
A new beginning in Fairy Tail

The moment I opened my eyes I found myself in another world, not just any world but a world of wizards, the world of Fairy Tail. Now I must find a way to survive against the strongest enemies of this world, and that's why I have no choice but to be stronger. This fanfic uses characters and scenarios that belong to Hiro Mashima's work.

openg_Roger · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

Waking up, I slowly proceeded to open my eyes, which met the same wooden ceiling of yesterday.

A part of me wanted this to be just a dream and nothing more, because hell who would want to change their comfortable and safe life for such an unknown world, now is not the time to think about that, what I need now is to gather information.

Well, gathering the information I have so far I can come to only one thing I know for sure, I am a reincarnate and I don't know anything else, but what a great conclusion of mine.


This new body of mine has no memories of what his life was like before yesterday and I only know my current situation thanks to Filiph, but it's not like I can blindly trust him, sure I'm grateful to him for saving me and all that, but I'd be too naive a person if I believe in him, so I'll keep my caution for now.

Because imagine if coming to town and he sells me to a as a slave, although the man seems not to be a bad guy, it's like they say "better safe than sorry".

I must say that for now Filiph is a walking library of information for me, so let's make the most of it while we can.

While I was having such thoughts, the man himself approached.

-Hello, how are you feeling now.

Thus bringing me out of my thoughts, I replied:

-Much better than yesterday, thank you for saving me sir.

-Don't worry about that, how about we talk about yesterday.

I nodded my head.

-Well, do you remember how you got there?

-I can't remember anything.

Concerned Filiph asked me.

-Do you even know your name?

The moment I remembered that, I wanted to hit my head because I thought about how distracted I had been by all this reincarnation stuff, to the point that I missed that little detail, well for my part I consider that a new life deserves a new name so let's think.


-My name is Shun

-Well, Shun let me introduce myself again, my name is Filiph and I am a merchant.

-Good to meet you.

-Leaving that aside, let's go have breakfast it will take us a couple of hours to reach our destination.


The young man we rescued is recovering well and although his memory loss is worrisome, we are thankful that he is alive.

I don't know if he is very lucky to be alive or very unlucky to have ended up like this, leaving that aside, although our arrival to the city was delayed to give him a proper treatment and rest, we can now continue our journey and I estimate that we can be arriving in the city in the afternoon.

I am going to help the boy with everything I can when we get to the city, because if I have already started to help him why not finish him until the end.

Hours after breakfast, we proceeded to unpack and continue our journey, one thing to note is that also the mercenaries were glad that the boy, now Shun was recovering properly.

Our journey was much slower than normal, this was because both myself and the mercenaries wanted Shun to rest more comfortably, so it took us longer to reach the city, but nothing out of the calculations I had made earlier in the morning.


I was quite curious to know what city we were heading to, but I couldn't ask, well they didn't let me do anything but rest, I understand that they are worried about my health and that but for the same reason I couldn't gather information about this world.

I understand if, but this is not too much because they have me locked up without leaving the carriage seems to think I'm made of glass, now I know nothing of what awaits me when I got to the city, I hope I do not take a big surprise, I'm imagining it as a medieval city with stone streets or something like that.

My strength is recovering little by little, although my condition is still very fragile, I have already thought of some countermeasures just in case I get sold or something like that, although the man seems very friendly you can't rely on appearances so it doesn't hurt some other security countermeasures.

While I was still thinking about this, I heard Filiph speak to me.

-Shun, we are almost there.

With this I became more nervous and intrigued, it would be the first city that would know this new life, and the same would give me a lot of information of my new world.

From one moment to another I suddenly began to hear a bustle of people, which increased as time went by and also the uneven road through which the carriage was passing was suddenly transformed into a more uniform road, you could already begin to hear what seemed to be merchants selling, ladies talking, children playing and so on.

After a few minutes the noise began to diminish, and the carriage stopped, intrigued by what awaited me I couldn't help but swallow with my throat.


My health condition had improved, but I was still weak, I could not perform sudden actions so I still had to depend on Filiph, so I was watching for any suspicious action on his part, if something really happened the only thing I could do was to scream and I was already preparing for it.


And while I was getting my throat ready, Filiph entered the carriage and spoke to me:

-Shun, I'm going to leave you in an orphanage, but don't worry, it's a good place, that's where I grew up and I can assure you that they will take good care of you, I will go and gather information from the nearby villages to try to find out how you got to the place where we found you, so don't be scared, do you understand?

-Yes, I understand and thank you very much for everything.

After this Filiph left and a few minutes later returned with some ladies and among them stands out one that was at the front of the group, you could see through her face her old age, but also highlighted her strong character, she was the one who spoke to Filiph.

-Aaa Filiph, you and your kindness, although I was the one who instilled it in you, how was your trip and who is the boy?

-Well you see mother Marta, on my way back a couple of 4 hours from the city, I found him in very serious health conditions and if I left him alone he would die, although he does not remember how or why he got there, he still remembers his name, his name is Shun, I was going to leave him in your care so he could recover better and meanwhile I will take care of gathering information, to try to find out where he comes from.

- Okay Filiph, I will help you with the boy because at the end of the day we are in charge of taking care of children.

- Thank you mother Marta.

After the talk, they proceeded to take me to a room in the orphanage, on the way I could see several children peeking at me, it seemed that they were looking at a very rare specimen that is not seen every day, after this Filiph came to say goodbye and left saying that he would come back another day.

Well for my part I have to be happy to see healthy children, it means that the orphanage does a good job taking care of them, it relieves me of a couple of worries I had about the place and I also got to see the kids playing and talking happily with Filiph, apparently he is famous around here.

Time-skip(1 week)

I've been at the orphanage for a week now and I'm recovering very well, now I can walk and do tasks that don't require much effort, at the beginning I still had my doubts about the place but after a week they disappeared, they take good care of me and they even gave me a bath, I remember the first time, I resisted because of the shame but tragically I couldn't keep this resistance for long so I ended up accepting my inevitable destiny, I thought that with time I would get used to it but you know what, after a week I'm still reluctant to the fact.


But leaving aside my hardships, Filiph has come several times to visit me and tell me the information he finds, tragically he found out that there was a riot in the villages near the city by what seems to be a pack of monsters, many villages ended up destroyed and few people survived the disaster.

Filiph believes that among these villages was also mine, so he proposed me to stay in the orphanage because he doesn't know if my parents survived or not.

For my part I accepted immediately, because the truth is I don't know my parents from this world so I have no attachment to them and in the orphanage they have treated me very well, I have nothing to lose by staying here, and all the more reason I would stay because I still don't know much about this world.

The only thing I regret this week, is that I could not gather much information about my new world, but I knew some things about the city, for example, this city is a port city is located in the Kingdom of Fiore, it is called Hargeon, but it is only that and nothing else.


What I am glad about is that I found a place to stay, which for now I will use as my base.

What I need most urgently for now is to know what the world is like, I don't have much information about it, let's hope it's not a too dangerous world.

Time-skip( 1 month)

It's been more than a month since I'm staying in the orphanage, I can already walk and run and do light physical exercises, I know that a good muscular physique will help me in the future so that's why I do light exercises, after seeing porridge food almost for two full weeks I got rid of it, I begged mother Marta to give me something else, but she had no pity on me, that way I spent it eating only porridge for a month, how sad my life.


Leaving that aside, my relationship with Filiph has improved, I can trust him now, the man is a good guy, naive but a good guy, he comes to visit me once a week, but sometimes he has to go on a trip and it takes a long time.

I am already well known in the orphanage, sometimes I take care of some chores there and the kids seem to like it, so I was looking for a girl to raise to be my future waifu, but let's leave that for another time.

In all this time I also dedicated myself to gather as much information as I could and I discovered very important and interesting things, well where to start.


Let's start with the guilds, apparently in this world there are guilds, when I heard it for the first time once I asked if the adventurers guild existed, I could not help it, well, with adventurers guild also comes to mind fantasy world where magic exists and so on, I was so excited because, if they told me yes, magic could also exist in this world, while I was still daydreaming, my hopes were shattered.

-What is this guild? I have not heard of it.

And while I resigned myself to the fact that my dreams would never be fulfilled, Mother Marta continued to explain.

-I have only heard of mage guilds, mercenary guilds and others, but I have not heard of such a guild.

And the moment I heard about wizards I jumped because who doesn't know that wizards use magic, and they are also telling me that in this world magic exists, oh magic so longed for, I can imagine myself controlling the elements and all that, so I said, wanting to know more about magic and who can use it, I asked:

-And mother Marta who can be magicians.

Mother Marta before answering me, looked at me carefully and said:

-Well, the truth is that not everyone can be a magician, let alone people can enter a magic guild.

Knowing that I fell into depression because, although there is magic, I have very little chance of becoming a magician, I was so close, but at the same time so far from my longed dream of using magic, it was better to have low expectations about being a magician so as not to hurt my little heart if I found out that it was impossible for me to be a magician.