
A New Dawn (Solo-leveling / Multicross)

Blink, and Magnus is drowning in the neon sea of Shibuya. His reflection, etched with tired lines, stares back - a ghost in a corporate machine. Work sucks the life out of him, leaving an apartment filled with dust and the deafening silence of being alone. He craves something real, something more than the soul-crushing grind. . But fate, that mischievous trickster, has other plans. Time warps, the world dissolves into chaos. Protecting a stranger with eyes like pools of twilight, he takes a bullet meant for her. Gasping, his final plea echoes: I want to escape this ordinary hell. . Will death grant him an extraordinary adventure, or just another Tokyo sunrise? Dive in and discover. . . . . . I'll be honest, I'm not a good writer, but I'll do my best to create a novel I'd love to read even if I pick it up five years from now. It's my first time writing anything literary at all, a bit nervous but also quite excited to implement some of the ideas I have here. There will be a lot of deviation from the source material for every world I write about, so don't go all Hermione on me and expect me to stick to the rules... I mean roots... I'm not doing that. . . Also the MC and his fam will be OP, if you don't like OP characters, I suggest skipping this book. . . . Anywho... *nervous chuckling*.... Let the story begin!!! . . . . PS - massive respect to authors out there! . . . none of the characters of the worlds I write about belong to me, except for my OC. . . I'm doing about 5 chapters/ week now

RyunjuSimu · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Frost Monarch I

[ MC POV ]

It's been months since that day I gave Jin-ah a system, she went ahead and named it Beta....super unoriginal.....Meh who cares? What does matter though is that she's grown stronger, much much stronger than Jin-woo is currently and the best part? Due to her better mana control, Jin-woo doesn't even know that his sister has already overtaken him..... O' the greatest fragment of brilliant light, how far you've fallen...that was a mouthful...couldn't they get proper names?

Anyway, she's now at the threshold of SS+ , she's been dungeon diving everyday for the past 7 months, It's good that she's learnt the clone technique, it wasn't too difficult to deconstruct the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu with the help of the Alpha, so she can complete college while she's growing stronger.

On a side note, Alpha's grown pretty smart over time she (yes, I call her a "she" as "it" sounds weird to me) easily outclasses anything that Tony will ever build. She gives me daily reports on the stuff happening around the world....and yup, it is vastly different to what I've read in the novel.

Well for starters, there are lot more gates opening around the world and that number will keep growing till the endgame, and new types of monsters have been found inside them, like mermen, demons, vampires and werewolfs, and even dragon like creatures....well the last one's a no brainer, of course Antares (Monarch of Destruction) rules over all dragon kind...so yeah...

And scientists here are nowhere near actually understanding Mana, they can use mana stones from monsters as fuel...yes, but it's the same as a 4 year old knowing that batteries can be used to power devices.

I'll have to work on this as well in the future, once I'm done dealing with all the threats on this world, I'll gather open minded researchers and have them work on this, maybe I can get Alpha to help them too, it'll speed up the rate of development of technologies based on Mana, then we can have a much cleaner planet.

Oh, Jin-ah's calling me, by the way, we haven't crossed the boundary yet...we're still at holding hands, although we've gotten more touchy-feely recently, no hurries though, we're strong and getting stronger daily, we have all the time in the world.....

"Hello my love, why'd you call me?" I ask her gently.

"Darling! I just finished another dungeon, this one was full of some ice elves and spirits, they were saying something about how their king will come looking for me soon....isn't he the monarch of frost? should I kill him when I see him ??" She asks me eagerly, because I've told her that she could assimilate with the cleansed soul and mana of monarchs to increase her strength...she's been drooling at the thought of butchering the monarchs since then....so cute!

"Oh? He wants to die so quickly in the story huh? Alright, you can kill him, honey..... Just send me a message through Beta and I'll be there if something happens, alright ?" I say to her, she seems eager, I'm willing to bet, that she'll take out all her frustration on the poor monarch, after all working 3 times harder than Jin-woo is a lot of work and she's been getting frustrated at not being able to actually go all out recently, so he should be a perfect test for her.

"Understood, I'll come home now, after a quick shower, do you want to watch a movie with me?" she asks cutely

"Yeah sure, but let's be back before 10pm, you're going to go with Jin-woo tomorrow morning to the gate, you know what's inside right? You may find the frost dude inside tomorrow" I say, hoping that maybe the frost dude shows up tomorrow

"Oh, I'd forgotten about that! I might get to fight seriously tomorrow! Hehe~ Jin-woo oppa will be surprised! I'll be back in 10!" She then hangs up....at least wait for me to say bye...shaking my head at her antics, I put the phone in my pocket and enter my training space.

I get back to training using Mana clones, I'm working on my sword art, I'd say I'm at about Peak Master level now, Grandmaster level is gonna take some time to achieve, it's about introspection and understanding my way of the sword, which requires a certain state of mind...I'll get there eventually....

I'm also having Alpha research on the runes that appear on the gates when they pop up, it obviously has something to do with space, containment and some other shit, some gates also have time dilation, maybe I can finally crack teleportation with this and add time dilation to my training space, making it more effective in the long run...so many things to do!


*the doorbell rings*

"Oh she's back already?" I open the door for her, she jumps on me..at least she attempts to...but she pauses mid air and then she gets back to standing on the floor and then rushes to the bathroom.

"What was that all about ? Ah, she must be sweaty, I told her that I don't care about such stuff" due to mana, our body is being cleansed every-time the mana flows inside of us, thus the stronger you get, the lesser the impurities that remain...

[ An Eternity Later ]

"Phew....I'm done!" she comes out wearing a towel on her head and my shirt and shorts....why though? ah its for the cute factor! She is cute~

"You look good in that, you know ?" I ask her while making her sit on my lap, she still feels small in my embrace, even when because of her stats she's 6'2, while I'm at 6'4, nice even numbers...

She switches on the TV and plays a movie on Amazing Prime, It's some K-Drama thing....yeah I'll just pretend that I'm watching it...seems like she isn't too interested in it as well.....

"Yep! I know you like wearing over sized clothes, and I know for a fact that you love seeing me in it too!" and then she mumbles with a blush on her cheeks "besides your clothes are so comfy.....they remind me of you..." I blush a bit at that....I'm still not used to her being so expressive about showing her love...

"Y-yes....anyway, ready for tomorrow?" I quickly change the topic.

"I really hope the frost dude comes, I'll use all my skills on him, from the weakest to the strongest and see which one kills him....fufufufu~" She says while showing a wolfish smile, I wipe an imaginary tear from my face.....Look at her! I've raised her so well!

"Have fun my love, but remember always be ready for anything...keep your senses active all the time alright? your safety is priority...." saying so I wrap my hands around her stomach (abs) and bring her in for a hug...

"I'll do that, don't worry about me, what are you gonna do though?" she asks while falling back deeper into my chest (abs)

"I was thinking of applying for a rank evaluation, should we do it together ? or one by one ? and shock the world ?" I ask while grinning

"Heh, you do it first then, I'll do it after you and then oppa will do it I guess, mom will be waking up in a few weeks as well, we'll definitely throw a big fried chicken party then!" She says while making hand gestures of eating a fried chicken wing...hahaha~

"Hahaha~ let's go to sleep now.....you've got to fight tomorrow and I'll be busy with the re-evaluation" I lift her up and she turns around and hugs me like a koala, carrying her like that I made my way over to our room, and we go to sleep like that, with her on my chest.

The movie was still playing in the background.....

*Next day morning*

I sense Jin-woo about to knock on our door, ugh its already time huh....I don't want to let this fluffy comfy pillow go, thinking like that I hug Jin-ah tighter, she hugs me back with equal intensity, definitely having thought of the same thing.....so cute!

Jin-woo's knocks turns into almost banging the door and he yells "Bastard it's already 10 AM ! Me and Jin-ah are supposed to be there at 10:30, I have to pick Song-yi on the way too! Hurry the fuck up!" Sheesh, so much complaining so early in the morning....sigh....I gently pry Jin-ah off me and shake her by the shoulders

"It's time to wake up my love, you've got that fight today don't you ?" saying so I kiss her on the forehead.

She opens her eyes wide at that and gives me a sheepish grin "Sleeping with you is always so nice! I feel like never waking up.....but the fight....sigh...Let me freshen up, make me a cup of coffee please.." She gets up, ties her hair into a bun and goes to the washroom.

I get up as well and go open the door to our room, where I see an irritated Jin-woo...

"Yo! dungeon-diving last night too huh ?" I greet him with a radiant smile

"What yo?! yo my foot! tell Jin-ah to get ready asap, we're leaving in 10!" he says while getting some supplies from our kitchen pantry.

"I'll be applying for a rank evaluation today" I say to him while preparing to grind our favorite roast beans..and then I proceed to heat some water, I turn to him.

"Finally coming out into the world huh ?" He says a bit solemn....we both know that we have our ways of getting stronger and as he trusts me with the safety of this family...so do I, after all our means aren't so important here...

"Yeah, tough times ahead, believe me....get stronger Jin-woo, we need to be strong enough when it comes" I say to him, while turning back to the now almost boiling water, and pour it gently over the filter, slowly drenching the powdered coffee beans that then drip into the glass beaker underneath.

Jin-woo gets a bit tense when he hears me say that and clenches his fists

"Understood Mag, I'll train harder for it" he says, while his eyes glow purple with determination, I nod at that.

I then grab the now settled pour over coffee and put it in three cups, I hand one to Jin-woo and tell him.....

"No need to feel pressured though..... I'm here and that's enough." while radiating an immeasurably powerful aura for an instant, I then wave at him and walk back to my room with two cups of the most delicious coffee.

* Near the soon to be red-gate *

The A ranker, who in the future is going to be Iron, a knight in Jin-woo's army, was looking at his watch and grumbling curses under his breath, when he heard a van pull by near him

Three people got out of the van, One tall man with black hair, a toned athletic body, and an apparent aura of darkness around him, the other one was a young girl of about 16 she had hoodie on and looked like a normal person, the other one though....

...she was tall for a woman and had the posture and aura of someone who's fought countless battles with ease, she was wearing an over-sized pale blue T-shirt and had form fitting black pants, she was also wearing a pair of black branded sneakers, with gold accents...Out of all of them she gave him the most sense of danger.

..and he was also slightly attracted to her if he were to be honest.... in their line of work, there are very few female hunters who stand out...and for some reason this unknown woman stands out like she's born to be in the light....

[ Jin-ah POV ]

As were driving in the van to the gate, Song-yi who was right behind us, asks me

"Noona, who are you ? You look so cool! Are you a hunter as well? Were you the one to actually finish all those C-rank dungeons, coz Ahjussi doesn't look that strong to me to be honest" She rapid fires questions at me and throws a jab at Jin-woo oppa at the end....pfft.....Ahjussi huh....I giggle while covering my mouth, I see a tick mark forming on his forehead as he yells back at her, while looking at the rear view mirror.

"Hey you brat! don't think that I won't just drop you at home right now and go without you!!" He says while trying to make a menacing expression...it looks like he's constipated though....hahahahaha~

"Don't worry Song-yi, noona here is enough to take care of you inside the gate" I say while showing her my biceps, she just gawks at those - perfectly divine cuts and curves - as Mag calls them....I'm proud of my body, it took so much effort...I wipe an imaginary tear.....oppa glares at me 

"Jin-ah you've been a bit rebellious lately, I've no doubt that its Mag's influence , although I approve of you dating him, as he's a responsible person, you've to keep your core values the same! you shouldn't copy his bad habits!...you used to wake up early and sit to study, now you sleep till 10 AM, god knows how you're still getting A's....you must be some heavenly prodigy to still get A's while sleeping all day" he shakes his head at me like a disappointed father, oi oi when did you become like that ??

"Oppa, don't blame Mag for this, It is just so comfortable to sleep with him..." I say while making a nostalgic face

"Oi what's with that look? you've been sleeping with him till 10 right? It's not like it's been years!" 

I shake my head and look back at Song-yi who was looking at me even more curiously now, she asks " Who is Mag? He's your boyfriend ?? Do you have a picture of him ?"

Heh " Wait for a few days, he'll be on the news" I smirk at her mysteriously, she puts on an annoyed pout.

We've reached the place where the gate is now, as we make our way out I tell oppa

"By the way oppa, you wouldn't understand my feeling coz you don't have a girlfriend yet! your sister beat you to it! at least try before you become an uncle!" ufff... that's gotta hurt, judging by Song-yi showing me a thumbs up and oppa holding onto his chest while having a vacant look on his face...

"You'll see Jin-ah, I'll find someone soon!" He says, all determined like he's going out to war...I can even hear some BGM...wtf...does he still have ex-main character privileges ??

Ignoring that and him saying "Hey! don't ignore me" I slowly make my way up to this fucker who's been staring at me ever since we got here, looking is alright, but this fucker actually has desire in his eyes, should I beat him up a bit? ...he's radiating young master energy too...Hehehe~ I smile like a Cheshire cat and stop right in front of him...this is gonna be fun~

Had fun writing this chapter, next chapter will be the fight scene inside the gate, after that I'll cut to Mag getting his S rank. Next chapter in a few hours! How are you guys liking it so far ? please let me know in the comments!

Also please drop a stone or two for this new author to get more people to read my book, thank you *bows*

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