
A New Beginning: Re-Imagined

Henry Wright, a "retired" Chief of Police, returns home from his trip, only to find out his life has been complicated more than ever. A family, you say? Not what he expected, really. *This fic incorporates many elements from many different fictional works.

JustS_RandomWriter · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Past, the Present, and the Future

"You look... angry," Irene, now sitting next to me, properly on the couch, notes. Nervous filling both eyes, as the pupils shifting almost unnoticeably.

I cross my arms with the back lean against the couch. "More like upset. But yeah, a bit angry."

Irene stares. Her hands on her thighs, fingers gripping before loosening up. She breathes out a sigh, goes together with the corners of her mouth somewhat curving up. Seemingly apologetic. "If you're angry, please don't take it out on Erza. She's only a child. I... am at fault here."

"Woman, I already told you," I groan, rolling my eyes. "This is not... okay, this is about Erza. However like I stated, there's no reason for me to be angry about you for carrying our child in your belly."

"Then why are you looking so displeased?"

"Seven years, Irene. Seven. Bloody. Years," I slowly utter; another breath. "You knew my number. You knew where I live. You knew what I did for a living. Yet, why on God's Earth didn't you say anything... anything about Erza? Why didn't you contact me? Seven years... I could've been there with you. And Erza. Our child. Goddamnit, Irene. Why?"

I breathe a sigh from the nose, grunting, dropping my arms. "You know—if you gave me a call I... I'd drop everything and come to your side with no hesitation. Surely, having Erza might be something... we both didn't anticipate. Unexpected. But I was, and am willing to take responsibility."

"...I was afraid too, y'know," Irene whispers after a moment, hanging her head.


"How the hell was I supposed to know what you'd think, when I was pregnant with your child?!" she explodes; gazing at me straight in my eyes. "That was the first time which I found out I was going to become a mother, damn it! Henry, I wasn't ready to lose the chance!"

I stay silent. "...You thought I was going to force you into abortion," I speculate.

"A justified fear. Given our so-called... history," she says, hardening the knuckles on her hands.

In response to what she told me, I place my hand over her hand on her thigh. With a small smile, as I clasp her hand reassuringly. "You dum-dum. The 2nd Civil War's over ages ago. The two of us... we aren't enemies anymore. If I really hated you, Erza wouldn't be here in the first place. And to boot—the night we spent making love to each other means nothing to you, at all?! You really know how to wound a man's heart."

Which I end with a "dramatic" sigh, and a mocked pained chuckle. But that sounded cheesy though. Too damn cheesy for my usual taste. Must be an age-related thingy.

"Men and women can merely seek each other out just to satisfy their needs," Irene points out.

"Which is correct. But I'd say having sex and making love are two entirely different things," I remark, with my smile widens. "No matter who you sleep with, what matters the most, is the amount of love you give your partner. With all of your heart—even if the time you share only a one-night stand. My late pervy father taught me that much; and he was damn right."

Irene tilts her head cutely, before she allows herself a fond smile directed at me.

"So, you're telling you did enjoy my company?" she wonders earnestly.

"In a way, yes. Took me away from the reality; for a night. That I really appreciate—" Then one more realization hits me; and like the first one when I met Erza, it also hits hard. "Bloody hell. I only blame you for not contacting me when I'm the one who didn't bother to check on you after that night."

I sigh sharply. Maybe Chen was right. Maybe I don't give a fuck about anyone.

"I don't blame you," Irene says all of sudden. "Your grief still overwhelmed you, like a lot. That's why you left St. Petersburg the same day you announced your retirement, didn't you?"

"You could tell?" I snort. Grinning bitterly. Shaking my head.

"Anyone could tell. It was only a month after what happened to her, after all. And that shitshow you had to put up with. I'm truly surprised you didn't snap, for all the things you had to go through."

"Trust me. It was close. Very, very close. Assholes are fucking everywhere."


I nod aimlessly, pursing my lips.

"Well. What happened, already happened. There is no use crying over spilled milk. What matters the most at the moment is Erza," I state, earning myself a nod and a smile. "Say, Irene. You told her, that I am her father, yes?"

"That's true. I know I couldn't keep it a secret. And it's better to come clean. So..."

"You spilled the beans."

"Can you blame me? She was longing for a father; asked me where he is all the time," Irene defends herself. "Especially whenever she gives me the puppy eyes. I just couldn't refuse her request so I did what I had to. After all, she's my precious daughter."

"Seeing how long I was absent from her life, I'm surprised she doesn't hate me."

"You have no idea how much she wanted to meet you. I was always against the idea. I told her that I did something horrible to you, and that you mightn't want to see us. You can deduce the rest."

"Looks like you were afraid for nothing." I put on a smirk.

Irene smiles. "That I were. But... truly, I'm really glad you didn't reject us, Henry," she says, along with the relief in her gaze; as though some weights are already off her shoulders.

How could I do that when I was the one who impregnated her anyway?

"To be frank with you, Irene... I'm still not ready to settle down again. But, now that Erza came to my life, along with you, I'm ready to be involved in your life. To be the father Erza deserves and the man you can depend on and share the burden of a parent. Would you allow me to do that?"

Irene, in returns, only stares intently. As the silence slowly makes it awkward.

"Was it too cheesy?" I ask, hoping it's not that case.

"A bit," she answers, giggling, while I deadpan. "It's just... I'm still processing all this."

"Never expected this kind of development before?"


"Not even once?"

"Not even close to once."

"I see. Let's seal the deal with a kiss."


I quickly still Irene's lips with a brief kiss, leaving the red-haired beauty stunned for a moment. Once I pull away, she glares adorably with a cute pout, puffing her cheeks.

"That was cheesy," she comments 'coldly'.

"I know. Just couldn't help it." I grin, wiggling my brows.

Which we stare at each other in our eyes for a moment. Before long we break into hearty laughter. I breath out from the nose, sensing Irene's scaled tail wrapping my leg affectionately.

"Funny," I start. Smiling ear to ear. "Here I am. Sitting next to the Scarlet Despair herself, who struck fear into every bloody enemy she faced. Easily tore through our ranks, like hot knife through butter. Some claimed you were a spawn of the deepest pit of Hell. A demon. Oh, how I missed the days we faced, screamed to each other's face, and nearly took each other's life more than once."

"Don't remind me of it," Irene says, playfully punching my shoulder.

Good times. Good old times. Blessed be the battle freaks; not warmongers nor dogs of wars.

I chuckle before softening my gaze. Meanwhile, Irene giggles softly.

"Now, the two of us, a child. Life really is unpredictable, don't you think the same?"

"I do, Henry. And I like it. Thank you."

"I'd be lying if I say no. So yeah. So do I, Irene."

And so, to seal the deal, we kiss each other again. This time the kiss is a lot deeper. With a lot more, well, passions pouring into it, as we both enjoy each other's warmth.

Then another realization hits, making me abruptly pull away from her.

Irene looks hurt briefly by the sudden action. Which I wince internally.

"I-Is there something wrong?" she frowns, hiding the displeasure in her tone.

"No. It's... My apologies. Something came into my mind. I need to confirm it first."

"What is it?"

"...Are you seeing somebody now?" I ask seriously. "I may sleep with a lot of women. However—I'm definitely not going after the married, nor those who's already in a relationship; unless it's work."

Irene blinks. "No. Not really."

"Not really?" I raise a brow.

"It's more like a one-night stand. Besides," Irene mutters softly, "you're the only man I'm into."

Ah, our dear Irene swings that way. Good to know, I suppose.

"I see."

"...That's it?"


"I imagined your reaction would be... wilder," Irene says.

"Please, Irene." I roll my eyes. "It's the bloody 21st century. Not the 70s, nor 80s, nor 90s! Hell, I'd be more surprised than you are if you ain't into women. And, bearing in mind that the male population is shrinking each year, and there's technology to allow two women to have a baby naturally—"

Which, by all means, and thank the Lord, isn't about adding a penis and a pair of balls to them.

"—this thing's bound to happen. I might be ancient, but I can be pretty open and progressive too."

That being said, I'm totally, 100 percent, straight. Only into women.

"And from the look of it, you must've been seeing Chen recently."

Irene, seemingly choked in her throat, coughs. While her face starts brightening up—with the shade on her cheeks even redder than a cooked lobster, redder than her magnificent scarlet hair.

"Wh-Why would you come to that assumption?!" she screams, startled.

"It's not an assumption. It's a fact," I state dryly. "I mean come on. Black panties made from lace? As far as I am concerned, Chen only wears white and red. Not to mention she only rotates between the usual, and the sport underwear. From what I saw when she forgot to 'close' the fly, that seems to be more of your taste; a fine one, by the way. So yeah, it was kind of obvious, really."

"How—Wait a second! How do you know so much about your subordinate's underwear?!"

"Potential infiltration; and spies," I reply. "Appearance can be easily duplicated with the right tool so I took all the necessary precautions against such possible scenario. Wearing habits are an important aspect to also take into account. Including, underwear—which many seem to overlook. Keeping tab on everyone's choice of clothing is one of them many utmost importance, mind you."

"I don't know how I should feel about this. And how the hell do you even know my taste?!"

"Checked your wardrobe before I left your place. Every bit of information counts," I answer.


"You're not going to be the last person to say that to my face, my dear," I say. With a blank stare. As Irene returns with it with her own. "In any case, now I confirmed you are not in a relationship and... I will assume you still live in that apartment of yours—" which is confirmed, with a nod "—how about this? Why don't you two move into my house? It's better that way, since we're a family now."

"You don't mind?" Irene asks, blinking, curious.

"Not at all. The house could also use the touch of a woman."

Irene smiles warmly. "Thanks for everything, Henry—"

The door slams open all of a sudden, getting our attention. As we find Erza running towards us, and jumping into us with a wide broad beam. At the same time Lisa, still standing near the door, looks a bit bashful, as though embarrassed that she was caught red-handed.

"Yay! We're moving into papa's house now, sister Lisa~!"


"Ah, so you kiddos were eavesdropping, huh?" I chuckle, messing Erza's hair as the girl beams, with her tail wagging excitedly.

"I-I'm sorry, uncle. I didn't mean to listen in to you and auntie's conversation," Lisa apologies, with a small graceful bow.

"But you still did, didn't you?" I say. Which Lisa's face reddens further.

"Uncle?" Irene asks, appearing to be confused; which is understandable.

I gesture Lisa to come to us with a small smile, as she instantly makes her way to me. I put my hand on top of her head. Stroking her hair. And the base of her large ears. Drawing gentle purrs from the nine-tailed fox girl, who seems delighted by the sensation.

"This is my niece, Lisa, from Sicily," I introduce her, as Irene eyes the girl thoughtfully. "Though more precisely, I'm now acting as her godfather. Since her mother is... doing 'businesses' in Italy."

"...I understand." Irene seems to take the hint, smiling warmly. "Nice to meet you, Lisa."

Lisa, snapping out of delightful sensation, bows gracefully. Almost like a curtly. "It is my pleasure to meet you as well, dearest auntie. I'll be in your care from now on. Please look after me."

"Oh, I will, alright." Irene giggles. To which she holds Lisa's hands and pulls the girl into an embrace, taking her by surprise. "My goodness~! Why are you so cute~!? Your tails are so fluffy too~!"

"Mama!" Erza whines, holding out her arms. "Hug me too, mama!"

Which Irene promptly pull Erza into the embrace; as she hugs the kids, like they're a pair of hugging pillows. Which the both of them kind of resemble them, in a way.

"Henry. This is the best day of my life~," she says blissfully as if in heavens; smiling. "I wouldn't mind making another kid if this is what I can get to do every single day~."

I do a spit take. Coughing before clearing my throat. I cough into my hand. "I... I'll think about it."

Damn, woman. Are you trying to stop my heart?

That said. "Why don't you and Erza pack your stuffs and go to the house first? I still need take Lisa a tour around St. Petersburg first, then we'll join you both later. How does that sound?"

"It's alright, uncle," Lisa... now 'free' from Irene's embrace, says suddenly. She beams. "I want to help auntie and Erza pack their stuffs too."

What a good girl.

"You sure?" I ask.

Lisa responds with a bob of her head, beaming brightly.

"My God~! So thoughtful of you~! Auntie is very happy, you know that~?"

"Irene, you're squeezing her..."

"But she's so fluffy~!" Irene whines childishly.

I can do nothing but chuckle, feeling sorry of the 'suffocating' girl. As her face is pressed against the huge rack which Irene possesses; she seems comfortable enough in that position, though.

"Right. Adam, register Erza Belserion and Irene Belserion into the household's database," I issue, as I breathe in deeply. "Prepare rooms for Erza and Lisa. Make sure they're all spotless, alright?"

[Already on it, sir. Database has registered Young Mistress Erza and Lady Irene.]

"Who was that, papa?" Erza, now turned her attention to me, asks curiously.

"My A.I butler. Can be a smartass sometimes but he's a good one. You will like him." I stand up from the couch, rolling my shoulders. "Right. Irene, we should head to your apartment. I'm going to call a moving company. We should be able to get things done before noon."

Irene nods, still continues to hug the kids. I smile at the sight, and soon turn my attention to my old desk full of paper and documents and pictures. I make my way to it, feeling nostalgic at the sight as I trace my fingers along the even surface of the wood.

Three years ago, I was still here, as Chief of Police. And Chen back then was already promoted to be head of the S.P.P.D's Special Inspection Unit. Some said she was promoted too young... perhaps too inexperienced. I, being myself, scoffed. Some learn faster than other. Then why the bloody hell must I prolong the inevitable when they already knew what they were doing?

That being said, the sight of Chen reporting to me every single morning when I was fighting against probably my most dangerous enemy, paperwork, does bring a smile to my face.

Can't believe it's three years since I left St. Petersburg.

There're even some newspapers here too—hmm, old newspapers... back from when I just left?

'Chief of Police resigns after the disaster. What really happened?'

'An abrupt retirement. A bitter goodbye of the Icon of St. Petersburg.'

'Former criminal mastermind is appointed as the new Chief of Police?! What is the city thinking?!'

'29 students were murdered cold-blooded. Former Police Chief takes full responsibilities?'




That day, was the final straw. Decisions overruled. Coward city officials. And, ignorant mayor. Nearly three decades of my life dedicated to this job was ready to be trashed away. And... I knew if I stayed like this any longer, I would break. 29 lives, their bloods on my hands. I failed them.

When Tallulah died... when I failed to protect her, I was bloody nearing it. And then it happened. So I had to escape. Had to leave before it was too late.

A man's soul could only carry so much, and mine was on the verge of breaking.

I was breaking... I knew it was only a matter of time before another came along.

So—I packed things up and left the same day. To get away from St. Petersburg. To get way from the city before it eats me alive. Before it cracks me. Before it drives me into insanity once more.

So—I left without saying a single word; just like that. Practically ghosted everyone that I know.

Terrible, wasn't I?




Do I even need therapy at this point? Personally, they don't usually work; at least for me.

"Henry?" Irene's soft voice snaps me out of the train of thoughts, prompts me to face her—as Irene hugs my arm, pressing her bosom against me. "You okay? You are quite... quiet."

"Just taking a walk down the memory lane. That's all," I reassure.

"The good or the bad?" she asks, seemingly worried.

"...Both," I answer, sighing deeply. "Both of them."

Irene hums, to which she beams softly. "You said it yourself. What happened, already happened. No use crying over spilled milk, right?"

I chuckle, nodding. "Yes. No use crying over spilled milk. We should go now."

With a wordless nod, Irene gestures the kids to come to us, as we hold their hands and start making our way back to the ground level. Erza just can't seem to stop smiling, all the way through; for good reasons; and I like seeing it. And once again the stares resume. Mainly focusing on Irene herself and the kids. Though this time they're more subtle. Not that I really care in the first place.

Still no sign of James or Hoshiguma. No Chen nor Beatrix in sight either. Where did they go?

"Are you worried about Chen?" Irene suddenly asks, tilting her head.

"A little bit, yes. She was pretty mad at me." For valid reasons, obviously.

"Don't worry, she'll come around. The girl cares about you a lot. Though slightly short-tempered."

That she is. That she really is. Just like her supposed rival. And I hope she comes around soon. For now, however, family comes first. Then other little things later.

...Funny. Family, huh? I used to be against it so much.

I do wonder what changed my mind so quickly.


And that's chapter 3 done.

As always, enjoy the chapter. Have a nice day, and stay safe out there :3

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