
A new beginning in Fairy Tail

The moment I opened my eyes I found myself in another world, not just any world but a world of wizards, the world of Fairy Tail. Now I must find a way to survive against the strongest enemies of this world, and that's why I have no choice but to be stronger. This fanfic uses characters and scenarios that belong to Hiro Mashima's work.

openg_Roger · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

On the way to the port city of Hargeon, there was a commercial carriage, which was escorted by 5 mercenaries distributed around it, inside the carriage you could hear two people talking comfortably.

-In this trip we have done quite well and all thanks to you, since I have your support we have had nothing but profits.

-hahaha. Mr. Filiph, not everything is due to me, you have also contributed a lot to make the trip productive.

The people talking inside the carriage, were none other than Filiph and Shun, who were returning from their trip, their cheerful laughter could be heard from time to time from outside the carriage, which showed that the trip had been quite beneficial for them.

-Shun, let's get some rest. We are already very close to the city so we have a few hours left before we arrive.

-Yes, you're right, after all, when we get there we'll be busy going over the profits from the sale of the products.

With these words, silence fell on the carriage they were riding in.


A lot had happened in these 4 years since I bought my first magic book, my physical age was 16 years old, although I have only been in this world for 7 years.

Thanks to my efforts in learning to write and read, at the age of 14 I started to help Filiph with his travels, and with this I was able to get new information about this world, such as; the Flora, fauna, social status, common sense and among others.

Talking about the Flora of this world, there are plants that are the same as my previous world, there are also plants that are original specimens of this world and magical plants that possess magic of some kind, but the latter are very rare.

Well, as for the fauna is also identical division, being that there are also animals that are equal to my previous world, animals that only exist in this world and magical creatures, in the latter there are also creatures of artificial and natural origin.

The social status of this world is very complex, there is royalty, there is a magical council which also exercises much political power in the Kingdom, also each city has its ruler, there are also lineages of wealthy families and finally there are also the commoners, which can be merchants, magicians and others, the good thing is that apparently slavery is prohibited, so there is nothing to worry about.

At first, when I started helping Filiph I did not know what was common in this world, but over time I gathered personal experience, some more embarrassing than others and thanks to that I have formed a general idea of what is normal in this world.

And although I lack much more to know about this world, I have not abandoned at any time my training regimen, but I have been increasing the difficulty of it over time and by that I mean the physical and magical, in my physical training I have been increasing the difficulty of a little at first, this was because of my health condition, but when I recovered completely, I began to perform much more intense workouts this was because I discovered that they sold magic medicines that help recover fatigue and muscle wasting, I began to do much more intense workouts this was because I discovered that they sold magical medicines that helped to recover fatigue and muscle wasting, although at first it took me to get used to it, I knew well that there would be times in which I would have to rely on my physical, it was because my magical power was very little, so to cover at this time this lack.

Also with the help of the mercenaries who saved me that time, I was able to learn to fight with different weapons such as; sword, spear and bow, without forgetting to learn hand to hand combat, in one of those trainings I asked him if there was a rank within his guild, but to my misfortune there was nothing like that, although he told me that people usually differentiate them by time, fame and completed missions that has the group or person in the guild that belongs, he also told me that to perform some missions should be class S or SS class and those were the only ranks that existed, with that information I could create a kind of reference rank for myself, which would go like this:

Novice Mercenary, Beginner Mercenary, Intermediate Mercenary, Veteran Mercenary, S-Class Mercenary, SS-Class Mercenary and Master Mercenary.

And using that reference I would know more or less their strength and combat experience, by the way, the mercenary group that accompanies us would be "Intermediate Mercenaries" because, although they are not a novice group, they are not veterans either.

For my part, my rank would be "Intermediate Mercenary" but due to my lack of combat experience I would lose a battle with one of them, of course this would be without using magic.

Speaking of magic I have progressed quite a lot, not as much as I would have liked, but that is due to my reduced amount of magical power, something that I have been responsible for increasing over time, although with the passage of time has been slowing its rate of increase, one thing to note is that in this world it is not normal to increase the magical power, Thanks to my studies I discovered that in the books it is called "first origin" to the place where the Ethernano of nature is stored and this store or container can not increase but already comes with a certain size from birth, so in other words I am a special case.

And if I wasn't I would have been left with such a tiny amount of magical power that would have only allowed me to use magic to move earth and nothing else, I've been thinking that's why it took me so long to manipulate the sand, it may be that at first I had zero magical power but with my meditation and practice I was gradually gathering Ethernano within my "first origin" and thus then allowing me to do my first magic.

I also learned that I can increase my magical power drastically, if I put myself in high risk situation, apparently it is because my spirit is put to test in those difficult moments, thus accelerating the process of gathering Ethernano in my body, to secure my life, even though the mental fatigue I feel in those moments is not pleasant at all and after that I have to take a good rest to recover.

All this goes back, when I went on my first trip with Filiph and the mercenary group, said group apparently called "the wolf fangs" a very cliché name, we were arriving to our first town, but we were ambushed by a group of bandits at the entrance, which numbered 7, first came 5 at the front of the carriage that had the objective to draw the attention of the mercenaries, So that the remaining 2 of them sneaked to the back of the carriage, where we were me and Filiph to take us hostage and force the mercenaries to surrender, they did this knowing that they had no chance in a direct combat with them, when the fight began the mercenaries to be paying attention to the 5 bandits, they could not see two shadows in the forest heading back.

I for my part was preparing myself in case something unexpected happened, I could not leave everything to chance and I could not leave everything to chance, thinking about this I proceeded to equip myself with a light leather armor and I asked Filiph to pass me a spear that we had as a spare for one of the mercenaries.

As I was getting out of the carriage, I quickly looked around and I could observe that from the side of the forest 2 men were coming out, each one carrying a sword, they without waiting for my appearance stopped abruptly and at that very moment I shouted out loud.


The bandits realizing their mistake, ran towards me quickly, seeing that I held the spear I was carrying horizontally and swung it from left to right wildly, this I did to keep a distance from the bandits, thanks to this again they stopped, but this time not far away from me, I knew I was not going to be able to keep them away any longer, so before that, I demanded my mind to think of a solution.

Calming down quickly, I began to reason about everything that had happened so far, I knew that the group of "wolf fangs" were fighting with some bandits in front of the carriage and that apparently they did not trust in winning, because they sent these 2 to attack us, so I did not need to win this fight, only to extend it, to give the "wolf fangs" time to deal with the ones in front and come to rescue us.

With this in mind, I had to find a way to make this fight a 1 vs 1 because against 2, I wasn't going to hold out for long.

So I took advantage of a moment of distraction from the bandits to pick up a stone from the ground.

-Hey, brat, stop fucking with us, you think that with a pebble you're going to stop us.

-If the brother is right, quickly drop that spear and we might have mercy on you.

Not paying attention to the babbling of these bandits, I concentrated on improving the stone with magic, my plan was to incapacitate one of them giving him a precious blow in the eye, but that needed to use magic to work, first I would improve the hardness of the pebble with earth magic, then with fire magic I would propel it and finally with wind magic I would make it spin to gain speed and penetration.

Performing these actions quickly and successively took me a few minutes, at that precise moment the bandits became desperate and made a coordinated movement, one went directly to me from the left and the other calmly approached my right, seeing this I hurried to take the best possible position to throw the improved pebble with more force.

Aiming at the bandit on my left side, the one closest to me, I released the stone from my hand with all my possible strength and directed it directly at the head of the man who came running towards me.

The bandit at first paid no attention to the stone I threw, then when he realized how fast he was flying, it was too late to dodge it, the stone ended up hitting him in the eye.


A second later, I could hear the shriek of pain of that poor man, dropping the sword he tried to stop the bleeding from his right eye with both hands.

Seeing what had happened, I was momentarily surprised, although my magic had not completely improved the pebble, it was still very useful the improvement of hardness and speed.

When my mind calmed down, I hurriedly took a close look at the current situation, I saw the other bandit watching his companion, then following his line of sight I could also observe the bandit lying on his knees on the ground, holding his wound to avoid bleeding out.

The bandit that a moment ago was still, began to react and looked at me with rage, at the moment that my eyes fell on him again, I watched as he swung his sword diagonally towards me, and from one moment to the next my chest burned, the bandit had managed to inflict a superficial wound, I adjusted my spear that not long ago I had been aiming at the other wounded bandit, I tried to widen the distance between us again, but the pain did not allow me to think properly and I ended up swinging the spear wildly without any control.

Seeing that it was impossible for him to get close to me, the man resorted to his only solution, first he jumped back to accommodate his new position, and then he raised his horizontal sword to his shoulders in a throwing position, at that moment I realized his intentions, but I could no longer stop him, taking momentum the bandit threw his sword hard towards my chest area.

Several thoughts passed watching the sword flying towards me, first I looked for a solution, then I got angry with myself for not having predicted it before and finally resignation to my dead, all these thoughts passed in an instant in my mind.


I screamed.

I screamed with all my heart, I did not want to die like this, I would not allow myself to die this way, there had to be a solution, in that instant I remembered it, I did not know why I had forgotten it, I had no idea why I did not remember it before, what was it, well what else could it be, it was that something that only this world has, that something that I dedicated all my determination to obtain it, in that something I believed, it was nothing but MAGIC, if in this world it exists, and it can do everything.

Remembering it quickly, I put all my concentration on it, I was going to make a wall of earth, the truth did not know if it was going to work, I had practiced doing it, but it never took too long, but this time I had to do it and quickly, because I had no time.

At that instant the sword instantly the sword came to me.

I could not avoid closing my eyes at that instant, so I did not know if it had worked or not, after what seemed like hours, a pain came to my abdomen.

-haa... so I couldn't stop it.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was my abdomen, I was still wearing the light leather armor, but that didn't catch my attention, what took my full attention was the sword that was stuck in it, the sword had indeed hurt me, but only a part of it, most of it had been stopped by a wall of earth that was in front of me.

After seeing that, the earthen wall crumbled and the sword fell to the ground, along with them I fell down fainting too.

That was a traumatic experience for me that I will never forget, although I got over it.

When I woke up they explained to me how the whole thing ended, apparently they had already taken care of all the bandits in front and when they were running towards me, they saw me faint, and well being the bandit alone, he surrendered quickly.

After that I made a lot more effort to learn how to fight with weapons and I practiced my magic for a longer time, now at the present time, at my 16 years of age, I can fight all of them by myself, of course that is using magic.

Thinking about it, I saw the carriage approaching closer to the city, I wanted to get there quickly to buy a new book of magic, because the one I had spent reading on the trip was already finished.