
A Faint Beginning

It began like any other day. Your usual gamer just playing a game that wasn't really their main focus. This person was moreso typical as well. They wasn't in bad shape. Even being moderate in their shape but far from perfectly fit. This person was Ashton Layne. He was more fond of the sound of a video game or just YouTube to keep him busy but did homely chores as well. This was kindly boring though. Life felt weird, like it wasn't gonna get any better. Of course, this was true. He was gaining age but that wasn't nothing a good book would easily change.

Anyways; In another time...

A fellow similar to the previously mentioned man was in a more moderately fantasy like world. It seemed like to be out of a game universe. Possibly even being close to a gamer's wet dream; but that's not the point. This fellow was close to the verge of death. He seemingly had been bullied due to being unable to come up with a surmounted number of money to keep those whom were greedy at bay. His face was indeed a mess, bleeding from the nose and various cuts from the sharp blows of those knuckles which scrapped against him. He was also lacking in much of everything. His body was significantly slimmer, his skin paler as well. It looked as if he was starved but was just born with some type of genes that were not to kind. He had a kindly handsome face but it wasn't enough to make him a lady's man or something along those lines. Hell, he lacked a female companion. Back to reality. It seemed that he was on the verge of passing out yet he tried to stand up. Those three around weren't letting up. Just continuing to deal hard yet swift kicks to his jaw, chest and stomach. This is what did him in. Just like that. His body was beaten and battered to a means of no fixing. Even having made two of his ribs break and puncture his right lung. This definitely didn't mean he was gonna live especially being that he was left in an alleyway.

Back in the previous universe..

Ashton was in the middle of playing around on his phone. Endlessly going through the apps on the phone which didn't seem to do much for his attention. Until..A holographic looking pop-up appeared in front of him saying: "User Ashton is being transferred. Prepare for transportation. May cause haziness."

And with that, without even a warning of when. It felt like his mind was being tore into pieces. All his previous memories being pulled along. Yet while it happened, he seemingly got another pop-up again.

"Please wait..adjusting the previous owner's body for transfer."

He didn't exactly know what it meant but went along with it. This was kinda getting him more and more interested. Just leaving him to wonder what is going on. After what was nearly four hours. He would awaken in his 'new' body. It was covered in blood but healed. Even looking similar to his previous build rather the man's skinny frame. That was why it took so long. Now that all of that was over. He had gotten another pop-up which was welcoming him.

"Welcome User Ashton. You have been registered in as Ashtrin Doxtrine whom was the former owner of the body you are in."

"Why was I brought here?"