
A New Beginning: Re-Imagined

Henry Wright, a "retired" Chief of Police, returns home from his trip, only to find out his life has been complicated more than ever. A family, you say? Not what he expected, really. *This fic incorporates many elements from many different fictional works.

JustS_RandomWriter · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Home "Sweet" Home (new version)

On the morning I am to arrive in St. Petersburg, I draw my eyelids up, slowly, stirring back to life for the new day ahead. The longue chair sure is comfortable. The faint aroma of paper and leather find their way into my nose; my notebook slides off the face as my body starts shifting lightly, alongside the pencil, landing on my lap.

A hand over the face, rubbing it, and the eyes with the index finger and the thumb. I inhale before I exhale through the nose. Blinking eyes staring at the illuminated moon, in the dark sky of this early, very early morning; and among the countless stars. The breezy wind carries the fresh salty air of the sea, brings ever-so the pleasant scents, blows into the face, waking me up.

I stay in the chair for a moment, gazing at the sky, listening to the waves hitting the hull of the ship mellowly, almost soothing. The vessel—bringing no more than 200 passengers from London to the city of St. Petersburg—travels comfortably on the sea, as though enjoying the scenery. No one's up at this hour; not as early as four in the morning; especially not in Saturday.

4:00 AM. Waking at this hour is almost automatically, at this point, after so many years. Although, a certain A.I, my so-called butler, of mine begs to differ. Not that I blame him. Cannot fault him when I started hitting the sack after late midnight and all. So that'd a mean a few hours at best.

Alright. Time to resume the work. I pick up the leather-bound notebook and the pencil from my lap and flip the pages to the newest one, my current work-in-progress. My face softens; as the drawing of Tallulah comes into view. I brush my right thumb over her face, her so gentle smile, whilst feeling the corners of my mouth curving up.

A few more strokes of the pencil here and there. Highlighting those warm, keen, frank eyes of her. I highlight more at how she'd give her sincerest smile, enough to make all the tiredness disappear as I returned home after a long day work. And most importantly, her usual "welcome home."

Funny. Time flies fast, as it's already been ten years from that, well, damned fateful night.

Bloody hell. The more I think about it again, the more my mood starts to sour.

Before long, I finish the drawing. Smiling; quite satisfied with my work. I close the notebook, attach the pencil to the spine, and get up. Stretching the body before following the deck's soft blue lights, going back to the cabin, which I barely use nor stay during this long seven-day trip.

The room itself is not small but isn't big either. A broad window with the full view of the sea. I place the set of notebook and pencil into the travel bag on the couch. And while the bag itself hardly has anything in it, just two spare set of clothing and some essential items, it still is needed.

Before long, I find myself in the bathroom, taking a quick cold shower in order to get ready for new day. The stream of cold water feels heavenly, waking the senses. A deep breath, just as I step out of the shower up, drying myself thoroughly, start making my way to the basin.

Now standing in front of the mirror, looking at my reflection, my eyes slowly shutting half, as I spot yet another greyed hair strand. Like one every single day.

"Another one bites the dust," I remark dryly, touching the strand, before sighing. "Age rarely spares anyone. Can't say the same with this appearance though. Doesn't feel old looking at... this."

[I see you still look as good as always, sir. The ladies are still after you, aren't they?]

Ah, that charming British voice; just what I need first-thing in the early morning. Still saddens me till this day that I cannot achieve that accent, in spite of the time in London in my earlier years.

I hail my A.I butler with a small smile, and a soft grunt. "Morning, Adam."

[Good morning to you as well, sir. It appears you're in good spirits this morning.]

"Well, I have to." I scoop a handful of water from the basin, toss it across my face. Then wipe with a clean towel. All this just to make sure I am truly awake.

[That means you aren't looking forwards to seeing St. Petersburg again?]

"A bit of yes and no. I'm more curious to know when we'd arrive precisely. Any idea?"

[From my calculations, if the ship keeps this speed, you should be there when the sun rises.]

"So... around 6:30?"

[Around 6:30, yes.]

I acknowledge Adam's answer with a nod, start getting dressed in the clothes I was wearing. Simple grey crew neck T-shirt underneath the charcoal blazer. My favourite one; made specifically, with the tactical lining and such. Dark slim-fitting jeans. Coupled with the pair of Derby to top it off. And not to forget the watch, the belt, and the necklace, which has Tallulah's pendant.

Oh, Tallulah. I wish you were here with me, my sweet little flower.

Making myself appear at least presentable. With that done I turn on the HUD, which belongs to the built-in system that connects to Adam, and the watch—as the interface shows up, displays a variety of info in my eyesight while seamlessly compensating the vision for my empty left socket.

A butt-ton of messages and missed calls from Chen; several already-read ones from John; local and world news; you name it. I turn to my attention to the top left corner. Checking the time—4:21 A.M, and the current temperature—9°C with clear clouds and mild wind.

With getting myself ready done, I pick up the travel bag and exit the room. Return the longue chair where I "spent" my night on before making myself comfortable on it once again.

Now this is just a matter of time until the vessel is near the city.

"Alright. Adam, run me through the other messages. Let's see what we have today."

[The White House officially announced sir John Johnson as the winner of the election last night.]

"...Another term? Things are going to get busier, no doubt. Do send him my congratulations."

[Already on it. Madam Anastasia, knowing you'll be home this year asks, if you're willing to have her for the Christmas occasion. She claims, and quote, "it is lonely here, all alone, in the Russian winter", end quote. What shall be your response, sir?]

"I suppose I could use some company. Tell her to remember to bring the boozes with."

[And sent. Oh, and Miss Silverash sent another marriage proposal—]

"I'm not going to fuck her sisters," I say dryly. "Both of them."

To make it worse, one of them is seen, and viewed, as a saintess. Moreover, spent a night in a room with her is already mentally taxing enough. not because of her, though. She is pleasant lass to have as the textbook example of wife material. Surely, if I were about twenty years younger, I'd definitely take her as my lovely beloved.

Moreover, this is also about fucking politics. Sick of them then. Sick of them now.

[If you really want to help them, I think you should deal with this—as soon as possible. Perhaps you could sort things out with Miss Silverash herself as well. She seems fond of you.]

"I know. I know! Fuck me. Damned BLOODY politics," I grumble.

Seriously though. Just what have I gotten my ass into again this time? The more I think about it the more I start regretting taking that trip.

Not to mention, this kind of decision shouldn't be taken lightly. Are they really fine with me? All the responsibilities that would come afterwards. The headaches. The list goes on.

I suppose I could use some of Eloise's touch and finest brews tonight.

If things were to me I'd just bloody storm their fucking houses with guns blazing; then threaten the motherfuckers not to touch nor go near either of them ever again. Of course, I was stopped, by the eldest sister of the three herself.

[From what I observed, they're all very keen on you. I don't think it is really matter, to who you shall do it with, sir. If miss Klara was alive, she'd say something like: foursome is the key.]


"Please, my dear Adam. Not another word about this... please."

To which Adam makes a noticeable sigh. [Very well. I shall inform them of your answer. However—I must also warn you, the longer you prolong this affair the worse the outcome shall become; let the late Silverash couple be the example if how cruel and dirty politics could be sometimes.]

"I'm well-aware," I mutter, sighing. "Anything else? Or that'll be the end of it?"

[Unless you wish to undone the notification filters, that'd be the end of it, sir.]


By the time St. Petersburg is within the sight, the sky has turned blue while the sun's welcoming the new day in "Rome of the West" with its gentle sunlight, brightening the city and the blue of the sea, as the waves following along the blustery winds. By now the front deck is alive with people. Tourists and visitors, all dressing warmly; and their voices and laughs.

And the stares. Stares that are bloody screaming, "I want to take him as my mate," considering how the male ratio of the entire world is visibly shrinking every year; to the point I sometimes ask myself if Earth has already become THE women's world.

Some men may find this paradise but I only want to get prepared when the estrus cycle arrives. The ladies tend to be a bit "aggressive" when these times of the year're around; even if they take the pill and all. To put it simply, a woman in heat is bloody dangerous, let alone a bunch of them.

Though, that's not the whole reason for the stares. In the most part, I don't seem to mind the stares that much, because I'm already used to them. Learned to live with them. And thus, it doesn't bother me, nor interrupt my enjoyment of watching the clear sea, just be with myself.

Now standing with my travel bag slung over my shoulder, I lightly lean towards the handrail, take a deep breath and exhale through the nose, finish with a satisfied grunt. Albeit St. Petersburg bearing many painful memories and regrets, seeing its sight again after three years is surprisingly nice. That I don't really miss it that much. But home is still, well, home. Perhaps.

Even though some its part are already gone forever. Cannot take them back.

Then comes a distant nose in the sky. Prompting me to raise a questioning brow—and lift my head up, eyes squinting. In an instant spotting two shadows in the sky, as they slowly descending. A Kirin and a Lung in their Primal Form, immediately draw attentions to themselves. The murmurs, the awe and the whispers from my fellow passengers, who all start pointing at them with mixed faces.

Folks who can turn into their Primal Form are pretty rare after all, which explains the reactions; such majestic forms, not going to lie, moving as if dancing with the clouds in the sky. That said, I'm more curious to know why they're here both, based on their most likely destination, the Mayor Tower. On top of this, a Lung with her bodyguard isn't something you'd see everyday.

[While I do not have a clear idea of their identities, I do know they are officials from the kingdom of Qin. For what's their purpose here in St. Petersburg, you might need to ask the mayor herself.]

"I don't intend to, unless they create troubles in the city. But do keep a track on them—"

I pause, feel something, or rather someone just hit my leg. I turn my head down, notice a little Lung rubbing her forehead while wincing slightly. Adorable.

"You okay there, little one?" I ask, turning full attention to her as I kneel, put the bag on the floor.

"I-I'm alright," she answers, then points at the sky. "But my balloon is..."

I turn to where she's pointing, see a dragon-shaped balloon's already flying; out of reach. I put on a soft smile, tilting my head back to her. Only to see the girl staring deeply at me. Her mouth opens a little bit, looks like in awe, while beaming brightly.

Cannot help but chuckle at this, even though I already experienced this kind of thing many times.

"First time seeing a real living true human?" I ask, drawing an eager nod from her. "Well, if that's the case, what do you think? See any real noticeable differences between us?"

"You don't have horns and tail like us, mister!"

"But other than that, our appearances are quite similar, aren't they?"

The Lung girl gives me another nod. Wagging her smooth-scaled tail side to side excitedly. I let out a chuckle, put my left hand on top of her head and give her hair a good stroke; which she seems to enjoy very much from his blissful she's looking right now.


"Were you also looking at the Kirin and the Lung in the sky?" I continue, as I put my hand down.

The girl bobs a head, looks disappointed, before her eyes widen, as if realized something.

"I-I'm sorry for bumping into you, mister!" she quickly apologizes with a bow.

"It's alright. Just be more careful and watch where you're going next time, alright? Here. I think I do have something for you here."

I reach my hand into the blazer inner pocket, pulling out several wrapped candies, making the girl's eyes brighten almost immediately, much to my amusement. I hand them to her. She receives with a wide beam on her face. Her tail wagging faster.

"Don't eat too much. And don't eat too close before each meal, okay?" She nods; which I notice the sight of a Lung and a Draco, appearing to look for someone. And, catching the resemblances of the pair and this little one here, they must be her mothers.

"Your mothers are looking for you, by the way," I notify, gesture towards the pair with my head; she turns around, instantly starts call out to her mothers, who immediately hear the girl and turn to her. Both smiling in relief and approaching. "Go on now. Don't keep them wait."

"Thank you very much, mister human! See you later!"

"Alright. Take care of yourself too. And don't run."

I exhale a small sigh from my nose, pick up my bag and stand up, watch the girl rejoin her mothers. Turning my gaze back to the sea, once again. Allowing a small hum to myself while putting my arm on the handrail.

Before realizing it, the cruise ship makes their announcement, as everyone gets ready to disembark, with the luggage and belongings, by their side. Following with the flow of people making their way off the vessel, soon I find myself with my feet finally touching the land after seven long days. Which does put a big smile on my face.

[You have arrived, sir. Welcome back to St. Petersburg.]

"Home sweet home, I suppose."

Walking along the wooden pier, hearing the, waves hitting the shore, I gaze at the colourful trees in the November, from striking red to bright yellow—in the streets, roads, mixed among the buildings and houses on the hill, a woods. Creating a enchanting view to look from the harbour. And let's not overlook the ever so delightful scent of St. Petersburg's autumn, breezy and fresh.

Soon I reach the main road. A whistle, drawing some eyes to myself. Then a short moment—before a certain black Yamaha VMAX comes into view, rides towards by herself before she stops in front of me. Lightly beeping and turning the engine off.

I smirk, approaching my bike, nod to myself as I trail my fingers across her surface, appreciating the fact Adam takes good care of her while I'm away.

"She looks as good as ever, Adam. Great work."

[Thank you, sir. I did my best to keep your preferred ride in its tip-top shape.]

"That you did. Went beyond and above as well."

I let out a soft chuckle, putting my bag on the passenger seat, ready to secure and ride.

"W-Woah... uncle is a real living true human, j-just like the US president."

To which I pause when I hear a soft voice speaks behind me. I curve both brows at the word "uncle" since I'm supposed to be the only true human here, turn around. And meet, welcomed by a look of awestruck of an adorable little blonde-haired Vulpo.

Not any Vulpo, however; this one has nine tails. Nine frigging fox tails; all large and fluffy; all appear to ready to be fluffed at any moment. You don't get to see that everyday.

Wait a minute. Since when do I have a niece!? Though, she does seem familiar. Where have I seen a face similar to this little one before? Cannot seem to put my finger on.

"Well, aren't you an adorable little Vulpo?" I chuckle, watching her fidget at my comment, and lower myself, down to her level; kneeling; putting on the friendliest smile I could manage. "Good morning, sweetheart. May this... supposed old uncle of yours know who you actually are?"

In return, she makes a realized face. Hurriedly reaching inside her coat pocket, to pull out a piece of folded paper. Which she then hands it to me with both hands. And soon, my eyes start catching the sight of the recognized handwriting, reading: For Captain.

"...No wonder! You look so familiar! You're Angelina's little girl!" I speculate, earning an earnest nod from the Vulpo girl. Prompting me to take the paper, and stroke her hair. Specially around the base of her large fox ears on top, either side of her head. "How're you doing, little one? And what're you doing here in St. Petersburg anyway?"

"I'm doing fine, uncle. Just a little tired from the long flight," she answers, smiling, with a face which basically tells she is enjoying the sensation, purring each time my fingers move around the ears; her tails shifting delightfully.

My goodness. Lord above. This much cuteness is just bloody illegal.

"Where's Angelina, your mother? Why are you here alone?"

But, upon hearing my question, her smile slowly fades. Her tails stop moving. Her ears droop down, both of them. She looks down, avoiding my gaze, stares at her foot. Straightaway I start seeing that something has happened. A gulp. To which I trace my gaze to the folded note, frowning.

I move my hand away from her head, unfold the note and begin reading:

'I hope you haven't forgotten your promise, Captain. I'm leaving Lisa in your hands. Take good care of daughter. Love her like she is your own and she will love you back with all her heart.

Don't come to Sicily. Don't look for me. Just don't. The love of my life laid down her life for my Lisa. Now it's my turn to do the same thing. My turn to end this mess we created once and for all.

You were right, Captain. I should have stayed in Kyoto and forgot both my father and mother.

If there is a next life, please find me. I'll always be waiting for you.

Thank you for everything. And goodbye. Take care, Captain.

Angelina out.'


"Fuck," I mutter under my breath, quickly disposing the paper by eating it. Grunting. Rolling fingers, forming hand into fist before loosening. I bite my lower lip, then click my tongue. "Angelina, you..."

This goddamned moron! Fucking hell.

"It's alright, uncle," Lisa assures. "I know what mom does! Ever since my arm was injured, mom has... rarely let me out. Actually, I don't blame Mom. But I worry a lot more about how mom will deal with those bad guys! So I am going to listen to mom and be a good girl under your care. Live a good life that mom always wanted me to. I'm sure it would make mom less worried!"

I blink, turn my attention the Vulpo girl, Lisa, pick up on what she said just now; she did it with such a smile, big and bright. What a strong girl. Yet at the same time—I could clearly tell the girl's on the verge of breaking down. Her knees are quivering. While her pupils are shaking. Both eyes gradually turn red, by the seconds, with bits of small tears slowly forming and rolling down her cheeks.

Bloody hell. Being a daughter of the leader of the mafia, it ain't an easy life.

I breath out a sigh, grunting softly, reach and hold her hands as I squeeze them; got her attention. I soften my face, with my thumb I start wiping the tears off her face, smiling softly.

"Don't worry, Lisa," I assure the girl. "You're safe with me here. Everything's going to be okay. And if I happen to hear anything from your mother, I shall let you know immediately, alright?"

In return, Lisa gives me an wordless nod, sniffing, tries to force a smile. Another sigh, to which I pull her into me, let her rest on my shoulder. As one hand rubbing her back. The other stroking her hair and patting her head gentle. All while embracing her like how a father would to his daughter.

"Everything's going to be okay. I promise, Lisa. I promise."

A muffled sniff, follows up with Lisa rubbing her face against my chest; she wraps both arms around me, little by little starts sobbing, fingers gripping my shirt tightly.

First day back in St. Petersburg, and something like this already happened.

No rest for the wicked, is it, John?

[Rest assured, sir. I will try my best to get a hold of miss Angelina's situation in Sicily; and should my network manage to locate her or her movement, I'll notify you immediately.]

We stay like this for a moment until Lisa finally calms down. A few sniffs; she pulls herself back from me, composing herself. Wipes her tears away with her palms. By now, I move my hand from the top of her head down to her cheek, caress her. as she seemingly melts into my touch. All of her tails are shifting again, delighted. To which I hold her hands again, kissing them deeply.

I look at her, deep into her forest-green eyes. Bright, warm and frank. Just like her mothers'; a quick glance, from her top to her bottom. She cannot be no more than ten, perhaps twelve. However, she appears quite developed for someone her age; standing around my midriff. Wearing a simple white frilled dress, long-sleeved, knee-high, with white stockings and black footwear.

She too wears a blue hairband over her champagne-blonde head; a fringe covering her forehead as her long sidelocks hiding the human ears part. Each strand of her hair, along with her large fox-ears and her tails, has white tips; akin to a fox. Really highlighting the beauty of her now-merry face.

Good. Looks like her mood is a lot better now, which definitely is great.

"Almost forgot. Did you fly all the way from Sicily to St. Petersburg alone?" I ask, a bit worried.

"No, uncle. Mom's secretary was with me," she replies, smiling. "We flew together. She even stayed, and waited until your ship arrived. And we just got here an hour ago."

"Then where is she?"

"She's... already gone as soon as we saw you coming here."

And right after she finishes her stomach growls, causing to the girl's face to go bright red. Lisa puts her hands over her stomach, casting her gaze to the side as both her fox ears and tails droop down adorably. I cannot help but chuckle at the sight, patting her head again.

"I see. Well, since you're not too tired, I suppose we could get some breakfast," I start, getting Lisa's attention with a grin. "If you like, I can take you go around the city. Just get used to where you shall be staying. And the time zone. That's two birds killed with one stone. So, what do you think?"

"I love the sound of it~," she answers brightly.

Cannot not chuckle at that. Which I stroke her hair one final time, before standing to my feet. Brush the dirt of the ankles. Taking notice of the small luggage bag by her side, I gesture towards it with a finger, looking back at her. Lisa gives me a bob of her head, prompts me to grab the luggage. Then I place it on the bike's luggage rack behind the passenger seat—which has a backrest, because why not? My travel bag comes next, placed on top Lisa's luggage; both are secured with a strap.

I get on the bike first, start the engine. I tilt my head to Lisa, finding the Vulpo girl appear a little bit nervous at the bike itself, gulping a big lump in her throat.

"Don't be afraid. She's not going to bite."

The girl smiles sheepishly, in response; which she starts getting on the passenger seat with my help and making herself seated comfortably, gets close and holds to me quite tightly. A little bit shaking here and there, seems to be a mix of worry and eagerness. Must be her first time on a bike.

Either way, as soon as the wheels start rolling, we soon find ourselves on the road. Travelling, with a relatively tame speed, contrast to how fast I usually would go. No need to scare the crap out of her. First impression is important, as it always has been since the beginning.

And a niece to take care right in the first day back home? Life's just bloody unpredictable.


"Is that where you work, uncle?" Lisa asks curiously, pointing at the somewhat modernized building we're heading to, holding my hand while she looks at the surroundings.

"Worked. Used to work here. I'm already retired," I correct.

"But... you look so young."

"Looks can be deceiving, my dear," I say, chuckling. "That said, I'm a lot older than you think."

The Vulpo girl hums thoughtfully, then smiles. "How old are you, uncle?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I tell you anyway. So no."

"Eh... Please, uncle?"


"Pretty please~?"

Damn. Them puppy eyes are really dangerous. But not against me!

"No means no." I grin playfully, making the girl pout cutely. "Anyways, we're not here for long. I just swing by to say hello, then we can get going again; need to at least say something before everyone thinks I'm already disappeared."

Passing the parked cars—with a couple police cars among them—we enter the building through its front glassed-door, sliding open as we near, met with the sight of a fairly peaceful lobby. Instantly, I got my attention on the reception desk, glance at the new face. A Lupo; with both of her black wolf ears twitching. Turning to us. She lifts her head up from the desk. Apparently noticed the unfamiliar footsteps.

We approach her. I put on a small smile. And she returns with a warm one. What a darling lass.

"Good morning," the Lupo policewoman greets warmly. "How may I be of assistance today?"

"I'm looking for Madam Chen of Special Inspection Unit. And if possible, Chief James."

"Did you make an appointment with them?" she asks, straightening her uniform skirt.

"No. But I do believe they are expecting me at the moment."

"Really?" The Lupo raises a brow with a skeptical gaze.

I chuckle, taking out my ID card, hand it to her. "Yes, they're expecting Henry Wright."

The Lupo inclines her head, receives my ID. Though, soon she pauses, blinking, looks at me and the ID card back and forth. Her eyes slowly widening. And her lower jaw drops.

"You mean... t-that... that same Henry Wright...?! FORMER S.P.P.D CHIEF OF POLICE?!" she suddenly cries at the top of her lungs, which got everyone's eyes on us.

"Yeah, that's me," I confirm. Wincing. "And please, don't get so loud. You're practically screaming at me and my niece, my dear."

Which I gesture to Lisa, who's covering her fox ears with her hands.

She immediately slaps both hands over her mouth, giving me an apologetic look. Soon she seems... calm down a bit, slowly removes both of her hands. Eyes gaping, downright in disbelief.

"F-Forgive me, sir! I just don't expect to see you here, after your public retirement, sir."

"Nah, it is alright. And do drop the formalities; I'm Chief of Police no longer. Just a normal citizen of St. Petersburg at the moment. Regardless, is that uptight workaholic of a dragoness here, or maybe that goddamned old-timer of mine?"

"Chief James just went out, with ma'am Hoshiguma. But I believe Madam Chen is in her office. Your old office, sir."

"Ah, so they let her use it? I wonder if she already found that hidden stash." I grin.

"Should I notify madam Chen of your arrival, sir?"

"Nah. I want to make this a surprise."

"As you wish, sir. Although, please be careful when you see her."


"She's a little... how should I put this, on edge these days."

"The reason?"

"I heard that it has to do with her most recent case."

"I see. Perhaps I could give her a hand, if she wants to—"

I pause, shutting my eyes for a brief moment, as my nose catches the distinct scent of a gentle rose perfume in the air, oddly familiar. The rapid clicking of the heels on the floor in the distance, almost as though in a hurry. Quickly approaching our position.

Yeah. Definitely that good old tiny tiger; barbecued cat.


And that high-pitched scream. I take a step back, half-lidded eyes watching a ball of yellow fur goes flying sailing through the air past me, crashing into the wall. People—including the Lupo, and Lisa—wince collectively. My Vulpo niece puts on an adorable confused face, looks at me. Adorable.

I, on the other hand, shake my head, turn my gaze to the Feline girl with her signature drilled hair. I watch her slowly stand up while she rubs her red nose. She snaps her head to me. Half of her face's shadowed by her fringe as she marches towards me. Hands forming into fist. To which she grips my collar and jerks me down to her height. Can't hold my chuckle when I see that glare.

"That's rude! Why the hell did you dodge, meanie old bastard?!"

"Swire, you're not exactly the lightest person here in SPPD—oof!"

"HAAH?!!!! Did you say something, old fart?!! Wanna die that badly?!!"

"H-Hey now, ain't that the truth—"

"Take that back, old bastard!! I'm not fat!!!"

"I didn't say anything about you being fat though—"

"AAAAHHHH!!! MY GOSH!!! You're so irritating sometimes, you know that?!!"

Ah, how I have missed this one. Them daily teasing. Such a nostalgic feeling.

"Why are you grinning like that, huh?!"


My face softens, as Beatrix follows up. She exhales a small sigh with the corners of her mouth curve up into a fond smile. She opens her arms, quickly embracing me as I return the gesture, patting her back and stroking her hair, her cat-ears, at the same time. We pull ourselves from the embrace with our softened gazes sending at each, smiling widely.

"I miss you, Chief. It's good to finally have you back," she says softly. "Did you arrive this morning?"

"This morning, yeah."

"You should've called me to pick you up."

"And let you skip work? No way." She pouts. "And learn to call me by my name from now on."

"You know I—we can't do that, right?" Beatrix giggles; she then notices the Vulpo girl, who's staring at the her, with her head tilted cutely and tails moving slowly. The Feline girl blinks a few times, and turn to me and my niece back and forth.

"Before you jump to the conclusions," I start, "this is Lisa, my niece from Italy. Lisa, this Beatrix Swire of the SPPD. Say hello to her, Lisa."

"I-It's a pleasure to meet you, miss Swire," Lisa says with a small bow, smiling.

"Good Lord! She's so cute!" Swire instantly kneels down, hugging and taking Lisa by surprise, whilst she rubs her cheek against Lisa's. Her cat-tail wagging excitedly. "What an adorable creature! Chief, can I keep her? I want to hug her all day~!"

"That is enough, Beatrix." I chop her head, make the Feline stop. As she yelps, clutching her head. "I am not okay with you making my niece uncomfortable. Control yourself."

"But those tails! Don't you see those soft fluffy tails!?" she whines.

"Yes. Yes. I know." I smile; to which I offer my hand to Lisa, who takes my hand. Holds it with a large beam on her face, melting my heart. I clear my throat, turning to a fuming Beatrix. "Anyway we'll be leaving soon; just here to say hello. I'm giving Lisa a tour around the city. Have to let her know what her new home looks like after all."

"I'm jealous, you know~."

I chuckle; with a quick nod to the Lupo girl, we start making our way to the elevator as Beatrix soon follows us, walking at my elbow with a gleeful hum.

"So, what were you doing in those three years away, chief?"

I grunt, thinking of an answer. "Well, travel across the country. Then across the world; visit some old friends," I answer honestly. As I meet her earnest look. "Had some unfinished businesses; tied some, well, bloody loose ends. Took care of some unwanted pests. You bloody name it."

"I guess you never have a real rest in your life, huh?"

"Wish I had one, really. Troubles follow everywhere I go like leeches."

"Because you're a trouble magnet?"

"Perhaps." I snort. "In any case, how about you? How do you feel working, and operating under the leadership of my old friend, the mad man himself, hmm?"

Which Beatrix gives me a blank look. "I still can't believe you convinced him to turn over a new leaf; and somehow forced your will on the mayor and city officials," she replies dryly. And sighs. "I guess the job is easier with all his connections all over the St. Petersburg. But I can't help but feel cautious whenever I'm near him. It feels like he's always scheming something every second."

"Just don't mind him. He's always wanted a way out of that damned life, so I gave him one."

"I suppose so..." She sighs exasperatedly.

And not so long after we stand in front of an old oak door. And with a small breath, nostalgias start rushing back. And voices drumming through my mind. For a brief moment, I stand motionless, with a smile on my face, nodding to myself.

Another breath, to which I bring my hand up, knock on the door with my knuckles; then comes one familiar "come in," prompts me to twist the knob, slowly push the door open.

Familiar scent, much as it's already embedded in the room, gradually rouses the memories; all good and bad. They're all here. I blink a few times, exhale from the nose. I trace my eyes, across the room; the long desk filled with papers; bookshelves; cases; clue board; weapon rack... along with a training dummy. Ah, and those certificates of honors.

That overachiever. Bloody show off.

Speaking of her, there she is! Sitting, and working behind the desk. Seemingly not yet noticed all of our presence. Seemingly immersed herself in the stack of papers and documents. Biting her nails as she scratches her sea-blue hair, let them loose. Ruby-red eyes, focusing on the papers intently. And those bags under them. When was the last time she slept?

And the clue board behind her. Those pictures. Those names... They all seem so—




After around two dozens drafts or so, I finally realized I am not comfortable with 3rd POV yet. So yeah, I continue writing in 1st person, changing the first chapter a bit.

Sorry for the long wait XD

Anyway, if you like this one more than the first, I will start the series from here and delete the old ones. That said, have a nice day and stay safe out there :)

JustS_RandomWritercreators' thoughts