobi villages, while inflicting major damage on them! Runes/ Fuuinjutsu is OP no matter how you look at it, also I'd like to beat the Third Hokage to death someday...he really was a fool....anyway....

I imagined it, my body did some bs and a few months later I got these eyes along with the perks I wanted, quite literally OP, I mean I was OP even without them...but now....hehehehe... with telekinesis plus the attraction and repulsion acting as a sort of stabilization system...I'd be able to keep my phone floating in front of me while reading webnovels or .....you know what.... I can have both my hands free and do as cultured men do.....I shake my head to get rid of such thoughts, I already have someone.....I've to get rid of my collection soon.....sob....it took so much effort to make....but for the greater good I must dispose of it ASAP!! Jin-ah would whack me otherwise...I shiver in fear...when she's angry....she's scary as hell!

I digress, I'll have to study runes, they really are convenient and OP, I assume that the rulers being as old as they are, have collected books on them from various worlds, I'll have to ask them in a friendly manner....if they refuse? ..... well what do you think SSS strength is for ?

Anywho, future worries aside....it's now time to pick-up Jin-ah, It's still an odd feeling really, to think that Jin-ah was sort of reincarnated here with me too...I still remember the day we shared our secrets and dreams with each other...I had to console her for a long time, she nearly cried for 2 hrs straight....I will get back at the future me for this!

[ Flashback, at home, about 5 months back]

I came back home from a part-time job at a mall, as soon as I opened the door I see Jin-ah sitting cross-legged on the sofa, watching K-Drama on TV with the remote in one hand and a fried chicken leg in the other....I chuckle, that's classic Jin-ah for you.

Hearing the door close, she turns back to see me and smiles gently...well as gently as you can while still having food in your mouth...I smile wryly at her antics and sit beside her while also grabbing the remote from her hands.

"Hey! I'm still watching!....Give it back Mag!"

She tries to take back the remote but I just lean away from her, she tries reaching further but ends up falling on my chest....pfftt..hahahaha...she's a bit clumsy and cute, sort of like Gamma from Eminence in the Shadow.

"Why do I get the feeling that you just made fun of me ?" She says with a pout and fried chicken crumbs still around her mouth.

"Hahahaha~ at least wipe your mouth clean.. idiot, I don't want crumbs all over me" I said, she just snorts, gets up and goes to the washroom to freshen up, while I clean the mess she's made on the sofa.

"Mag, do you have some time, I wish to talk to you about something" she says when she gets back, she looks at me solemnly, I've never seen her this .....nervous and unsure, beneath that clumsy and cute behavior, she's always been fierce and regal like an ice queen, it's only at home that she's acts like a kid, so to see her like this.....came as a bit of surprise to me....must be pretty important...I immediately sit up straight and direct all of my focus at her.

"Yeah Jin-ah... go on tell me, what are you so nervous about ?" I pull her by the hand and make her sit opposite me, she sits there and starts fidgeting and her eyes keep darting all over the place.....ehhh isn't this that ?? a love confession ???

I admit I do have feelings for her, there's no way that you wouldn't like an intelligent, confident, compassionate yet playful person like Jin-ah, but I thought I'd wait a few years till she becomes 18 at least before asking her out.

All this time I've known that there's something different about her, she resembles the woman I had felt such intense yearning for, after all...and the yearning still exists but it is towards this woman in front of me right now.

I can't be so stupid as to think that such intense feelings can come twice in such a short time plus the resemblance is uncanny, the same beautiful silver eyes and hair as black as the sky on a new moon day, I remember thinking along those lines that day.....sigh.....I'm a bit too romantic... I just keep looking at her and wait for her to share her worries with me. 

[ Jin-ah POV ]

He's sitting right in front of me...and he's still holding my hand!!! and wait....he's gone into a daze now...wtffffffff....it seems that he's slowly connecting the dots....hmph....hmph... took him long enough, it's only been a few months but still....I thought he'd be able to tell as soon as he saw me, you know ? I have silver eyes and jet black hair and a similar face to my past life after all...

I don't know how to tell him, that I was there on that day at that specific time because of the dreams that I'd been having then, I'd seen the same scene every single night for more than a month.

At first I thought that maybe it's a nightmare and it'll come to pass soon enough, but as I paid more attention to the dream, I realized that there was always this one person who kept looking at me from across the crossing, I have a gnawing feeling that grows every time that somehow.... he is my soulmate, the one I can lean on no matter what, the one that'll stay with me till the end, the one with whom I'll make memories of wonderful adventures.....

My biggest dream is to start a family and enjoy life together with my husband and kids, nothing too fancy...it was a simple wish...in this chaotic world, I just wanted to lead a simple life.....and I had finally found him.....just as he had found me.....

On the fated day, I'd come to the Shibuya Crossing 4 hrs before the foreseen time, I was anxious....I was a nervous wreck.....this time it was happening for real and I didn't want to mess this up! 

Finally at 7:33 on my watch, he finds me, just as I did him, and I gave him the most gentle smile I could muster....I know that he doesn't know who I am, but our souls are resonating, we do share a connection!.....

And as I tried moving forward to meet him...I realize that my body is no longer under my control?.....I was pushed to the back of my consciousness by something.....No this can't be happening!!!!....I am about to have a panic attack!

I try my damned hardest to find a way to break out of here and save him! but I'm locked, it's like my body is paralyzed....nothing responds to my will, I hear muffled sounds of guns being fired and tire screeches, dammit! the shootout has started!!!! 

I need to free myself soon, I look around my consciousnesses frantically...to find anything at all that could help me.....and after trying hard enough I see a faint silhouette of a woman standing a few 100 meters in front of me.....I run towards her with all the energy and willpower I could muster....

When I was a few meters away from her, she turns back.... and looks at me with the very same silver eyes that I have, just that they appear more piercing and powerful, like a sheathed sword, honed through numerous battles, she had her hair in a high ponytail, she's tall too.... I'm 5'7 but she was easily 6'1 and had a toned body and stood with a regal posture.

She was donned in a black Japanese kimono with golden sun like drawings at the hem, and a gold colored obi tied around the waist, she was wearing hanafuda earrings, with a golden sun drawn on it and there was a dark sun tattoo on her forehead as well, .....She looked beyond divine...how can someone command such respect and worship with just their presence ???

She looks at me and appraises me for a few seconds, it's like she could see through me at a glance, I do not like that feeling at all! and then she smiles at me fondly with a nostalgic look in her eyes....

"Seems like this is what Darling calls a "Canon Event" huh ?" is the first sentence that comes out of her mouth, it's like her words are in harmony with the very fabric of the universe, they carry such weight and power...wait what did she just say?

"I'm sorry for intruding on your mental world, my younger self, but you see Magnus over there must go through what you've seen in your dreams , for the future to unfold as it has been and for that to happen, I've come to stop you from saving him" she then mumbles - "not that it would have changed anything, he would have still died today under different circumstances as "he" doesn't want to be a part of this reality, he's affecting reality on a smaller scale..... fufufufu~ even the old him had such powers huh, as expected of my darling~ "

".....Wait.....what the fuck are you talking about ?! I will not let him die in front of me again! I don't want such a thing to happen to him!! He's mine! and I will save him!!"

"Hahahahaha~ was I like this as well? Is that why he told me to come here today? It's so fun, looking at the me of the past, she's so cute!~~" she rushed forward and grabbed my cheeks and started squishing them, I tried fighting back but to no avail...ugh....think... you can't overpower her...so you can at least try getting answers as to why she's allowing Magnus to die here...thinking till here I grab her hands and force her to look at me.

"Why does this need to happen and can I find him again, I don't think I'll be able to live knowing that someone I've considered a part of my soul is going to die...I want to rush over there and stop him from getting shot this instant!!" I said crying...I just felt so helpless...I'd seen this in the dream for a month and now when I finally had the chance to correct it, I'm stopped from doing it!!! It is so frustrating! I need strength! I need to make sure I'm never in this position again!!

"Shush now..... you must understand that just as the sun rises from the east and sets in the west, some things are meant to be" she says while patting my head, somehow it feels motherly and good... and then she continues " and besides it's not like you're not going to see him ever again, after all you will cease to exist in this world in a few minutes and accompany him to wherever he's going" .

...ehhhh?? what now? I'm going to cease to exist? .....hmmmm do I have a problem with that ? .... no not really....Life has been like clockwork....it is so repetitive, I yearn for an adventure.....and I yearn to have him by my side as we make awesome memories!

"Umu" I nod my head at this future me, "I'll leave it you then, but please...can you make sure he doesn't feel any pain" if I can at least have that.....I'll feel a bit better..

"Ara~, you aren't going to stop me anymore ? good then, I can do what I've come here for and get back to cozy time with Darling~" she says covering her mouth with her hand and giggling like a little girl....wtf?!....what happened to all that charisma and power ???? why's she acting like a teenager in love ?? do I seriously become like this in the future ?? Mah, mah... well she looks happy at least.....I'm grateful for that.. 

I smile wryly at her and let go of her hands, and then I ask her the most pressing question "Isn't this messing with the time continuum ? like you coming here and doing all this ? what if you alter the future to a future where you don't exist ??"

"fufufu~ little one, you have no idea what's possible for the future you and him, just leave guarding the timeline to us from the future, for now enjoy life and make good memories with him, alright ?" She says will patting my head again....why's she still doing that ? does she have a headpat fetish ?? but it feels good~....sigh....

"I'll do as you say then...me from the future" saying so, I fall asleep, I have been holding on through sheer willpower so far, it seems like it isn't possible for an ordinary human to stay inside their consciousness for so long...

[ Future Jin-ah POV ]

I catch her just before she falls down, she's so cute.....a bit naive and clumsy, but she has potential...I've come this far haven't I ? destroying galaxies is as easy as breathing....so she'll get there eventually....the conversation we've been having here lasted no more than 2 seconds on the outside, next I move the body on the outside a bit further away from where the shootout would happen....

In her consciousness, I hold her head on my lap and I continue to caress her hair as she sleeps.... I think back to the moment when I'd once lost darling for 10 years during his battle with the Abyss King...That piece of shit! How dare he separate me and my sisters from him! for 10 Years! We scoured the universe and fought countless abyss fodder and generals in search of him! We would've ripped him to pieces and burned his remains to dust!

Darling did come back eventually though.....he nearly deleted the Abyss universe in anger, but we held him back..... the people aren't responsible for their stupid king's actions after all.....

I digress, hehehe~ I got this habit from Darling too, turns out that brother was right, he does give everyone near him the curse of overthinking...fufufu~

"Enjoy your time with him and your soon-to-be sisters, little one.....it is time for me to do my part now, I'm gonna enjoy giving him the system and skills! fufufu! ...I know he finds them super cliche and almost always shows me the dead fish face when I tell him that I'll give him one, but darling didn't realize the dormant power he had, until he was given a wake up call, the power was always his after all~"

Oh he's been shot...I wince at that...it still does hurt...seeing him get injured.. I wake up and make my way to him who's lying down and gently put his head on my lap, time around me has stopped and I aim to do my best impression of the voice of the world, while imbuing my authority into the words I'm about to say - 

<< The Voice of the World hears you, O' fragment of $#&$#&$#$#$#&$#$&$#$, ######################## >>

"Kyaaaaaa~ I've always wanted to say that!" I chuckle to myself.....I then grant darling access to his system and skills and vanish from this reality.

 I carry the souls of darling and my present self and put them in a planet that darling now calls "The world of beginnings".

"I'll let their destination and families be decided by sister "Fate", after all I've taken care of the "Rebirth" aspect already....Let her have her fun as well.....fufufu~"

So? How'd you like this chapter ? I've left some hints here and there about future worlds and enemies, I feel that I've done my best in this chapter. Next chapter will be a continuation of the conversation between Jin-ah and Mag, and then we'll move on with the events of solo leveling...also I've decided...it's gonna be 5 chapters/week...Ryu out!

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